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Rising Star
I was just wondering if its typical to sit down with somone and smoke a couple grams of changa in a session or do most people just take a few puffs and end it.... me and my friend smoked a gram of changa while on a rather large dose of pharma. it definitely took us to the next level.
sure..lately I go through alot of the stuff.

yesterday alone I went 3 times in one sitting, and then another 3 times before bed..
I feel best when i smoke DMT every single day actaully..and that means 2-3 trips in a row, each one larger than the last easing into the experience.
Oh definitely. A few grams easy between 3 or 4 people in one sitting, though if you're mixing with harmalas/pharma obviously not as much.
I would guess that it all depends on how strong you make it....

If there is only a little DMT in there, you are going to need more to get were your wanting to go....ya know.

I've had the rare day during my early twenties when I'd have used a gram of changa in a day. That was an exception and spread out over a period. This was when I had plenty of money (no job as I'd was hard working and lucky in my teens), time and no responsibility and a lot of freedom. It was a hedonic time of discovery and certainly not the norm.

Coming back to this post 9 years later, I've used DMT maybe three times in 5 years.

The thing i like about changa is the way you can work a few doses together over the coarse of the session and work yourself into a nice state, not as intense as straight dmt but smoother and extended.
(changa with caapi)
I dont think I could go through a gram in a day just by myself..

I make my changa 1:1..so thats like smoking 500mg of spice in a day..and this is jungly jimjam stuff so it's more potent than white spice..and then there are harmalas in there as well..maybe 50mg a day sometimes I could see..20mg of this jimjam by itself blows me away..

I never really smoke with others becasue they are all afraid..
awesome feedback, i remember at one point after we had been through a couple grams i felt almost ... dirty like an addict of some kind, good to know I'm not the only one that hits changa hard. or dmt smoke for that matter
fast the day you work with it... hold serious intention...and really take good hits...dialog with it, and you dont need to smoke much more then a small bowl. other wise your kinda resiting the spirit of it and going against the flow, so of coarse your going to need more to get to where you want to be... as they say int eh native american church walk behind the medicine...
This week (so far) I've smoked 450-500mg of 1:1, but thats since monday. Tonight I could easily smoke a full 5g of 1:1 with my friends when I see them, prolly 3 or 4 of us.

Its Changa though... SMOKE MORE!!!
It all depends on when I get the calling, a few weeks ago, I was working with it everynight.

It is delicious stuff.
Not so much really, or just as much one needs.. but i could easily smoke more if i just wanted or needed it my cat tells me. I like dorges philosofy...the cat tells me..also that the journey starts before, with preparations. The visions and the spirits are allways there waiting..to see progress in work he tells me. Crazy cat
every day. usually one sitting will be 2-3 breakthroughs and i will do 1-2 sittings during the day. i breakthrough on a fairly low amount so a gram of good 1:1 changa will last me 5 days or so...sometimes even longer....

also, sometimes if i feel that the DMT has been exhausted from the leaf, but there is still medicine to be got, i'll sprinkle some pure white crystals on the bed of exhausted changa and this will 'reactivate' it for another couple sittings...

changa is medicine, pure and simple. i love the stuff and will work with it for the long haul. me and ms. munki just had a beautiful work together with some new magical blue lotus/jimjam/ayasopropal changa.....so beautiful...really, really special....

I probably only need 20-30mgs to breakthrough, but changa is so sweet, I will go until either my throat or external circumstances suggest I stop. Generally, I'll save the changa for once a week (my yields are C+/B-), but successive missions seems to be the only way to go. There is always a story to be told...

Some journeys also last WAAAAAY longer than others. 4 minutes. 45 minutes. 30 minutes. It's like a fantastic day at the beach: I won't count the number of times I've gone into the ocean, but I will certainly stay there until the sun goes down or it starts to rain...
antrocles said:
every day. usually one sitting will be 2-3 breakthroughs and i will do 1-2 sittings during the day. i breakthrough on a fairly low amount so a gram of good 1:1 changa will last me 5 days or so...sometimes even longer....

also, sometimes if i feel that the DMT has been exhausted from the leaf, but there is still medicine to be got, i'll sprinkle some pure white crystals on the bed of exhausted changa and this will 'reactivate' it for another couple sittings...

changa is medicine, pure and simple. i love the stuff and will work with it for the long haul. me and ms. munki just had a beautiful work together with some new magical blue lotus/jimjam/ayasopropal changa.....so beautiful...really, really special....


Swim just made a batch of bufojam changa with blue lotus, 200 mg pure extracted harmalas

, one gram of fullrange dmt extracted with d limo ( this will be the first time swim

has tryed smoking a fullrange spice ) and he added the IPA cappi solution .

swim wonders how this smoking blend would add to a mushroom peak..... hmmm
ms_manic_minxx said:
I probably only need 20-30mgs to breakthrough, but changa is so sweet, I will go until either my throat or external circumstances suggest I stop. Generally, I'll save the changa for once a week (my yields are C+/B-), but successive missions seems to be the only way to go. There is always a story to be told...

Some journeys also last WAAAAAY longer than others. 4 minutes. 45 minutes. 30 minutes. It's like a fantastic day at the beach: I won't count the number of times I've gone into the ocean, but I will certainly stay there until the sun goes down or it starts to rain...

if you pace your self, and work with a 10X caapi changa, smoking changa can last up to 4 hours... but you have topace your self and keep going with it.
Damn.. I usually journey alone and maybe doo 100mg of 1:1 caapi leaf/spice in one sitting. After acouple tokes with the addition of a little pre-THH subling I am good for the day usually.

I seem to have a low tolerance and due to that..just acouple long slow tokes and im in.
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