Well its nice meeting you all and i guess its about that time that i introduce myself.
Swims main interest in joining this website is to further my chemical research and contribute what Swim know to assist anyone interested. Swim is currently learning organic chemistry and Swims purpose here is to learn the chemistry behind extracting, altering, discovering and purifying entheogens. Swims current area of interest is performing tlc on local plants and making an effort to document a library of every plant Swim find that contains dmt or psilocybin/psilocin. Swim is interested in using food safe solvents and column chromatography in order to obtain a food safe and pure dmt isolation. I look forward to exploring this wonderful world with you wise folk and at that i wish you well :thumb_up:
Swims main interest in joining this website is to further my chemical research and contribute what Swim know to assist anyone interested. Swim is currently learning organic chemistry and Swims purpose here is to learn the chemistry behind extracting, altering, discovering and purifying entheogens. Swims current area of interest is performing tlc on local plants and making an effort to document a library of every plant Swim find that contains dmt or psilocybin/psilocin. Swim is interested in using food safe solvents and column chromatography in order to obtain a food safe and pure dmt isolation. I look forward to exploring this wonderful world with you wise folk and at that i wish you well :thumb_up: