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Hi people

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
My first trip came with shrooms just before they were made illegal for sale in the uk (still disgusted by that) It was at a small festival, some might say that's not an ideal place for a first experience but the atmosphere was great & very relaxed and I was with people I trusted. It turned out to be a great trip, I didn't go overboard & it was a perfect introduction. After that shrooms became much harder to get hold of obviously so my next experience came at the same festival the next year when a friend got hold of cid & I spent the whole weekend enjoying his company. I should say that I always put in a number of hours of research before I try any new substance. After that weekend I decided that psychedelics had real benefits & the experiences I had already enjoyed had helped me to figure out some issues and improved my outlook on certain things, so I knew I wanted to carry on experimenting with them. Shortly after that weekend when I met cid for the first time & was on erowid checking out various psychedelics and reading experience reports when I came across Morning glory. Now I'd heard rumours about how you could get high with these seeds when I was a kid, but never paid much attention and thought it was just made up.

After spending a couple of weeks reading everything I could about them - which in some respects was quite little, plenty of trip reports, but little in the way of traditional use by the Mexican Indians & I'm always very interested by the traditional use of ethnobotanicals. Also the books I had read on psychedelics all focused on shrooms, acid, cacti, and made only passing mention of morning glory. Anyway, I decided I wanted to try it & I got myself a 25g bag and tried them for the first time. I was nervous because of the number of people who mentioned severe nausea, but apart from a half hour of slight discomfort I didn't get any of that. I only took 150 seeds that first time but I felt enough to know they were the real deal & to know that they had real potential.

So a number of trips with these seeds followed, mostly around the 200-250 region as I was mainly interested in the head trip & that number was perfect for those purposes. They helped me in a number of ways, I was also doing a lot of working out at the time as well as meditating and smoking herb. It was the first time I'd had any real spiritual sense & belief that there was more to life than the obvious. I don't have words to describe the sheer euphoria that some of those experiences brought me, it came each time I used the seeds and would fade into a deep and blissful contentment which would usually last long after the effects of the seeds had worn off.

These experiences took place over a period of years, sometimes once a week for a short time, or once a fortnight, often once a month. There were also more experiences with shrooms and cid in there. Each time I felt like I had learned a little something more about myself, other people, or the world in general.

Eventually there came a time when I just didn't feel the need to trip & I stopped for 3 years....and counting. But lately the feeling that I need to get back into psychedelics has crept up on me & so I got myself a bag of MG's and I'm hoping to have my first trip in 3 years or more tomorrow. I had been planning to do it today but felt a little unwell, shame because it's a perfect, clear, warm sunny day - and those are very rare in Britain. But whatever the weather is like I will be taking that trip tomorrow. At first I felt a bit nervous about it, but reading experience reports and books over the last few days has gotten me to the point where I KNOW I want to get back into this & that there is still plenty to learn and a lot of ways I can benefit from psychedelics.

If you've gotten to the end of that.....thanks :thumb_up:
Hey, welcome here!
I'm also new here, but I know already the community is very nice.

I just got here a week ago and still gaining knowledge of everything, still deciding what to do and which drug to take ... :D
I am very sad that there's little of plants with dmt or other substances in Europe. So I decided to order some seeds and grow my own plants.
However I read about this morning glory seeds, and I might order them too, thanks for the idea! I too am looking for something spiritual :)
Thanks for the reply

Personally I like Morning glory a lot, There are people who can get pretty nauseous using them, but then again there are people like me who are fine with them & never get more than 30mins to 1hr of slight discomfort in the very early stage waiting for them to come on, after that it fades quickly.

Almost all the times I used them I just crushed the seeds and washed them down with juice. You can do a simple extraction to lessen nausea if you experience it. You need to use Distilled water ideally, failing that get some mineral water - I shop around to get one with as little chlorides as possible as I'm lead to believe they can harm the alkaloids in the seeds. Boil the mineral water and leave to cool, that can help to remove further impurities.

Crush your seeds, add them to the (cold) water, using warm water will extract more of the things you don't want. Maybe add a couple squirts of lemon juice and put this into the fridge. The alkaloids Lysergic acid amides, are sensitive to light and heat & as I mentioned they can be degraded by chemicals in tap water. So putting the extraction in the fridge keeps it out of the light and nicely chilled. How long to leave it is open for debate - some leave it for an hour, some leave it for a day or more, I have had some really nice trips leaving it for just 2-3 hours.

As with all ethnobotanicals it's best taken on an empty stomach to aid absorption & it will likely take between an hour to 2 hours to start kicking in. Be patient. The trip can last 10-12 hours. Like I said, I've tried various other psychedelics but I still highly rate morning glory seeds & some of my best experiences have been with them.

Also be sure to get them from an ethnobotanicals retailer, that way you will know the seeds are untreated. Seeds from garden centers etc may be coated with chemicals which would need to be washed off before you could even consider using the seeds.

Hawaiian baby woodrose are also popular LSA containing seeds & they do contain more of the alkaloids in each seed, meaning you need to take a lot less......but I have tried both & experienced significantly less nausea and body load with morning glories. Also MG's are tiny and therefore even though you need more you are still dealing with relatively little material. I've tried both & much prefer the morning glory experience for the reasons I mentioned.

Enjoy, I hope the seeds agree with you.
Wow, thank you! I did a little research earlier, just after I read your post. But I didn't know about the extraction, so thank you!
I'm sure I'll buy some morning glory seeds, I just don't know where.
Did you maybe order from a store that ships the goods outside the UK too? If so, would you be so kind to send me a private message?
Welcome Saucy,

It really was a glorious day today eh.. I hope it lasts as I have similar plans to yours for the near future (but with DMT) hehehe.

If I may ask, did you have any experience with the MG that felt like you were getting to swap perceptions with the seed itself.

I ask as I took them a couple of times and one time I had this feeling like I was watching the plants mechanism for growth (I later found out this was the Fibonacci sequence being shown to me, something I was oblivious to at the time) while it was getting to see what it was like to peer into the world via human eyes.

Took me by surprise to say the least. I also recall when they shut the door on mushrooms. I was well and truly disgusted and somewhat angered as I had just found out about Hawaiians just prior to this (I managed to get one last bulk order in, though not enough to last lol).

I made up for it by heading to Amsterdam and spending 3 out of 5 days tripping like crazy while a carnival was in town.. One of the most fantastic experiences ever. 'Tatanka' for the win hehehe.
Glad to help cufko, I'll check the place I bought mine and take a look at their shipping info.

Zen - No I didn't experience any swapping of perceptions, that sounds like an interesting experience, maybe it will come to me in time. I want to try DMT soon, part of the reason I signed up here. It's been in the back of my mind for a while now but I think it's time to make it happen soon. I did have times with psychedelics, glories and others where I was shown thing's that I had no prior knowledge of though, afterwards I would look into them and realise that the information was spot on. Really gives you something to think about whenever that happens.
KaiserSaucy said:
I did have times with psychedelics, glories and others where I was shown thing's that I had no prior knowledge of though

This is what happened with the Fibonacci spiral.. I had no idea prior but it spurred a lot of looking into related things that lead to even more reading up and personal study.

Took me around ten years from first hearing about DMT to actually taking my first journey. The wait was more than worth it hehe..

Happy travels 😉
Cheers.....I'm hoping to do it in the next couple of months, just gonna do a bit more reading up on it & then get what's needed. I'll probably make an event of it too, take of camping for the weekend in a national park, find somewhere scenic and secluded.
Michal_R said:
Hi KaiserSaucy,

You know what? I like your avatar-picture.
Guess why (while looking at my picture) :d


😁 More psychedelic wool, it just jumped out at me when I was looking for an avatar....reminded me of a cev I had once.

I like your avatar too, great minds think alike eh. cheers for the welcome
KaiserSaucy said:
...More psychedelic wool...

My ´avatar´ has been actually taken from the same picture as your ´avatar´ (cropped, turned, adjusted etc., but it was the same picture) :thumb_up:
Michal_R said:
KaiserSaucy said:
...More psychedelic wool...

My ´avatar´ has been actually taken from the same picture as your ´avatar´ (cropped, turned, adjusted etc., but it was the same picture) :thumb_up:

I used to tinker with stuff in photoshop to personalise avatars and sigs, feeling too lazy for such care and attention lately 😉

looks good though
Welcome to The Nexus KaiserSaucy 😁

That is a fun moniker you have there. :roll:

I am curious, where do you think you can make the most contributions at this point in time when you look at all the forums and subforums on The Nexus?

Just curious :thumb_up:
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