regret and hope
Rising Star
Hello dear DMT-Nexus!
English is not my first language, so I am struggling a bit to write this text. It is somewhat difficult for me to express myself in the way I actually intend to.
I was just browsing the forum, which I do from time to time, and stumbled upon this thread:
It was revived by user "ManifestTheMind", who is wondering "how he/she stands on their beliefs today". So here I am. Since I just registered, I am unable to post a reply in the thread, so instead I will do it here.
I wrote the text 5 years ago on the shroomery as the user "I_like_mushrooms". I no longer have access to that account (and I no longer want to visit the shroomery because I dislike the general attitude in the forums there), but I do still have access to an forum account which I mentioned in one of my postings on the shroomery. So I think I could in theory prove that it really was originally posted by me.
Some words about myself: I am a male human being. I am currently located in the virgo supercluster, milky way galaxy, sol solar system, planet earth, european landmass. I (struggle to) study engineering. I like funny and colorful things. I dislike, well, probably too many things.
I did not realize until now that the text had spread to at least two other forums, which I am not really happy about, even though it sparked some constructive discussions. This should serve me as a reminder that all actions in life do have consequences. Therefore, I should in the future always be very careful about what I write on the internet, as my thoughts may reach and influence many more people than I initially intended.
When I wrote the text, I was in a state of mind that may be described as "desperate, confused rage". It was a difficult time for me (and it kind of still is and will probably be for the rest of my lifetime, but then again, whose life is not difficult? I guess being human is more or less hard for everyone). The text is actually not about Terrance McKenna or some guy from a tool song or the random forum users whom I quoted. It is, in essence, about me - I was the one who had used certain substances and became convinced that the things he experienced were not just a result of his imagination, influenced by the effects of the substances he had ingested.
Actually, I think that the degree of conviction I had (and maybe still have) far surpassed that of McKenna or basically that of anyone I have ever met. I am aware of the fact that while McKenna liked to "play with" various extraordinary ideas in which he probably actually believed up to a certain degree, this does not mean that he thought of these ideas as absolute truths. And I think this is the case for most people who use substances like LSD, Psilocybin, DMT and so on - the experiences may be very convincing, they may shatter and rearrange your worldview, but a certain amount of doubt always still remains.
The extremely high degree of conviction I held towards my newfound believes irritated me. And it also irritated me that the majority of the shroomery forum users were not sharing that same kind of irritation regarding their own experiences.
At that time (2008 ), DMT use had begun to become really popular at the shroomery. The amount of users performing their first extraction increased rapidly, and therefore also the amount of reports from first time DMT users. After reading many of these reports, I became confused about the fact that so many people wrote about "visiting other dimensions" or "talking to the elves" without any sign of skepticism. It appeared to me as if a great amount of people had adapted the views propagated by McKenna (and other authors with similar ideas) without questioning them at all (and while I really enjoy McKenna's ideas, I do not think that he wanted his audience to just accept them without doing any thinking on their own). Also, I was wondering at the time what kind of consequences the extremely drastic exchange of one worldview (ordinary "rational" western view) with another ("visit the elves in another dimension by smoking DMT" ) might have on the life of those DMT users. For example, I remember reading multiple reports of people who used DMT just once or only a couple of times, who would then immediately afterwards go on to make radical changes to their life, e.g. selling their possessions and/or devoting all their time to extracting DMT and "turning on" others. The total lack of skepticism seemed very disturbing to me at the time.
This is kind of ironic, as I myself was also lacking this skepticism, but I regarded my situation as different. Because unlike most other users of the substances listed above, I had asked for irrefutable proof that my experience of being able to contact intelligent but non-human lifeforms through these substances was actually not just the result of an overactive imagination - and I had become convinced that I had indeed received that proof. But from my point of view, basically all the reports I had read were lacking such proof, and despite that, people would not hesitate to interpret their experience as nothing else than what it appeared to them while under the influence.
Born out of all my irritation, confusion and what would most likely be defined as mental illness by a vast majority of the population, was the text that I posted on the shroomery. Looking back, I think it was not written with mischievous intent, although I know realize that it can be considered as trolling due to the provocative nature of the text. Actually, I posted it on the shroomery in order to spark fruitful discussions and to read the responses by the forum users, because I had a genuine interest in them.
Not much thought went into the text - it was probably written with little effort and consideration in less than 20 or 30 minutes, and I am not exactly the smartest person to begin with. It was definitely lacking in quality. Therefore, the often harsh criticism I was confronted with by many readers was duly deserved. At this point, I would like to use the opportunity to say that I am sorry for enraging and angering so many forum users. I have definitely learned a lesson, and I hope that I will never post such an antagonistic text anywhere ever again.
My best wishes to everyone.
TL;DR: I am sorry. I think I have learned my lesson and will no more post such texts online.
English is not my first language, so I am struggling a bit to write this text. It is somewhat difficult for me to express myself in the way I actually intend to.
I was just browsing the forum, which I do from time to time, and stumbled upon this thread:
It was revived by user "ManifestTheMind", who is wondering "how he/she stands on their beliefs today". So here I am. Since I just registered, I am unable to post a reply in the thread, so instead I will do it here.
I wrote the text 5 years ago on the shroomery as the user "I_like_mushrooms". I no longer have access to that account (and I no longer want to visit the shroomery because I dislike the general attitude in the forums there), but I do still have access to an forum account which I mentioned in one of my postings on the shroomery. So I think I could in theory prove that it really was originally posted by me.
Some words about myself: I am a male human being. I am currently located in the virgo supercluster, milky way galaxy, sol solar system, planet earth, european landmass. I (struggle to) study engineering. I like funny and colorful things. I dislike, well, probably too many things.
I did not realize until now that the text had spread to at least two other forums, which I am not really happy about, even though it sparked some constructive discussions. This should serve me as a reminder that all actions in life do have consequences. Therefore, I should in the future always be very careful about what I write on the internet, as my thoughts may reach and influence many more people than I initially intended.
When I wrote the text, I was in a state of mind that may be described as "desperate, confused rage". It was a difficult time for me (and it kind of still is and will probably be for the rest of my lifetime, but then again, whose life is not difficult? I guess being human is more or less hard for everyone). The text is actually not about Terrance McKenna or some guy from a tool song or the random forum users whom I quoted. It is, in essence, about me - I was the one who had used certain substances and became convinced that the things he experienced were not just a result of his imagination, influenced by the effects of the substances he had ingested.
Actually, I think that the degree of conviction I had (and maybe still have) far surpassed that of McKenna or basically that of anyone I have ever met. I am aware of the fact that while McKenna liked to "play with" various extraordinary ideas in which he probably actually believed up to a certain degree, this does not mean that he thought of these ideas as absolute truths. And I think this is the case for most people who use substances like LSD, Psilocybin, DMT and so on - the experiences may be very convincing, they may shatter and rearrange your worldview, but a certain amount of doubt always still remains.
The extremely high degree of conviction I held towards my newfound believes irritated me. And it also irritated me that the majority of the shroomery forum users were not sharing that same kind of irritation regarding their own experiences.
At that time (2008 ), DMT use had begun to become really popular at the shroomery. The amount of users performing their first extraction increased rapidly, and therefore also the amount of reports from first time DMT users. After reading many of these reports, I became confused about the fact that so many people wrote about "visiting other dimensions" or "talking to the elves" without any sign of skepticism. It appeared to me as if a great amount of people had adapted the views propagated by McKenna (and other authors with similar ideas) without questioning them at all (and while I really enjoy McKenna's ideas, I do not think that he wanted his audience to just accept them without doing any thinking on their own). Also, I was wondering at the time what kind of consequences the extremely drastic exchange of one worldview (ordinary "rational" western view) with another ("visit the elves in another dimension by smoking DMT" ) might have on the life of those DMT users. For example, I remember reading multiple reports of people who used DMT just once or only a couple of times, who would then immediately afterwards go on to make radical changes to their life, e.g. selling their possessions and/or devoting all their time to extracting DMT and "turning on" others. The total lack of skepticism seemed very disturbing to me at the time.
This is kind of ironic, as I myself was also lacking this skepticism, but I regarded my situation as different. Because unlike most other users of the substances listed above, I had asked for irrefutable proof that my experience of being able to contact intelligent but non-human lifeforms through these substances was actually not just the result of an overactive imagination - and I had become convinced that I had indeed received that proof. But from my point of view, basically all the reports I had read were lacking such proof, and despite that, people would not hesitate to interpret their experience as nothing else than what it appeared to them while under the influence.
Born out of all my irritation, confusion and what would most likely be defined as mental illness by a vast majority of the population, was the text that I posted on the shroomery. Looking back, I think it was not written with mischievous intent, although I know realize that it can be considered as trolling due to the provocative nature of the text. Actually, I posted it on the shroomery in order to spark fruitful discussions and to read the responses by the forum users, because I had a genuine interest in them.
Not much thought went into the text - it was probably written with little effort and consideration in less than 20 or 30 minutes, and I am not exactly the smartest person to begin with. It was definitely lacking in quality. Therefore, the often harsh criticism I was confronted with by many readers was duly deserved. At this point, I would like to use the opportunity to say that I am sorry for enraging and angering so many forum users. I have definitely learned a lesson, and I hope that I will never post such an antagonistic text anywhere ever again.
My best wishes to everyone.
TL;DR: I am sorry. I think I have learned my lesson and will no more post such texts online.