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Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hi all. :) I suppose it's common courtesy to write an intro, as i do with all the other forums im in :roll: My names 'J' (for certain reasons :?) i live in Australia and I’m currently studding mechanical engineering. Mushrooms tickled my fancy and every since i have been doing lots of research into DMT. O and i have a open mind 😉 I hope to be around and try to involve myself in this forum, but as of soon I will have my end of sem. exams coming up :( J.
awwww don't be like that 😉 if you want me to go into detail about how i came to the conclusion that i would like to get deep into the psychedelic world and DMT just ask. I get the impression that you may think I'm just some kid wanted to get messed up, but correct me if I'm wrong. But if u do, you would be incorrect. thanks Coschi for you welcome :) J.
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