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Hey Noble One

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
This is a reply to my own post. I was hyperspacing for sure.........................................:lol:

And now heres Bob..................................

This is the latest blithering idiot video for the NEXUS lets pick them apart and solve the puzzle........

Instead of posting more new crap.

I improved the old........................:lol: again

I forget the troll/moron who inspired the original post it was hasty and brash but charged with my mojo so I recycled it.
I think it may be on its way as a useful message..........................maybe:shock:

and :lol:

in responce to our misguided visitor of yesterday.

one mans HONEST


Robert Thurman, Ph.D.

Liberation Upon Hearing In the inn between.
Living with the Tibetan Book of the Dead

do not fear death
fear dogma

Audio book

What the hell you waiting for.

yeah the dude stutters but i see him as sincere. If you are sincerce you can chuck duality in the RUBBISH Bin:wink:

The TOAD say bump
I listen...........................................................:lol:


Toad feels vibes in ground and thinks to himself
Freewill Ribbit Free will Ribbit Free will Ribbit

If you chose not to decide you still have made a choice.
Im talking to myself again anyone watch the vid?

What? Buddhist with ninjas hell yes. (for the lazy ones go to 45min into vid)

Id cut Ben Laden throat without a second thought...........................:lol:
Give me two million$ and I will GET THE BALL ROLLING.:lol:
Far fetched yes but I want to retire from the GRID once and for all.
Never underestimate a man with a plan and a kind heart

ninja PEACE


PS reincarnation must be a metaphor I cant see it in literal sense. I also say judge not least you be judged.

MV quoting the Bible WTF
well there is truth in all things. Just dont let the ego carry you away.
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