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Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello everyone,

I am usually fairly unassuming, so the idea of an essay selling my worth to the forum is fairly unappealing to me. However I do feel I have valuable contributions to make, which requires promotion, so perhaps some words of introduction are worth uttering.

My background is essentially that I am returning to the fold of psychedelic-mediated exploration after a hiatus of about 7 years (that milestone number).

What happened 7 years ago? My first child was born and I made a conscious decision to immerse myself in the biosocial sphere. Mostly this was brought on by feelings of fatherly responsibility to my daughter and her mother. A part of this was embracing my genetically determined biological and social reality. Major parts of that were being a) provider and b) defender, and with respect to a), taking a hands-on role in this as much as practicable while satisfying my wife's desires for a not-too-unconventional lifestyle. A deeply important transformation with respect to the latter, for me, was a shift from ethical vegan to ethical hunter.

I can see your eyes glazing over and your hands making masturbatory gestures, and I thoroughly sympathise... this is why I would rather not write self-indulgent navel-gazing essays...

Cut to 2012, I have been feeling more and more inclined back to the path which compelled me prior to the birth of my children, which was psychedelic-driven psycho-spiritual exploration. In those days somehow I was timid and although my interest was intense, I only had a handful of genuine experiences under my belt. I think I had a lot of fear back then, which never combined well with a predisposition to nausea from serotonergic substances, particularly from mushrooms, which were the most accessible psychedelics for me. To a certain degree (being very cereberally inclined in general) I compensated for a lack of direct experience with a voracious appetite for consuming the research literature.

On coming back as an older person now I feel drawn to the experience, without the anxiety/fear permeating each experience. I am more interested in the experience than the writings now, but now the limiting factor as a family man is opportunity and time!

Although I am, in a broad sense, an atheist, I do feel somewhat compelled by my recent discovery of local psilocybin mushrooms. I happened to notice some pins in a local park... checked them out every few days on my regular running route .. one day found a decent patch of Psilocybe subaeruginosa next to them. The pins that caught my eye were not P. subaeruginosa - they were half a metre away and of a different species. And yet of 6-10 species in that vicinity, here was the only small patch of psilocybes. (I have since found more but none closer than 500 m away.)

Anyway, there you go... if it's a CV you're after I could go down that path but would rather not!
Hi r2pi, welcome to the Nexus. Into essay ......hahah Yes I found it a bit pushy at first, but what a nice way to meet everyone.
Its not an inquisition to find out your inner secrets:grin: It just gives the people here a glimpse at who you are, why your here etc. A brief introduction. I found yours very genuine and I feel we may have a lot in common.
It also allows time for you to establish an understanding of the policies here https://wiki.dmt-nexus.me/Attitude_Page, and thereby enabling you to fully enjoy the information here.
It sounds like you have your hands full, and that you have had some great emotional/spiritual growth! Many years ago I had some facinating mushroom adventures and I too have returned to this area after hearing about DMT about a year ago. However, my break was 25 years long.
Im sure you will have a lot to offer here.
Are you planning on extracting some DMT ? or is it the experience you are seeking, or are shroom cultivation your direction ?
Have you tried any other psychedellic ? LSD, ?

Warm welcome from Gowpen
Thanks Gowpen. I don't mean to criticise the process... I just feel awkward having to blow my own trumpet.

I have some interesting Acacias in cultivation and even more in the surrounding landscape (I live in Australia) so an experiment there is certainly on the cards at some point. The extraction was always and still is a bit of a hurdle I need to find confidence to get over. I also have a few species / cultivars of Trichocereus that haven't been sampled for 10 years (or some, never) so will have to get onto those. SWIM did indoor mushroom cultivation back in the old days - but for me, wild mushrooms or outdoor culture has more appeal so both of those are being pursued at the moment.

Other psychedelics - not really, only crappy low doses (hard to know what you're getting). Apart from Salvia divinorum - I built up quite some experience with that, but moved overseas and when I got back it had been made illegal here. Nitrous if that's counted. Some cautious threshold experiments with others such as Brugmansia and Amanita muscaria, but did not get around to serious levels of those... one day.
At least you/we have access to Acacia in Aus..... Great thread for you... I'm in WA

by the way, Bunnings is all you'll need to get all you need to extract. Read some of the teks in the wiki. With acacia its better to use an A/B tek, not difficult at all, just be careful with the chemicals..... lots of info here DMT-Nexus Wiki:Health and Safety - DMT-Nexus Wiki

also a great guide is this https://www.dmt-nexus.me/forum/resource.ashx?a=377

Good luck and ask any questions...... There is also an Acacia Identification thread if you are interested.
Thanks - yeah I've been reading that Acacia thread with very great interest!! And many of its side shoots.

It is awesome to see such a free exchange of information. Very different to the way it used to be. (I do understand it's contentious though.)

The wikipedia page is great too. The thread and wiki entry take up where Voogelbreinder's (incredible) Garden of Eden finishes (out of necessity, being a print publication)... on one genus at least :) .
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