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Hi everybody at the Nexus - my introduction

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hi to eveybody from the Nexus Comunity !!!

Swim has been lurking here for month and learned a lot. Now I think its time for me to create an account and start posting .

First of all I want to say thank you to erverybody at the Nexus, you are a wonderful comunity !!(also got valuable first hand Info)

A little about me (and the psycedelics):

I am interested in psychedelics(and entheogens,shamanism,spirituality,....) since 13 years.

I had an respectfull and spiritual attitude torward those sacred Substances right from the start.

It all started of with the Mushroom (including a very powerfull/lifechanging breakthrough expericnce (i think i will write a report in the near future)
Then I was Introduced into the acid and psytrance (psytrance facinated me becouse its ritual shamanic,spiritual aspects).

then came years of experiences,philosophy,integating,lecture(shamanism,spirit,triprep,dmt,aya,mckenna,multidim reality,maya...) and a lot of party:) .
Acid outdoor,Mushies at home(now its more like Mushies strong dose and Acid lower dose)- and a little but powerfull experiences with salvia,Woodrose,MDMA and 2CB.

because of certain circumstances experinces got reduced to about 3 acid trips a year and the beloved herb, knowing that Dimitri will be the next big thing.
I started to make Psytrance and deep chill music , and the years went on til Dimitri came across.I waited more than another year till it felt right, ready for my breakthrought experience. 50 mg ,1 bonghit.... very deep :) (good that i was a LITTLE prepared over the years, will write a report about this one too,soon).
This was one year ago, i tied up with the Mushroom again (had more dmt like qualities), make deeper chill music,and i will make my first Changa and maybee Aya in the future (the next "big thing" ;) you already helped me a lot about that)

So Nexus, here I come :)

In la Kesh (I am another yourself)
DoctorMantus said:
Welcome to the nexus

What are you looking for in the realm of spice?

Much Things,
Growth (going further on my spiritual way)
Understanding (about the structue of reality, the uni(multi)verse, myself, consciousness,...)
healing aspects (Changa and Aya)

I came to a moment in my life, when I wanted my world view to be ruled more by my personal experiences then by too much opposed second hand experinces (mainly reading in many dirent areas).
From my experince i knew there ist this Human being I am here on earth and on the other side of the spectrum is the Light,the final core of my being (of all being) - but what is in between ? was my first question to the spice (but going into the experience without expectations).

Now,after an insighfull freebase initiation,i am going into the Aya and Changa Experience with a open mind,trying to get familiar with them (as both include the aya spirit) and look what is there to learn and experience for me.
Nice to meet you, InLaKesh! I too came to a point in my life, when I decided that the lessons that had been taught to me, in my youth, were wrong. I had been trained in seeing from the perspective of a religious zealot, with many incorrect perceptions on various points of life. It would be far too ridiculous and pointless to list them all.

One life-changing trip I had, was in a completely sober mind, while meditating on answering the question: "if [the Judeo-Christian] God created us, who created him, and likewise, where did the universe come from?" I had to step out of what I 'knew' here on earth, and then what occurred next, was what I would later learn, is ego-death. I was trying to figure out how to figure out the problem, and as I looped back from creator to creator to the beginning of the time-cycle(infinity), I realized that I needed to solve the question from a different perspective. I needed to start with a blank slate. I then tried to define nothing and learned that I could only define it as a lack of something, and that proved that something exists, but how do we define that? After a series of complex journeys through duality, I learned that though there are dualities to every concept, it was the mixture of them all, that created the in-between, the 'reality' that we find ourselves in, is nothing more than a reiteration of the same question, asked from a different perspective, each time(fractals... I know, right?).

Soon after I had freed my mind from my religious predispositions, I was involved in an accident, which relieved me of a large bit of my frontal lobes. At first this injury was terrible, and it was indeed terrible, and I still have lasting symptoms I will probably spend all of my life shaking out, and fixing(though finally, the aftershocks of my depression and cognitive malfunction are slowing and decreasing in strength, by a marked quantity). As I mentioned though, I am fixing them. One thing that helped to at least speed up my recovery immensely, was being reminded of happiness by MDMA, though that was not enough. I had to take the experience of true, happy, community love with my friends, and learn that it was possible to create it outside of the MDMA experience(which I did, the very next day, all I needed was to be shown the stream, and I drank, heavily of the power of my own mind).

However, that lesson did not last long, as it had not permeated through my psyche enough, to last. When I experienced Lucy, particularly my third time, it was so intense, and I was forced to make a choice: be happy, or be indescribably anxious, depressed, unhappy. The shadows and tracers of the many points at which I had to make that decision to be happy, successfully, helped permeate my depressed pysche well enough to allow me to begin my own therapy(also I should mention that the reason I was able to take from this experience, was the advice of my cognitive therapist, and neuropsychologist, both of which taught me that I had the power to reprogram my brain, and helped to show me how, as well as my friend who taught me that to cure an unhappy psychedelic loop, was to remind one's self that it was the drug, and I was able to translate that to "If you're stuck in an unhappy psychological(IE, while sober)loop, remind yourself 'it's just life, breathe,' and then get to fixing the problem...").

Without psychedelics, I would have taken a great deal longer to recover, and without the advice of my professional counsel, and my friends, I would not be nearly as well recovered, at this point. Honestly, I love psychedelics, because it is like live art, in first person, and like art, it is incredibly powerful at healing! Combining the two, increases the effect thousandfold, but if not treated with respect, that therapy, can also be destructive, and so I am glad to be meeting so many people, who like me, seek growth, knowledge and healing through these experiences.

One can only truly understand one's mind, if one makes the mind question itself, and I always seek to know more, as I hope to be a theatre designer. My profession will be to create entire new worlds for people to see though the perspective that I, and my colleagues choose to build. It is the responsibility of the artist, to see life from as many angles, as possible, to be able to properly construct the worlds we do in theatre. I suppose a comparison could be made with all other professions. Truly, art, science, philosophy, math, and indeed, all studies are inextricably woven, one with another, as when you get down to it, they're just different ways to look at portions of our lives, and likewise affect all of our lives.

I too hope to soon experience Aya and Changa, I hope we can speak of what we learn, in the future.

endlessness said:
Welcome to the Nexus :)

What dosage are you considering taking for aya?

I think i will start with a low dose of pure vine (maybee 20g ,i am new to MAOIs),working my doses up till i really feel it before adding admixture (maybee the first will be smoking changa).

With freebase I wanted the full experince at first,but with aya n MAOIs i think i will take it easy and make myself comfortable with MAOIs slowly before going into heavy breakthrough experiences (with oral spice at least).
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