Rising Star
swim had his first dmt experience about 2 years ago, it was the most disturbing and evil thing swims ever witnessed and it toook alot of time for me to get mysefl together. Basically i rushed it as were were smoking for ages trying to breakthrough so i just thought fuck it and put a small mound on the end of my tinnny pipe and sucked away... i coughed i coughed i kept sucking.... BOOM
my face fetl wet i was getting pushed through some sort of embrio/tunnel.. Next thing i know i have these evil long faced clowns showing me how to kill things. im no good with english as swim is sure you can see lol but anyway these clown beings were saying to me "yes R.... we are here, this is real and this is what we can do!". At this point i was drooling and it felt as though my tongue was being wrappped ardound something. Images started getting worse adn worse ... it was killing me in every way shape or form using blades, knives, peeling my eyelids open everything its was brutal. I managed to say something to my friend sat next to me " SHIT" and then it sorta started to slow down..... my eyes were open the whole time and i could see dna molecules everywhere/matrix grids etc. Eventuallly i came back down to earth lol and was crying my eyes out.... it took me alone time to get over this but ive read ALOT about dmt and experiences and i believe that ive witnessed hell so surellly i can witness heaven some day?
6months later
i take the spice on a hilllside with some friends this time im ready for what ever it throws at me. It started well . lovely visuals but then a few freky evil faces appeared but i waved them away... this entity type being then told me something about myself ill never repeat but its TRUE ad for that i was astounded... that trip was goood
few months go by and my friend takes me to his home and puts some candle son with some calming music... i take the third hit!!! it was mind blowing i watched my whole life before my own eyes... every happy moment etc.
few more months later
i have a smalll pipe round my friends house and i get closed eyed visuals of evil clown like faces again.... i laugh at them but they dont go away.
i had it again last night and AGAIN i had evil loooking clown faces appearing showing me brains being cut up etc... why why why lol?
at this point im kinda at a rut lol
ps moderators please could you not attack me for my bad grammer etc i have trouble putting things into words.
swim had his first dmt experience about 2 years ago, it was the most disturbing and evil thing swims ever witnessed and it toook alot of time for me to get mysefl together. Basically i rushed it as were were smoking for ages trying to breakthrough so i just thought fuck it and put a small mound on the end of my tinnny pipe and sucked away... i coughed i coughed i kept sucking.... BOOM
my face fetl wet i was getting pushed through some sort of embrio/tunnel.. Next thing i know i have these evil long faced clowns showing me how to kill things. im no good with english as swim is sure you can see lol but anyway these clown beings were saying to me "yes R.... we are here, this is real and this is what we can do!". At this point i was drooling and it felt as though my tongue was being wrappped ardound something. Images started getting worse adn worse ... it was killing me in every way shape or form using blades, knives, peeling my eyelids open everything its was brutal. I managed to say something to my friend sat next to me " SHIT" and then it sorta started to slow down..... my eyes were open the whole time and i could see dna molecules everywhere/matrix grids etc. Eventuallly i came back down to earth lol and was crying my eyes out.... it took me alone time to get over this but ive read ALOT about dmt and experiences and i believe that ive witnessed hell so surellly i can witness heaven some day?
6months later
i take the spice on a hilllside with some friends this time im ready for what ever it throws at me. It started well . lovely visuals but then a few freky evil faces appeared but i waved them away... this entity type being then told me something about myself ill never repeat but its TRUE ad for that i was astounded... that trip was goood
few months go by and my friend takes me to his home and puts some candle son with some calming music... i take the third hit!!! it was mind blowing i watched my whole life before my own eyes... every happy moment etc.
few more months later
i have a smalll pipe round my friends house and i get closed eyed visuals of evil clown like faces again.... i laugh at them but they dont go away.
i had it again last night and AGAIN i had evil loooking clown faces appearing showing me brains being cut up etc... why why why lol?
at this point im kinda at a rut lol
ps moderators please could you not attack me for my bad grammer etc i have trouble putting things into words.