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Hi, I'm Nurdle :)

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
people seem to get a kick out of my name so i'll just roll with it haha.

i've been here for at least a year i would guess, mostly learning from extraction teks and poking around other areas of the site. it's mind-blowing the resource that has been put together here. one of the internets best kept secrets.

i've been working with psychedelics for about 8 years now. i started off with more traditional psychedelics and when i made my way onto the internet it was like a goldmine of the world's most interesting plants. i've been experimenting with these on my own for the most part which has sort of isolated myself from many aspects of modern culture.

to be honest it's becoming slightly depressing because so many times i've hit that peak where i just wanted to share with my loved ones but it's not so easy for everyone. fear is a very powerful emotion and means to control.

i enjoy it here at the nexus because for the most part people have been polite and not overly insensitive with their ribbing and i look forward to contributing what i can to the community. i know i wouldn't have learned half of what i know if it weren't for people out there taking pictures of the processes and figuring out how to load them up without fear.

in short, thank you nexus! psychedelic team go!😁
Hey man, welcome!

I'm new here too, although I'm especially new in that I've only really been learning about the subject of psychedelics for the past couple of days and I find it absolutely fascinating!

Since you seem experienced, is there any advice you'd recommend to a beginner, at least in terms of your own experience with psychedelics? What's easy to extract, what's worth looking into etc.

I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Hi nurdle,

Thank you so much for posting an Introductory Essay. I'm so glad you decided to become a more active member. I have enjoyed your presence in chat. :D

Yeah, it can feel very isolating when one has mystical level revelations and insights and no friends or loved ones want to hear about it, much less try it themselves. But take heart, the more you participate in this community the more you may see it for what it is, a family.

So, nurdle, welcome to more active participation in our Nexus family!
Nurdle Nurdle Nurdle (Turtle)

I also had a blast chatting. =D Welcome and I look forward to getting to know you. :)
thank you! i've enjoyed myself as well. i'm looking forward to being a part of this incredible community :D

willnotcannot - have you done any experimenting yet? personally i started off on a relatively low dose of mushrooms but i was not in the ideal environment. if possible i would recommend mushrooms or LSD out in nature if you enjoy that sort of thing and preferably with experienced friends who can dose slightly less than you do just in case of a run-in of some sort.

as far as whats easy to extract i would have suggested DMT but considering the limits on mimosa importation you may have to find another alkaloid containing plant. chacruna seems to be the favorite right now. another option would be mescaline but the extraction is slightly more involved but still nothing a person with a good head on their shoulders couldn't pull off.

if you have any questions i'll do my best to help!
Hey guys, I'm fairly new here, too. I know exactly what the original poster is talking about. When you get a minute, go to Youtube and check out Terence McKenna: Culture is not your friend. It represents how I feel about being ruled by others and how narrow other people's viewpoints are sometimes.

Willnotcannot: I would recommend getting some cuttings of Trichocereus pachanoi or peruvianus and extracting mescaline. You don't have to go to a pure crystalline end product. You can do a resin extraction with alcohol and that will make it so you don't have to drink two cups of horrid cactus juice. Besides, mescaline is very forgiving and friendly.

Good luck. Let's keep on posting whenever we have something to contribute, no matter how small.
glad someone knows what i'm talking about! for a second there i thought i was headed to the funny farm :p

El Mescalero, do you have any experience rooting cuttings? un-rooted cuttings the seem to be most prevalent but i've not worked with psychoactive cacti yet and i have a feeling i would just rot the base and have maybe 8 inches to salvage. i've done it with tomatoes and other seed bearing plants and i've even done it with a chunk of cacti i got from a dumpster at a mexican restaurant and it survived but in 3 years it's hardly grown at all.

if i go for it i'd prefer a thriving garden:grin:
Hi nurdle,

welcome to the nexus realms.
Fear indeed is a powerful emotion. However concerning psychedelics especially I think the fear they produce in those that do not take them does not solely stem from the workings of our culture. I have known many people that were far into party scenes doing various substances far more dangerous than psychedelics, but they were absolutely horrified of LSD or mushrooms and the likes. This is because these substances are powerful and not everyone wants that kind of confrontation.

I understand though that this is sometimes frustrating.

Wishing you well. Take care and enjoy the forum!
Hi nurdle! We've met on the chat already.

One of the things I like most about the nexus is people do not judge or react negatively to genuine expressions, whatever those expressions may be. Everything one wishes to share can be shared in peace. This is very different from every-day life.

Enjoy your stay!
Hey Nurdle dude. we've met in chat already but thought I'd post a formal hello. Good luck with the nexus and the many adventures that await
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