chemisch said:
i am in love with chemistry and drugs are like my loves baby erm yayayayay! i plan to hopefully make you guys a good large scale tek's using soxhlet and complete how to's on how to get a large scale operation of dmt and mescaline extractions how to acquire dcm and everything. my intents are to educate and support the psychedelic drug culture
I think it is important that you understand that large scale extractions are frowned upon at the the DMT-Nexus. The reasons for that are:
- The primary users of large scale extractions are drugs dealers, something we loath.
- Having large amounts of a schedule 1 substance in your possession is NOT a good thing if you get caught. You will not only be prosecuted for the schedule 1 substance but also for the intent of distribution.
- Many small scale extractions will get you acquainted with the extraction procedure.
- Many small scale extractions will make you understand the workings beind each step of the extraction.
- Many small scale extractions will not be a big loss if the extraction fails.
- Many small scale extractions will let you finetune your process.
So as you can see we encourage
small scale extractions.
Kind regards,
The Traveler