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How long to wait between taking harmalas and spice.

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
How long do you wait after taking harmalas (or other RIMAs) before taking the spice?
This applies to all forms of oral aministration, inculding aya-esque brews and friends.

In the past I've waited about 45sec between drinking the syrian rue tea and the mimosa tea. A very powerful experience did ensue but perhaps it would have been more efficient to wait 15min in order to let the harmalas completely clear a path from my stomache to my brain.
Perhaps 15min would have been too long and the harmalas would have moved out of my stomach, letting my body release fresh MAOs, therby diminishing the experience.

I am also intrigued by the ninja spice method; to quote jorkest:

Jorkest said:

What is the most effective time to wait between taking these substances?
Does it vary significantly from person to person?
For some reason when I first started trials with this combo I had to take them seperately by around 30 minutes or there would be no DMT effect and just the harmala glow. Since then I've changed my diet a fair bit and now it only works when I take them together... and DAMN does it work!

I used to take 150mg harmaline with 50mg DMT 30 minutes apart for a moderate experience that lasted around 2 hours. Even when the DMT dose was doubled there was no increase in length of the trip, just the intensity of the peak.

Just recently I've found I can now take them together and have been using 120mg harmaline with 100mg DMT and have had some very glowing 5 hour experiences.
Hmm... I usually take the spice 5-10mins after the MAOI's. Never took pharma together, but the times I tried aya all at once it failed. Maybe next time I will try. Do you guys just mix it all in one cup of juice or in two glasses and just drink 'em back to back? My pharma experiences nearly never last over 2-3hrs tops so if taking em all at once will extend that its worth a shot or 7 :d
From SWIM's experience, the harmaloids should be right with the spice. He typically takes harmaloids sublingually not more than a minute prior to dosing with spice. When he used to use oral pharma, taking it all in one shot gave the best results.
This applies to all forms of oral aministration, inculding aya-esque brews and friends.

I tend to think that there IS a difference. Traditionally, its taken at once. So this is what i did...i drank the ayahuasca with my fumarate capsules. This resulted in a very short experience of propably less than an hour. Now i wait at least 30 minutes. This way it seems to last at least 3 hours.

Perhaps, with a chacruna or mimosa tea, it takes longer to digest the dmt, so there is some kind of natural buffer, allowing the caapi to take hold first.
Great info so far.
I realized a lot of this info has been discussed in other threads but I think it is really useful to have a dedicated place for it.

soulfood said:
Since then I've changed my diet a fair bit and now it only works when I take them together... and DAMN does it work!

Can you comment on what dietary changes you made?

obliguhl said:
Perhaps, with a chacruna or mimosa tea, it takes longer to digest the dmt, so there is some kind of natural buffer, allowing the caapi to take hold first.

I have a null hypothesis.
Perhaps it's the caapi that holds onto the alkaloids and the stomache needs to digest them first.
Yes, that's what i'm thinking. On the one hand side you have a crude harmala extract (caapi brew) and on the other hand side the pure DMT alkaloid. Maybe I'm talking complete bullshit though...:lol:

Since then I've changed my diet a fair bit and now it only works when I take them together... and DAMN does it work!

Perhaps your diet helped to increase stomach efficiency to a degree, where its now possible to digest caapi tea as fast as pure dmt....

..just rapping on the digestion theory
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