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How do you Lemon Tek?

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Rising Star
Senior Member
OG Pioneer
I've only recently started using lemon with mushrooms and i've found it can be great for a short and powerful trip.

I do wonder when to add the lemon into the mix though, i prefer to make tea and i think the lemon would have to sit in the tea for a while in order to convert the psilocybin to psilocin, but then i don't think it's good to have the lemon in while it's boiling as the psilocin may get damaged. So for tea i think it would be best to add the lemon/other herbs after boiling, then leave to stand until its totally cool giving time to let the ascorbic acid in the lemon dephosphorylate the psilocybin.

How do you guys use lemon with your mushrooms?
Psilocin in mushroom form being susceptible to heat seems to be a bit of a myth. Boiling your mushrooms for 10 minutes will not reduce potency. Coating fresh mushrooms in butter and pan frying them over five or ten minutes will also not reduce potency. I don't know of any reports of people cooking up a tea and coming out with an inactive drink, so I think it just doesn't happen.

I don't know if lemon will really convert the psilocybin to psilocin for you. I have not done any blind tests to confirm either way, and I don't remember any reading any particularly reputable experiences where this was determined to be effective. I have tried adding lemon when I made tea, but the only difference I notice is a more lemony, bitter taste. I stopped using lemon in my teas and have not noticed a reduction in potency or a consistent change in effects.
I chop up my dosage finely with kitchen scissors and put it in a shot glass. I get the hot water running for a minute n fill it halfway with hot water. then i fill the rest of it with lemon juice. wait 15-20 minutes and pour through a strainer into another shot, leaving the mushroom material behind. i then drink the shot. i like this method. much different then eating the dose. keep in mind psilocin is 1.5x more active than psilocybin so this should theoretically increase the potency by about that much. experience confirms that.
I weigh out my dry dose into a jar then squeeze a lemon or 2 over the mushrooms until they are covered. I then leave this in the fridge for 2-3 hours, then add the mushrooms and the juice to a pan of water and boil for 15 minutes.

I don't know about it being more potent, bu it's certainly a much smoother ride than straight tea in terms of onset and anxiety.
Chop shrooms up, put them in a cup, add lemon juice.... wait 20 minutes, drink juice. You can decent the juice off the mush at the bottom, but just eating it wont be bad either.

Lemon juice will change bin to cin. In about 20-30 mins. No need to even boil anything.

Heating shrooms with like a flame will destroy potency, most of the "heat myths" come from people saying that they "smoked shrooms" and got super high. This is false. I've tried, nothing happened.

Making a tea, easy way to just chop up the shrooms (you can do them whole, it just takes longer), add to a pan of water (with whatever flavor you want, even plain water will work) thats been boiling for about 10 mins.

It's pretty simple man, nothing to complex.
I blend them with lemon juice then let them sit for 20 minutes while ocasionally shaking the jar. Then i strain, add water and some sugar - mushroom lemonade.
slice 15g truffles very thin
add some juice of fresh lemon, mix
let sit at room temp for few hours, mix
add boiling water to fill the glass, mix
drink when possible
leave remains of truffles in the glass

dumbstruck said:
I don't know of any reports of people cooking up a tea and coming out with an inactive drink, so I think it just doesn't happen.

I was recently introduced to the idea of making a tea and had a great time on the first one, only to have a dud on the second. It was weeks later and I hadnt journeyed since. The only thing different was I used a silk tea bag. Since then using the same batch of azurescens I have gotten incredible results, with the only difference being cotton tea bags.

I can't be certain it was the silk but it was surprising how ineffective the tea was, even after multiple pulls.

/me trots off to start the boil...
kind of offtopic but one time a friend and I made mushroom tea and added a bunch of lemon towards the end of the boiling process. i dont know the measurements sorry but it was very very potent, we went swimming and i literally felt like i wasn't existent for a couple hours:p

It may lighten the body load by not making it have to do that work? It also makes it a short but very powerful trip, ~3-4 hours compared to 4-6
I think the reduced body load comes from the higher dose hitting you more continuously, like the difference between several low dose inhales of DMT versus one larger one.

DMTripper, SWIM prefers the faster come-up, more intense peak and shorter overall duration using the lemon tek.
Psilocybin should be active in it's own right, I think. In TiHKaL someone did intravenous injections of psilocybin and reported the effects to be immediate. This shouldn't be so if it has to be converted to psilocin to cross the BBB. Just like the theories of 4-AcO-DMT needing to be converted to psilocin before being active, but then subjective reports saying IV 4-AcO-DMT is much more like DMT than like psilocin.

So if this lemon TEK works it will change the effects profile a bit, make it absorb a bit differently (perhaps more inconsistently, due to natural daily changes in the enzyme levels that control metabolization into psilocin?), and make the duration a bit shorter. It shouldn't necessarily increase potency, as I don't think psilocybin is particularly weaker than psilocin. I could see there being a lesser peak since in mushrooms the orally ingested psilocybin would peak in psilocin concentration later than the orally ingested psilocin, making a sort of double wavy peak. But I don't think it will really be less work for the body in any significant manner.
Nice catch regarding more inconsistency. The double wavy peak definitely matches my experiences with high doses of straight mushrooms versus lemon tek.
i feel like on lemon tek you are basically peaking the majority of the time, the come up is short and less anxious, and the come down period is also much shorter. with just regular eating mushrooms i feel the different stages more. so to summarize, lemon blends the stages together for me and has a shorter duration, compared to just ingestion of the mushrooms. probably not new news though
dumbstruck said:
Psilocybin should be active in it's own right, I think. In TiHKaL someone did intravenous injections of psilocybin and reported the effects to be immediate. This shouldn't be so if it has to be converted to psilocin to cross the BBB.
This convertion could happen very rapidly. A matter of seconds before the whole load passed the BBB.

The theory is that there is a limit to how fast psilocybin could be converted. Only if you'd inject a larger amount than this 'convertion-ceiling' and it would be immediately much stronger, than an injected amount equal than the supposed upper limit you'd know this theory to be falsified.
@polytrip. Do you know of a source / paper / book where this mechanism is discussed? Subjective experiences seem to say 4-AcO-DMT and 4-HO-DMT are significantly different in effects, and my understanding (very limited) was they were converted to psilocin in a similar manner. It's tricky to find people who have compared pure psilocybin and pure psilocin, especially in RoAs fast enough for the difference to be perceptible!
I just always simmer them for 10 minutes, then strain and do a second simmer for 5 min. Then I add some tea to it and honey and it tastes awesome and I usually feel very little boadyload.
And the trip is always perfect and just what I needed :)

So I'm not about to change anything :)
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