Rising Star
Hello all, I'm counterbond. About 3 years ago I was struck with a very debilitating case of panic attacks and anxiety. Not having any interest in the western medicines approach to treating this I began to search around and talk to people. I had actually found some relief from symptoms through the plant medicine salvia divinorum, so one night when watching a news clip on youtube about a headshop that sold salvia, I seen them interview this guy in the video who worked there, so I typed his name in on facebook, and started talking to him. Turned out he didn't work for that shop anymore and was now a shaman living in mexico who worked with the plant medicines iboga, and ayahuasca. After talking to this guy for over 9 months on facebook I planned a trip down to meet up with him and get introduced to iboga. While I didn't have the breakthrough healing experience I was looking for, it was still a good introduction to the medicine. Now, after about 2 years of working with iboga(and lots of ), I finally mustered up the courage to sample the spirit molecule. And wow. This is the medicine I have been searching for. I am just starting to get my feet wet and am ready and willing to learn learn learn. Someday I hope to open a holistic healing center that works with these medicines so that I can help people who are in the same shoes I was. Glad to be here, and ready to make some friends with mutual interests
Love light and grilled cheese sandwiches