Truth seeker.
Hello there!
Hmmm, let's go from the start what better place to begin?
So I was born and I grew I walked and I talked and they put lenses on my eyes and I went to school, I was an intelligent kid I liked learning, and I liked video games. As I grew my world changed I got to a certain age and I knew what I was.... Until I realized I had no idea.
Was I a good guy or a bad guy? and who decides?
Where am I going, where have I been.... screw it WHERE AM I NOW?
And so....
I rejected the christian god I was born at a young age, Just like Santa.
I searched to belong, I had few and far between friends.
I found satanism, I found demon worship, and meditation, I found porn and mmorpg's... etc...
But nothing made me happy because What I enjoy doing is learning and what I had been taught in school and at home I soon found to be lies, I kind of gave up on education.
Instead I started to learn what different chemicals did to my body. Worth noting I swore never to touch a ciggerette letting known anything else {with no knowledge of drugs}
I started toking and trying lots of other things, I don't regret doing them because they were fantastic experiences, but I did have many times of hitting "rock bottom" between the ages of 14-19.
I eventually found some real friends about 7 years older than me, they opened my eyes to a much darker world, the conspiracy theorist world. dun dun dun!
But I got my head eventually around it and came to a conclusion, if I send out negativity it creates negativity and If i send out positivity it creates positivity,
You can't end a war you are fighting in.
And I found psychedelics!
So I jumped straight in on my own from the first minor distortion to an intense altered state where I was taught pretty much the meaning of life, and my head exploded and i became a sun. But only for a fraction of time and I was sucked back to earth and into purgatory.
Great and terrifying experiences on psychedlics stopped me from becoming something I really did not want to become.... completely insane and a proper wrong one.
I've recently been able to fogive my thoughts and enjoy life more.
Very recently I met Dimitri and he showed me something great. something different to lucy/sidney, for I could feel dimitri's friend's presence around me.
Have not broken through yet and am fine tuning my tek at the moment.
Currently I am a bit lost, without breaking through I am constantly searching for a tutor, and really would like to go off grid, too many distractions from truth around me.
Looking forward to being a part of this community and would love to answer any questions you have, if any!
Hmmm, let's go from the start what better place to begin?
So I was born and I grew I walked and I talked and they put lenses on my eyes and I went to school, I was an intelligent kid I liked learning, and I liked video games. As I grew my world changed I got to a certain age and I knew what I was.... Until I realized I had no idea.
Was I a good guy or a bad guy? and who decides?
Where am I going, where have I been.... screw it WHERE AM I NOW?
And so....
I rejected the christian god I was born at a young age, Just like Santa.
I searched to belong, I had few and far between friends.
I found satanism, I found demon worship, and meditation, I found porn and mmorpg's... etc...
But nothing made me happy because What I enjoy doing is learning and what I had been taught in school and at home I soon found to be lies, I kind of gave up on education.
Instead I started to learn what different chemicals did to my body. Worth noting I swore never to touch a ciggerette letting known anything else {with no knowledge of drugs}
I started toking and trying lots of other things, I don't regret doing them because they were fantastic experiences, but I did have many times of hitting "rock bottom" between the ages of 14-19.
I eventually found some real friends about 7 years older than me, they opened my eyes to a much darker world, the conspiracy theorist world. dun dun dun!
But I got my head eventually around it and came to a conclusion, if I send out negativity it creates negativity and If i send out positivity it creates positivity,
You can't end a war you are fighting in.
And I found psychedelics!
So I jumped straight in on my own from the first minor distortion to an intense altered state where I was taught pretty much the meaning of life, and my head exploded and i became a sun. But only for a fraction of time and I was sucked back to earth and into purgatory.
Great and terrifying experiences on psychedlics stopped me from becoming something I really did not want to become.... completely insane and a proper wrong one.
I've recently been able to fogive my thoughts and enjoy life more.
Very recently I met Dimitri and he showed me something great. something different to lucy/sidney, for I could feel dimitri's friend's presence around me.
Have not broken through yet and am fine tuning my tek at the moment.
Currently I am a bit lost, without breaking through I am constantly searching for a tutor, and really would like to go off grid, too many distractions from truth around me.
Looking forward to being a part of this community and would love to answer any questions you have, if any!