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How long does the effect of MAOI last?

Ime the gut's MAO-A inhibition is transient and only seems to last up to maybe an hour and a half after taking the Harmalas, so to re-dose the DMT you'd need to re-dose the Harmalas too. One thing i have thought about though is using either the Harmalas themselves, or some other CYP2D6 inhibitor, in order to potentiate the Harmalas by way of CYP2D6 inhibition which ime sometimes also extends the duration of the Harmalas some, and this stretching out of Harmala duration may allow for an extended period of gut MAO-A inhibition, idk for sure though but i think it's worth a try. So for example, if i take a dose of Harmalas earlier on in the day, and then in like the 8th hour or 10th hour (or 6th hour with a lower to moderate dosage of Harmalas) take another dose of Harmalas when CYP2D6 is inhibited by the first dose, and the second dose should extend out in duration a bit ime, but i still haven't yet tested out if the gut's MAO-A inhibition window is lengthened but i definitely notice a bit of a stretching out of the Harmala effects.
I've dosed today 150mg THH with 100mg harmala tea and it was identical to my to my 1g harmala tea which is from the 'natural' mixture in caapi just not as strong or long.

The effect are peaking at 45m-1h and subside almost completely at 1h30 to 2h. I get strong time dilution and humming sound in the background. With 1g harmala tea it lasted only around 30 minutes longer and peak was also slightly later around 1h30-2h mark but always baseline around 3-4h mark

I've always dosed DMT at 15 min mark since I feel clear effects at that time so maoi inhibition should be full for me then.

I'll need to test taking DMT at 1 hour mark but I assume it'll be a shorter experience FOR ME but from what others share I indeed have high CYP2D6 enzyme since 4 hour mark I am always completely baseline.
In any case i'd definitely recommend trying the DMT an hour after the Harmalas, it could be you're higher in CYP2D6 and thus will have a shorter duration but ime the duration usually depends on the timing between the Harmalas and DMT and so if i take the DMT sooner or later than one hour in, i miss the gut's max MAO-A inhibition window and so the DMT isn't as bioavailable as it should be, although it still definitely works. It can take a few experiences taking the DMT at different times to see when gut MAO-A is maximally inhibited for you.
Btw you can also experiment some and add different herbal teas or supplements to the Harmalas and DMT, in order to either clean up the side-effects or bodyload, or to add different aspects/benefits to the mix, or to "flavor" the effects/experience in different ways, personally i really liked Lemon Balm (3 to 4 grams of dried leaf tea) with my Harmalas and DMT, as well as the sipping of the DMT for 10 to 15 minutes, dare i say it was almost like a Psychedelic Alcohol kinda, in a way, surprisingly lol. The Lemon Balm cleans up the Harmala bodyload, and also reduces intensity of the DMT, while providing anti-anxiety and relaxative effects through the GABA Transaminase inhibition and thus raising of GABA levels. I didn't find it to get in the way of higher consciousness and insights and mystical experiences and all that, seemed to synergize just fine, so that may also be worth checking out if you haven't already, good for dancing lol.

3 to 4 grams of died leaves of lemon blam to swallow the syrian rue capsules….

And “1 hour after, when having the ACRB (tea +residue) ….
Here’s the question…
Another 3 to 4gr of lemon balm dried leaves tea? I heard that more than 4 grams of lemon balm will take away potency of the dmt…..
3 to 4 grams of died leaves of lemon blam to swallow the syrian rue capsules….

And “1 hour after, when having the ACRB (tea +residue) ….
Here’s the question…
Another 3 to 4gr of lemon balm dried leaves tea? I heard that more than 4 grams of lemon balm will take away potency of the dmt…..

Ime, that's how i first started out with Lemon Balm, i'd drink about 3 to 4 grams of Lemon Balm tea right before/after taking my Rue capsules, and then an hour later i'd drink another 3 to 4 grams of Lemon Balm tea mixed with my Mimosa or Acacia tea, usually sipping on the tea for 10 to 15 minutes, and ime while it didn't seem to really bring me down from things as the DMT was still certainly effective, it did seem like it dulled things down a bit, and so ime i found a single 3 to 4 gram dose of Lemon Balm tea to be more than enough and ime it doesn't matter if you take it with the Rue or if you take it with the DMT, it seems to work all the same except that if you take it at the same time as the Rue i noticed i would barely even feel the Rue until i drank the DMT, whereas if i waited to take the Lemon Balm with the DMT, i'd feel the Rue's first signs of it kicking in around say 30 to 45 minutes and then when i drank the Lemon Balm+DMT the Rue would clean up nicely, especially as far as the bodyload goes. So one dose of 3 to 4 grams of Lemon Balm tea is all that's needed, and you can take it either with the Rue or with the DMT, it kicks in quickly (like within say 15 to 20 minutes or so) and lasts the whole duration.
And regarding the ACRB tea… do you just boil the powder and then drink the liquid and the residue?
Does the residue have to be encapsulated?
Do you swallow the residue (encapsulated or loose) with the first zip of the ACRB tea?
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