Rising Star
Is 5 bumps of ketamine twice a week damaging? Probably about 100 mgs total?
No lines, just bumps, spaced apart over an hour.
No lines, just bumps, spaced apart over an hour.
DisEmboDied said:twice a week
The only liver issues studied with kava are with low quality kava which includes the stems and other unwanted parts of the plant which are toxic to the liver. The actual root part of the kava is safe as far as we know. All you have to do is look at the pacific islanders who use a lot of kava and have no issues with their livers.DisEmboDied said:I drink twice a week, K is similar to getting drunk, was just looking for an alternative. Plus I like K, and was simply looking to replace alcohol with it recreationally. If this is not good, then I will not. I just wonder if a few bumps of K are any worse or not than a night of drinking. I know that alcohol is a slow poison, but is K? I tried Kava, it is OK, but the studies show that some people actually need liver replacements after using it sometimes even only after a few months. So just dont know. I know, I know, abstinence, but I need ways of relaxation, weed causes anxiety for me usually. So once again IDK, just wondering if a few bumps of K twice a week could be detrimental to ones organs?
soulfood said:K became my go to drug for having on a night out for a while. Probably had a gram 2x a month for the best part of three years.
I'm fine![]()
On the other hand I find cannabis to be very psychologically damaging. Through cannabis use I have had several seizures and panic attacks, one of which had me walking around for 2 weeks with my hands in the air because I thought they were going to pop. You won't hear me giving cannabis a bad review though, it's just not for me.
With ketamine on the other hand, I have not ever had any adverse effects, it allows me to open up socially and although often very abstract I have achieved great insight from this drug which has been so significant.
Although I re-dose with ketamine more than I do with any other drug, over the period of a couple of days I feel tolerance develop fast and no longer feel the benefit beyond just the spacey anaesthesia and I stop using. I only really get to this point at festivals where as I implied, I use ketamine the way others use cannabis.
I should also attach that I have friends that have been using ketamine a lot onger than me and they still have their families, jobs and bladders.
Your mileage may vary.
neb said:everybody's different. I would still be weary, ketamine is a tricky one.
I just feel that ketamine is not the same, your snorting a crystal, the effects are pleasant and can give insights, but I dont think weekly use is beneficial, you asked how much K is too much, I think weekly use is too much.soulfood said:neb said:everybody's different. I would still be weary, ketamine is a tricky one.
I would also advise:
"everybody's different. I would still be weary, ________ is a tricky one."
Insert any psychedelic in this space.
The main issue people seem to have with ketamine is its addictive properties. Predisposition to addiction varies greatly across the board, but I believe if you have had little to no struggle with addiction to other substances or pattern behaviour, ketamine is no more a bother than anything else.
Furthermore if someone wanted to work with a dissociative compound, I can't really think of one that is safer or more user friendly in my experience.
I understand it's controversial, though it seems what is horse poison to old warn out ravers is a miracle breakthrough to the modern therapist. Lets not forget that a drug is an inanimate object. It's the behaviour of those who interact with them which holds the potential for danger.