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how do these Lophophora seedlings look?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
My seedlings look sick what can I do to help them as they are my last ones I have. I leave them in front of my window and they some times have irregular lighting patterns will this hurt them. maybe they are not getting enough light. Is it time to take them out of the high humidity yet? I read somewhere that I should use florescent bulbs which I have available right now.

Before these seedlings sprouted they had no light and I gave up on them pretty much but I continued to water them and keep the heat up until one day I saw two taller than normal seedlings sprout up. Are these two tall because they sprouted with no light? Are they sick?

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Pic 5
They look fine except the they seem to be streching for more light...

Just get a stronger light, put them in 14 hours of light and 10 hours of darkness. A period of complete darkness every night is very important for cacti!!!

Are these two tall because they sprouted with no light?

Ya I'd say so...

Just add more light and they should be fine! Don't add too much tho or they might dry out!
Oh yeah. would you suggest that I get a timer for my flourecent lights and just put my cactus in a dark warm place so i dont have to worry about what time the sun rises and shit. Also it would make it soo much easier with school.
You need a light timer that comes on in the morning and goes off at night.

A period of complete darkness every night and a period of light everday is very important for cacti!!!
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