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How do I "transmute" sexual energy into a higher form?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I believe I may have energy blocked up in my lower chakras because whenever I try to meditate I feel this annoying stimulation/tickling energy in the area between my belly button and tailbone. At the same time it's very difficult for me to concentrate for any amount of time when I try to meditate. I do not masturbate and I have not had an orgasm for a few weeks- (the wife hates it when I do this, but I feel it's important once in a while) -so I intuitively know that if I were to physically release this energy through orgasm, it may be a waste. I want to transmute/transform it into useable psycho-spiritual energy so I can send it up through the higher energy centers but lack the experience in meditation so I don't know how to do this.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance everyone!:d
Personally I can't trust the claims of abstinence making you more conscious etc. with 100% confidence. I think sexual energies are there for a good reason and instead of blocking them one might want to use them and enjoy them. Even if it takes alot of energy from some people...

Also after all the research and reading about the chakra system I must say I don't feel it's 100% trustworthy either. Even if it's ancient indian system.

Masturbation and sexual energies are normal and should be used in moderation, I think. Therefore the tingling sensations or whatever could be due to your period of abstinence, however this is just a suggestion obviously.
I'm not too dogmatic about the chakra system but I know from personal observation that there seems to be different types (or variations of the same) energy associated with sexual abstinence, meditation, and higher states of consciousness. I'm not intentionally blocking my sexual impulses because I don't really feel them to begin with. What I intentionally do, is to avoid stimulating them by not paying attention to sexual stimuli. By not letting it enter into my awareness, there is nothing to "block".

Maybe I'm not blocked up after all, and that my problem has to do with not understanding how to transmute it?
Spartan, to answer your question, to cycle the sexual energy into another energy one might use a Chinese method which is similar to Vedic methods in the form of energy yoga or Qi-gong
likewise a yoga system can also allow this cycling, both systems involve training the mind, breath and posture
use your mind to cycle the energy with will while you breathe in a relaxed posture, focus on the circulation of your entire body, standing postures are ideal

Other occult methods involve dedicated orgasms with focus upon a goal or an aim for actuation of will

from a biological point of view orgasm alters hormones in the body and abstinence can have potential benefits for physical training
SpartanII said:
Maybe I'm not blocked up after all, and that my problem has to do with not understanding how to transmute it?

I think the block is only inside the thinking.

Basically as with buddhist meditation, you might want to observe the sensations without judging them... And as with everything they will either cease or transmute.
Basically there's so much to the matter of meditation that we don't know is that you better try to do it without any guides or tecnniques, just relax.
The point being, if you follow someone elses advice it might not even be beneficial to your "issue", which I personally think, might not even exist and you are simply giving it too much thought. Just a possibility.
AlbertKLloyd said:
Spartan, to answer your question, to cycle the sexual energy into another energy one might use a Chinese method which is similar to Vedic methods in the form of energy yoga or Qi-gong
likewise a yoga system can also allow this cycling, both systems involve training the mind, breath and posture
use your mind to cycle the energy with will while you breathe in a relaxed posture, focus on the circulation of your entire body, standing postures are ideal

Other occult methods involve dedicated orgasms with focus upon a goal or an aim for actuation of will

from a biological point of view orgasm alters hormones in the body and abstinence can have potential benefits for physical training

Qi Gong...Beautiful. I don't know why I didn't think of this. I'll start today!8) Thanks for all your input.

tele said:
I think the block is only inside the thinking.

Basically as with buddhist meditation, you might want to observe the sensations without judging them... And as with everything they will either cease or transmute.
Basically there's so much to the matter of meditation that we don't know is that you better try to do it without any guides or tecnniques, just relax.
The point being, if you follow someone elses advice it might not even be beneficial to your "issue", which I personally think, might not even exist and you are simply giving it too much thought. Just a possibility.

That is possible, thanks for offering an alternative point of view, I'll consider it. I try not to judge the feeling but it's hard to ignore and seems only to intensify the harder I concentrate.
I've personally found David Deida's "The way of the superior man" to be beneficial to me in this practice, shifting sexual energy into manifesting purpose/divinity, though I don't have any feeling of confidence of mastering this. He strongly promotes withholding male ejaculation without withholding sex or sexual thoughts. His group audio recordings were the most interesting to me, but this book was written in language quite useful for me. Some of the other books he's written might be more appealing than that one, as far as more focus on specific sexual energy practices, and less focus on bringing the divine into every part of life.
IneffableThings- thanks for the info!:d

House- I may be misinterpreting your reply, and please forgive me if I am, but... although I understand how great sex can be, I'm walking a path more in line with moderation and controlled use of my energies. Over-indulgence in the senses is generally an energy-draining process and something I'm trying to avoid considering my addictive nature.
You my friend need to get hip to the joys of TANTRIC YOGA...

I personally practice a Taoist sexual yoga that does the same thing basically.

The kundalini energy in your sacrum can be raised and cycled to refine it. The basic process is to draw it up the spine, into the brain, over the crown, down through the tongue touching the roof of the mouth, through the throat, along the front of the body and deposit it into the 2nd chakra (tan tien).

This is done through breathing, visualisation, intent, and a series of bandas (locks) that help create pressure to move the stuff around. Every cycle through this orbit (aka the Micro-Cosmic Orbit) refines the chi a little bit. As it is refined, its vibration is increased, and then it will naturally come to rest at a higher chakra.

Focus on individual chakras is not important. There are tons of chakras between the chakras, and people get lost in the map and forget the energy. If you do tantric work long enough, the need for visualisation stops and you can simply feel the energy and move it around at will.

Perhaps the most important banda to master is the squeezing of the perenium (that area between the balls and the anus known as the taint). This muscle group needs to become very strong to connect the downward channel to the upward one... effectively connecting the nuts with the tailbone. Holding this lock while having an orgasm can block off the seminal tube and prevent ejaculation. Done with proper energy movement, the orgasm becomes entirely energetic, and the seminal vesicle doesn't even release semen. If you get really good, you can have multiple orgasms. (women ain't the only lucky ones)

You probably need to get yourself a good chi kung master. In lieu of that, read as many books as possible. This old gem is still worth reading, and as it was one of my first tomes on the subject (back in the old days of the new age aka the early 80's) I can heartily recommend it. Whatever you think of Mr. Mantak Chia, this stuff actually works. His Deer excercise differs from mine, but not by much... and certainly not enough to cause it not to work.

There are a ton of benefits to transmuting sexual energy. Too many to discuss here. It is not something you will master right out of the box. Like most worthy endeavors, practice makes perfect. At least with this practices you get to stroke your pocket snake while doing it.


Good luck on your journey.
Sexual energy is a powerful, spontaneous, energy that likes to be expressed. You could use this energy to channel it into spreading good vibes to those around you by smiling lots, you could use it to take action to do all those things you've always wanted to do, and get them done. You can use it to have fun , and yes , end up making love .

-Isn't that what it is there for??... to be used as a positive force to not only benefit your life, but those of others?? 😉
Hyperspace Fool said:
You my friend need to get hip to the joys of TANTRIC YOGA...

I personally practice a Taoist sexual yoga that does the same thing basically.

The kundalini energy in your sacrum can be raised and cycled to refine it. The basic process is to draw it up the spine, into the brain, over the crown, down through the tongue touching the roof of the mouth, through the throat, along the front of the body and deposit it into the 2nd chakra (tan tien).

Tantric yoga or Taoist yoga are excellent tools to master the sexual energy.

Taoist sexual yoga is very similar in the tantric system, only difference from what i see here is that the energy goes up in the front and down through the spine in the tantric instead of the other way like hyperspacefool mentioned.

Both ways work of moving the energy equally good but should not be mixed, rumor has it that thats not very healthy for the heart. I dint try to verify though. Once you seriously start with one path of moving the energy stick to it.

Good way to practice the locks is to have a look at the mudras and bandhas of yoga. May take some time to get control over it.
There are 3 muscles of which control needs to be mastered. The dick muscle, used while peeing. The perineum and the sphincter muscle.
Stopping the flow of pee for a few seconds while peeing can be used easily as a daily training. Sitting and contracting the muscles altogether or individually is a good start. Great to do before meditation as some energy will be released which than can be utilized.

Using these techniques for pleasure only will get you stuck in a loop of indulgence. So dont forget your initial intention when you have become able to use the technique properly.

Of course its not forbidden to ejaculate, but if you would rather not you can fill quite a reservoir.

There is another way to transmute the sexual energy, its done with the help of Vipareta Karani Asana. Even more effective if used as Vipareta Karani mudra.

For all of the above techniques a proper teacher is recommended, there are not too many yoga teachers out there that know about these things but if you keep your eyes peeled there should appear one.

You can also go beyond all of that with other methods too. For example: by truly desiring a spiritual experience so strong that you dont even care about sex anymore.

So there are many ways to transmute the energy, your choice which one to go.
Hyperspace Fool- That is something I was considering. I tend to shy away from systems that use a lot of visualization, as I'm horrible at it. I do think it would be worth it to include Tantra/Taoist practice in my routine. Thank you for all the great info. :)

At least with this practices you get to stroke your pocket snake while doing it.


christian- Good words of wisdom, thank you, friend.

bindu- Is there any other technique or systems I would want to avoid practicing alongside Tantra/Taoism? IOW could I also practice Qi Gong? I wouldn't want to short circuit anything!:lol:

There are 3 muscles of which control needs to be mastered. The dick muscle, used while peeing. The perineum and the sphincter muscle.

I had no idea there were 3 different muscles. It feels like only 1, maaaaybe 2 when I do the root lock. I also feel a weird building up of energy when I do it, it feels very similar to the annoying, stimulated feeling I'm getting in my dan tien when I try to do standing or sitting meditation.:idea:
SpartanII said:
bindu- Is there any other technique or systems I would want to avoid practicing alongside Tantra/Taoism? IOW could I also practice Qi Gong? I wouldn't want to short circuit anything!:lol:

I should probably make it clear that taoist sexual yoga is actually a kind of chi kung.

And, tantra is a form of yoga.

The vedic yoga systems and the taoist internal arts are technically unrelated, though the origins of many buddhist internal arts stem from an Indian Buddhist saint called Bodhidharma (the Lo Han), and there are so many similarities between the arts that they are clearly related.

Like Bindu said, I would probably just pick one and go for it. Combining yogic arts can be done, but you have to be advanced and sensetive enough to the prana/chi that you can really feel what each practice is doing. As Bindu wisely said, cycling the energy backwards and forwards could be unwise. (though advance practitioners are taught to do everything on the left & the right, backwards, forwards and sideways... until they forget which direction they were going in the first place.

Do some research, and keep your eyes peeled for a master.

If you are really lucky, you will find a yogini/daikini to practice your arts with. ;)

[edit: you said you have a girlfriend... so maybe you will inspire her to practice this stuff with you]
Hyperspace Fool said:
If you are really lucky, you will find a yogini/daikini to practice your arts with. ;)

[edit: you said you have a girlfriend... so maybe you will inspire her to practice this stuff with you]

LOL I don't think my wife would appreciate coming home to a yogini giving me a "lesson".:lol:
bindu said:
Good way to practice the locks is to have a look at the mudras and bandhas of yoga. May take some time to get control over it.
There are 3 muscles of which control needs to be mastered. The dick muscle, used while peeing. The perineum and the sphincter muscle.
Stopping the flow of pee for a few seconds while peeing can be used easily as a daily training. Sitting and contracting the muscles altogether or individually is a good start. Great to do before meditation as some energy will be released which than can be utilized.

Great stuff, I've learned more about sexual energy from this thread then I knew existed.

One small point though,
MayoClinic.com said:
Don't make a habit of starting and stopping your urine stream, though. Doing Kegel exercises with a full bladder or while emptying your bladder can actually weaken the muscles, as well as lead to incomplete emptying of the bladder — which increases the risk of a urinary tract infection.

So maybe get a feel for the proper muscles by stopping your stream once, but don't continually do it.
entheogenadvocate said:
I had no idea there were 3 different muscles. It feels like only 1, maaaaybe 2 when I do the root lock.

This made me laugh so hard! Thank you for making my day :lol:

Peace and Happy Journeys:)

:lol: Glad I could help!
InfiniteFacticity said:
One small point though,
MayoClinic.com said:
Don't make a habit of starting and stopping your urine stream, though. Doing Kegel exercises with a full bladder or while emptying your bladder can actually weaken the muscles, as well as lead to incomplete emptying of the bladder — which increases the risk of a urinary tract infection.

So maybe get a feel for the proper muscles by stopping your stream once, but don't continually do it.

I always looked at the pee stopping thing as a test of the strength of the perineum (and related muscles) rather than a way to train them.

If you're doing your training well, you can stop the flow quickly and completely. If you are unable to cut off the flow, or it slows to a trickle... you need more work.

It is possible to rely on these techniques completely for birth control (not for STD protection of course), despite what many will tell you about leakage and pre-cum... but if you are the least bit unsure of your ability to control your ejaculation, don't risk it.
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