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High blood pressure and dmt?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Ive read you shouldnt do Dmt if you have high blood pressure but most of the time you cant tell if you have it! Also does it 'pump' you up alot, as like on strong stims? I have anxiety (more like pronounced restlessness realy) some of the time and am worried dmt could magnify this to an unbearable level and cause a bad trip.should i be concerned? On the flip side ive also read it can help with this, esp in ayuahasca??
my friend gets really cold and clammy on dimeth, also somewhat twitchy. I think it has something to do with the blood pressure spike, but it could alternatively be anxiety. He also has normal blood pressure so I think this could be quite a problem for someone with already high BP. I would test your BP first before using the drug. it'd be such a bad trip if you had a heart attack while on DMT. if you got it high then maybe take some kind of med to lower it first? kratom will take care of the anxiety
I have noticed If i wanted to get a panic attack on the spice, that i cant move anyways- I suffer from panic disorder long before the spice came into my life, but because i cant really TENSE UP on the ride, i cant say its really effecting anything. I know i am not adding much here, but i havent had an increse in panic attacks my self before and after spice use, if anything they are getting far and less in between. There was a time when i did 2c-b at the movies, and thought or feared rather i was gonna break thru, that kinda freaked me out but it passed :D once i realised it didnt have that power.
[quote:90c05d83d6] kratom will take care of the anxiety[/quote:90c05d83d6] Kratom may increase and lenghten the trip. A benzo is better if it comes to reduce anxiety. Todays it is possible to find blood pressure testing devices for very affordable prices.
If you live in the states you can easily check your blood pressure at large grocery stores that have pharmacies- they often have free blood pressure machines. it seems there are two separate issues here, the risk of a hypotensive crisis (a short period of very high blood pressure while on DMT) and the risk of increased anxiety. If you're really worried about blood pressure, get it checked out, wither at a store or by your doctor. Anxiety is more complicated. If you have experience with other psychedelics, those experience can help you see how your anxiety reacts to psychedelics. If you're new to psychedelics, you may want to start with low doses of mushrooms, or perhaps low dose smoked dmt. Psychedelics can increase the incidence of panic attacks, so I'd recommend going slow and being careful if you're worried about it.
Thanks for the replies, the main concern is wether i have high blood pressure or not. I dont think i have but i dont KNOW that so im not too keen to go exploring without knowing as im sure even if i have normal levels the worry at the back of my mind may influence the trip. As for the anxiety im sure it wont dominate im usually a relaxed person im just prone to bouts (usually brought on by alcohol)). Ive had many salvia trips before and taken a fair amount of LSD and been fine although sometimes the comedown is edgier than normal.
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