Rising Star
a brief introduction that swim have put a side for sometime since arrival at the nexus.
swim is 22 living on an island in south east asia, studies game design and 3d animation stuff and will
be heading to vancouver soon to do further studies.
swim has also been dedicating time since the start of this year to research on psychedelics out of curiosity.
ketamine and cannabis are now just history and has come to terms with self that psychedelics are
not drugs and shall never be treated like so. first attempt was with salvia and followed by ayahuasca.
atm swim has been extracting dmt using the lime tek, although not perfect swim is sure to get it right
real soon and all these progress are the positive outcome from just lurking around the nexus.
swim owes alot to the nexus and hopefully will be welcome here and may one day provide help to the
new community.
a brief introduction that swim have put a side for sometime since arrival at the nexus.
swim is 22 living on an island in south east asia, studies game design and 3d animation stuff and will
be heading to vancouver soon to do further studies.
swim has also been dedicating time since the start of this year to research on psychedelics out of curiosity.
ketamine and cannabis are now just history and has come to terms with self that psychedelics are
not drugs and shall never be treated like so. first attempt was with salvia and followed by ayahuasca.
atm swim has been extracting dmt using the lime tek, although not perfect swim is sure to get it right
real soon and all these progress are the positive outcome from just lurking around the nexus.
swim owes alot to the nexus and hopefully will be welcome here and may one day provide help to the
new community.