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How long should MHRB keep

Migrated topic.

Bill Cipher

Rising Star
OG Pioneer
without oxidizing or losing potency in a cool, dark closet? Is it better to store it for any period of time in a freezer?
SWIM has an older than a year old powdered bark that he should extract soon.. he just stored it in the closet.. when he does extract he will tell here

by logic, in pieces should keep better than powdered..

SWIM thinks that the only degradation that would happen is dmt becoming n-oxide. In this case, it would not be soluble in naphtha, only in xylene/toluene/etc, and would come out as an oil. As VD just said, you could turn n-oxide back into dmt using zinc dust, if you can get it where you live.. there is a thread about this somewhere
A guy I once knew had about 56 gms of MHRB that he kept in the closet for almost two years. When he finaly did an extraction he got pure white crystals that were very potent. His yeild was a little on the small side but he thinks that was due to poor technique.Cool dry place out of direct sunlight. no problem.
Swim has about 100g of Mimosa and 75g of Chali that he found in his loft along with some caapi (Swim always wondered where these went too - now he knows). He remembers buying it from Abbey Ethnos or Gnostic Garden in about 1999-2000.

Swim will do a few experiments but assumes most will be oxides and update on yields.
geeg30 said:
Swim has about 100g of Mimosa and 75g of Chali that he found in his loft along with some caapi (Swim always wondered where these went too - now he knows). He remembers buying it from Abbey Ethnos or Gnostic Garden in about 1999-2000.

hey geeg, im particularly interested how your chali works out. as a leafy material id guess it may not hold up as well as a bark/vine
swim is about to do an extraction w/ bark thats about a yr. old.

Like endlessness said...whole bark isn't effected as much as powdered bark (which oxidizes more easily and rapidly) but mhrb is pretty stable. Even with old bark (thats powdered), the worst that will happen is that you'll get a little less yield but can still pull some nice goodies.

Just keep it in a dark cool place......if you can vaccum wrap it;all the better.

Here's the link on removing n oxide from bark, if you really want to go that route.

DMT N-Oxide to Freebase DMT - Advanced/Enhanced chemistry - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus
endlessness, did SWIY perform the old MHRB extraction? Or is the bark still there?

SWIM is interested in knowing if anyone has more info about this. SWIM is planning in buying around 500 gr of MHRB (not powdered) and store it for some time (not more than a year). SWIM is planning on storing the un-powdered MHRB in a Ziploc bag which will be itself inside a closed plastic compartment. But SWIM is not sure if he should store the plastic compartment inside his freezer or inside his closed upper-closet.

Is it really necessary to store the MHRB inside a freezer if it is already inside a Ziploc bag for less than a year (maybe even 6 months)?

SWIM has made up his mind and has decided it's time to get things going on. SWIM is hoping that storing his MHRB won't be necessary at all, but he is taking precautions.

SWIM will probably be using Naphtha or Octane for his first extraction, and since DMT N-oxide (as the FAQ says) could be the problem if a bad storage of MHRB is performed... SWIM wishes that he would not have so much trouble due to this. Just curious, that's all.

Thanks in advance.
One of those nifty little vaccuum storage ziplock set ups is like 8 or 10 bucks at the grocery store. I did a BLAB on 7 month old powdered bark kept in the freezer with the air sucked out. Got 11 grams of fumarate, same as when the stuff was new.

SWIM recently did an extraction, BLAB, on 1kg of bark that was well over 30 months old. The bark was stored in a dark closet at room temp, 65 deg average temp. The end result was 18 grams of full spectrum fumerate. Some was converted to freebase and then Re X with no unusual ammout of n oxide or potency issues. I think if you start of with good bark, it stays good for a while, IMO several years, or more. I dont have a big problem with the oxide, I actually like it. It can be converted though.
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