Let's make this a hub for Hinduism KNOWLEDGE, that means no hear say and please make what you type in this thread true knowledge of Hindu's. For example, how they live their lives, common beliefs, not so common beliefs, God, Dieties. Make this a place to learn more about this extraordinary eastern philosophy.
I'll start.
Shiva (the Creator and Destroyer), who destroys the old while creating the new. His consorts include the loving Parvati and the ferocious Durga, who represent the feminine aspects of his complex nature.
Shiva (SHIV-ah)
The god Shiva, the Creator and Destroyer, is often shown with a cobra, the Naga, symbol of fertility and strength, wrapped around his neck. The god often has four arms, signifying his superhuman power.
Vishnu (the Preserver) and his two most popular incarnations, Krishna and Rama.
Vishnu (VISH-noo)
Vishnu, the Preserver, represents stability and order. Vishnu is recognized by the four symbols he carries: discus, conch, club, and lotus. In paintings and prints, Vishnu is often shown with blue skin, a device to accentuate his otherworldliness.
Devi/Parvati (the Protecting Mother), sometimes known simply as the Goddess, who appears in some form in every region of India. She is often identified as the creative energy of the universe, and is considered by her followers the equal of Vishnu and Shiva.
Devi (Day-vee)
A widely used name for the multiple forms of the Hindu Goddess.
Hinduism was born in India, but it was not founded by one individual. Rather, it is the fusion of many religious beliefs and philosophical schools. Accordingly, Hinduism is said to be a religion of a million and one gods. Its origins are mixed and complex.
I'll start.
Shiva (the Creator and Destroyer), who destroys the old while creating the new. His consorts include the loving Parvati and the ferocious Durga, who represent the feminine aspects of his complex nature.
Shiva (SHIV-ah)
The god Shiva, the Creator and Destroyer, is often shown with a cobra, the Naga, symbol of fertility and strength, wrapped around his neck. The god often has four arms, signifying his superhuman power.
Vishnu (the Preserver) and his two most popular incarnations, Krishna and Rama.
Vishnu (VISH-noo)
Vishnu, the Preserver, represents stability and order. Vishnu is recognized by the four symbols he carries: discus, conch, club, and lotus. In paintings and prints, Vishnu is often shown with blue skin, a device to accentuate his otherworldliness.
Devi/Parvati (the Protecting Mother), sometimes known simply as the Goddess, who appears in some form in every region of India. She is often identified as the creative energy of the universe, and is considered by her followers the equal of Vishnu and Shiva.
Devi (Day-vee)
A widely used name for the multiple forms of the Hindu Goddess.
Hinduism was born in India, but it was not founded by one individual. Rather, it is the fusion of many religious beliefs and philosophical schools. Accordingly, Hinduism is said to be a religion of a million and one gods. Its origins are mixed and complex.