So im mainly looking for info on etheongens, mainly Morning Glory seeds. Ive had light trips but im looking to start ascending into hyperspace, so basically what would be a high dose of MG seeds and what is a good consumption method cause ive just been eating them.
Generally people grind the fresh seeds and eat them, as the fresher they are the more potent they are. The lysergic alkaloids tend to oxidize and degrade over time.
I am not exactly sure I would call a high dose of LSA "hyperspace" but it certainly is psychedelic.
You could also try a cold water tea soaking the ground seeds in water in the fridge over night then filtering the solids out and drinking that. This might work better if you experience nausea from the seeds alone.
Ive never had any nausea that just laying down couldnt help, and how psychedelic can a high dose of LSA be. Also the seeds i have are a few months old so are the still good or have the alkaloids degraded. Its middle of winter here so i think its been like 4 or 5 months.
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