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Home Remedies

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
obviously if we have an urgent/serious/chronic problem we should seek professional advice, however some things obviously dont require such advice.

Please feel free to post your home remedies along with the symptoms which they help to relieve.

Heartburn - 1/2 to 1 tsp of baking soda in one cup of water. Drink slowly (apparently if you chug it you may purge :S )
Heartburn - Fennel/catnip tincture (grain alcohol)
Strep/Sore throat - 2 cloves freshed garlic (pressed in 1/2 cup water), half teaspoon cayene pepper, splash of lemon, splash of honey. Gargle.
Flu relief - 5g of schizandria berries; chew once a day (or spread out in 1g increments)
Flu prevention - Cancer Fruit (Sutherlandia) Take 750mg of cancer fruit by capsule a day. Continue for many weeks.
Insomnia - Soak an oz of hops in apple cider vinegar for 1 month. Take a teaspoon of that 2-3 hours before bed. DO NOT TAKE right before bed!. Works for most cases, not all.
Sore throat, wheezy lungs, head cold, sniffles (I.E too much mucous!)

Mix in 1 tbsp salt into about 75ml warm water and mix it around, then lightly press your left nostril and inhale salt water into your right nostril slowly until you feel it bridge the septum and enter your other nostril.
Then blow the salt water out your mouth/nostril and do it on the other side. Do this twice on each side, and also gargle some of the salt water.
Then mix 1/4 teaspoon cayenne powder into some warm water/apple cider vinegar if it's available and some honey or stevia as a sweetener. Chug this back.

Within 2 days any flu, head cold, cough, sniffles or sore throat I've ever had has been gotten rid of by doing this once or twice daily.
Perfect cough remedy for children or any of those who really dislike over-the-counter cough medication:

Chop an onion and put into a clean plastic or glass container which can be sealed. Sprinkle brown sugar over the chopped onions until it is completely covered, reseal container and put it in the fridge. When a brown syrup begins to emerge, take enough syrup to fill one teaspoon and swallow. Take as often as needed. Sounds utterly disgusting but it tastes pretty nice, and it tastes good enough for children who can be quite fussy about these things!

For toothache:

Take one garlic clove and crush to the point where it is kind of 'smushed' but is still intact. Place on area of pain. A searing pain may follow (find a pillow to grab hold of 😉 ). Stick it out until the pain eases and the toothache will be alleviated, usually long enough for pain killers to kick in.

If I think of anymore I will update :)

Much love,
Sally xx
Shadowman-x said:
Sore throat, wheezy lungs, head cold, sniffles (I.E too much mucous!)

Mix in 1 tbsp salt into about 75ml warm water and mix it around, then lightly press your left nostril and inhale salt water into your right nostril slowly until you feel it bridge the septum and enter your other nostril.
Then blow the salt water out your mouth/nostril and do it on the other side. Do this twice on each side, and also gargle some of the salt water.

i hope you meant fresh water :lol:

keep em coming though!

I dont like to take otc/prescription drugs anymore, unless necessary ( havent had to in years, thankfully! and hope not to for a long time to come, though i do take "natural supplements"/vitamins), they make me feel terrible most of the time.

anything for headache/migraine?
- personally when i get a bad migraine i have no choice but drink lots of water and sleep it off. migraines put me out of commission for the day
Immune boost / Cold and flu prevention

- Kiwi and strawberry smoothie for breakfast.

Needed: 1 kiwi (not too ripe), 100g strawberries
Peel the kiwi, wash the strawberries, chop and blend together. Optionally, add some water or soy milk if you want it lighter. Drink for breakfast. It's yummy and a great vitamin C boost.

- Antioxidant, immune shake.

Needed: 1 Orange, 1 Grapefruit, Honey, Ginger.
Peel the orange and grapefruit. Put one water cup to boil, turn off stove, and add the peels to the water. Let it sit for 15 minutes to extract essential oils. In the meantime, juice the fruits. Add to a blender cup the juice, the filtered brew, 1-2 tsp of honey and a piece of grated fresh ginger. Blend well. Awesome drink to stay in shape during the winter.

Respiratory allergies

- Make a tea with fresh basil leaves and echinacea (cone flower). Add 1 tsp of apple vinegar. Drink a couple times a day, or when sneezing is making your life miserable.

Alcohol Hangover

- Have a couple tsp of honey before drinking to reduce hangover symptoms.
- If it's too late, Tomato juice with 1 tsp honey works great.
Another toothache remedy:

Place a clove (not of garlic silly!) next to the affected tooth and keep it there until the pain starts to subside.

Earwax build up:

Warm olive oil. keep head tilted to the sideand pour a small amount in ear, then flip head over and clean out with an oily cotton bud.

Cold / Flu:

Echinacea, vitamin C, cannabis, and my own version of a 'Hot Toddy' (because I can't stand whiskey) - A 'Jamrock Toddy' - dark rum, ginger, lime and sugar topped up with hot water. Damn, I wish I had flu now :lol:
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