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How Much K is Too Much

Migrated topic.
What is it that you're worried about exactly?

Health? Addiction? Withdrawls?

AFAIK ketamine has a good safety profile, it is used in both humans and animals to induce general anesthesia. If you do it recreationally, you're not even coming close to the dosage that would completely anesthetize you, and even if you did (which you don't), you would just wake up in a hour or so.

If it should cause any trouble, like bladder issues I'm sure you would notice that way before it becomes so severe that you will have to carry a catheter all the time because you can't urinate on your own.

Same goes for potentially damaging your brain. We do not know if ketamine is neurotoxic and if it is to what degree but than again, if you experience some brain fog, and feel as something is not right I think that would be a good telling sign that you should perhaps slow down a bit or stop completely.

If you're worried, I would suggest perhaps choosing a drug that is more researched regarding long term effects. Studies on ketamine are limited because in no medical context would or should ketamine be administered daily for prolonged periods of time.

Being able to chip a drug in the period of every three days seems to avoid some nasty side effects, that are associated with daily use, but I find it that this regime is pretty hard to control, and you will probably slip at some point and do it more often than that until it becomes a part of your daily routine.

If you have to do it, for safety reasons I would suggest you do it on the weekends. Than again, there are so much other, better, more fun and pleasurable drugs out there and I'm startled why would you or anyone want to do ketamine that often.

Ever tried rolling a joint mixed with changa? You don't really have to break through with this, you can smoke a bit, put it out, light it up again when needed until you find your sweet spot. The weed will provide you that disassociative feeling, and the DMT/harmalas will unfold visuals that are far more spectacular than those of K, and it also carries within it some disso characteristics. It isn't the same, but I find it better, about the same in duration perhaps even a bit longer, and most importantly, safer on all levels. Try that, thank me later.
I mean..probly.

I love ketamine and use it for neuropathy, and would not feel comfortable personally with using it that frequently.

A changa joint is, IME, nothing like ketamine whatsoever. Two entirely different things in my experience.

Why do you want to use ketamine so frequently?..are there medical reasons?
Using it too often can definitely pose health risks overtime, it is toxic to the brain and bladder. Albeit, bladder and brain damage require a period of substantial use.

EGCG can help to protect your bladder from ketamine and ALCAR (Acetyl L-Carnitine) can help protect your brain from ketamine-induced nuerotoxicity.

EGCG study: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1879522615004157

ALCAR studies: 1) Opposing effects of ketamine and acetyl L-carnitine on the serotonergic system of zebrafish - PubMed 2) Acetyl L-carnitine targets adenosine triphosphate synthase in protecting zebrafish embryos from toxicities induced by verapamil and ketamine: An in vivo assessment
I drink twice a week, K is similar to getting drunk, was just looking for an alternative. Plus I like K, and was simply looking to replace alcohol with it recreationally. If this is not good, then I will not. I just wonder if a few bumps of K are any worse or not than a night of drinking. I know that alcohol is a slow poison, but is K? I tried Kava, it is OK, but the studies show that some people actually need liver replacements after using it sometimes even only after a few months. So just dont know. I know, I know, abstinence, but I need ways of relaxation, weed causes anxiety for me usually. So once again IDK, just wondering if a few bumps of K twice a week could be detrimental to ones organs?
as far as i know frequent K use often leads to bladder problems.
not sure about any other issues that may occur over time
DisEmboDied said:
I drink twice a week, K is similar to getting drunk, was just looking for an alternative. Plus I like K, and was simply looking to replace alcohol with it recreationally. If this is not good, then I will not. I just wonder if a few bumps of K are any worse or not than a night of drinking. I know that alcohol is a slow poison, but is K? I tried Kava, it is OK, but the studies show that some people actually need liver replacements after using it sometimes even only after a few months. So just dont know. I know, I know, abstinence, but I need ways of relaxation, weed causes anxiety for me usually. So once again IDK, just wondering if a few bumps of K twice a week could be detrimental to ones organs?
The only liver issues studied with kava are with low quality kava which includes the stems and other unwanted parts of the plant which are toxic to the liver. The actual root part of the kava is safe as far as we know. All you have to do is look at the pacific islanders who use a lot of kava and have no issues with their livers.

I'm not suggesting you don't be safe with kava or anything, but it isn't anywhere near as bad as it's made out to be.
GABA supplementation.

There are also many herbs like valerian (and kava) which hit those receptors. Some, are helpful.

You can try microdosing amanita muscaria once or twice a week as well, as muscimol hits gaba receptors with relaxing anti anxiety effects.

Ketamine does not feel close to the toxicity of alcohol for me, nor does Kava. I did take kava extract daily for months without experiencing negative side effects. A doctor suggested I use it for anxiety.
Hmm.. I don't think it would be damaging per se, although I would be a little cautious when playing with any drugs weekly TBH, I would recommend not using ketamine more than once every couple months, mainly because, its synthetic, you have to snort it, it just doesn't feel right..

I'm full of shit and have done a lot of ketamine in my day, but I do think that ketamine is seriously lacking as a drug, and would only ever recommend DMT, salvia, mushrooms, mescaline and cannabis as drugs that are truly worth exploring..

Unless you are depressed, I have seen 0.5mg/kg body weight given over an hour period to do WONDERS to people with depression.

I guess its all subjective, but I would still recommend you look into why you want to use ketamine weekly.

You probably wont develop any real health effects, but I think there are better mindsets to be accessing.
That stuff has ruined so many lives in the festival community and totally steals the vibe away from being here and now and in the body with your loved ones and brethren and sistren.

With its conglomerative molecular structure it has a SINISTER addictive profile. IT REALLY grabs you on all levels. People call it "psychedelic heroin" for a reason. Or Regretamine.

this old thread has my experience of getting out of drugs and dealing with the dire consequences.

This stuff is not worth it man.....Elder psych heads I know I really respect say more than twice a year is too much. And even that will grab you mentally!

After mine and my close friends experience with it, using it daily or throughout the week is a quick path to isolation and masturbatory and escapist lifestyles.

I been in the festival scene 10+ years and I have not seen it do much good, past a wild and cryptic psychedelic ride or blissful nothingness in the nonworlds dimensions. Had alot of good brothers OD while on it and die young. Have alot of other friends who have turned into something that maybe is worse than dieing, [they may agree if you ask them] This quick ticket to blissful void town drug is the ultimate evil card in our reality. Some think an object of distraction presented to the psychedelic community as an obstacle in its growth.

It is definitely not a part of any lifestyle that values health and wellness of brain and body. It slowly toxifies your system and the obscuring of nervous system signals has been shown to last 2 weeks from one dose. Sooooo in my experience and others you don't feeeeeel bad even if you do it once a week. but it is doing damage and you are pulling further and further away from your body. LAaking the ability to feel what you do.

I have detailed much of my journey out of this dark night of the soul of mine on the Nexus. I am thankful to Ketamine for making me master myself, my health and well being so I can give to others. The organ damage it gave me really made me work to make my body/life heal and I learned so much. BUT I WOULDN'T WISH THIS ON MY WORST ENEMY.

I worked to master health and wellness and herbalism along with natural psychs and it has been ever fruitful. SO thankful for my curvy path. Its been 6+ years and I am healthier than ever in my life and more vibrant, just using natural plants and fungi/animals.

I really wish it'd be more frowned upon in conscious psychedelic communities, especially parties. IT pulls people away from the present and their bodies and steals energy.

After all those thousands of K Holes and all the time it took me to learn how to repair my body and learn many arts of living to do so. I am so thankful to just be a human, I love getting super high on DMTw/harmalas through my bodies own awareness expanding[all the other naturals and pure LSD]...not bypassing the body and ripping out naked and free unprotected into the cosmos.

Just smoking weed and walking around....or smoking tobacco on a porch. Or eating shrooms and dancing with shroomed out girls. Jamming with new friends and making great music. Good home food. Gardening in the sun. These all make life worth living, if you prioritize body numbness or time out of body this much there is an imbalance. KEtamine[similar analogs also] can be dabbled in but almost everyone agrees they are playing with a really hot dangerous fire and the consequences are GREAT. [peeing ever 5 minutes for years[or ever....."catheter time" sex is now imposssible to those poor souls]

Can make an anti-social time in your life moreso.... And an anti-social person spiral into isolation

We love you bruddha, please focus your energy on health and being good to yourself, and the rest of existence.

That stuff is a trap.
good to see you again, NK.

I don't have any experience with the drug in question, but the above sounds like a heap of very good advice.
K became my go to drug for having on a night out for a while. Probably had a gram 2x a month for the best part of three years.

I'm fine :)

On the other hand I find cannabis to be very psychologically damaging. Through cannabis use I have had several seizures and panic attacks, one of which had me walking around for 2 weeks with my hands in the air because I thought they were going to pop. You won't hear me giving cannabis a bad review though, it's just not for me.

With ketamine on the other hand, I have not ever had any adverse effects, it allows me to open up socially and although often very abstract I have achieved great insight from this drug which has been so significant.

Although I re-dose with ketamine more than I do with any other drug, over the period of a couple of days I feel tolerance develop fast and no longer feel the benefit beyond just the spacey anaesthesia and I stop using. I only really get to this point at festivals where as I implied, I use ketamine the way others use cannabis.

I should also attach that I have friends that have been using ketamine a lot onger than me and they still have their families, jobs and bladders.

Your mileage may vary.
soulfood said:
K became my go to drug for having on a night out for a while. Probably had a gram 2x a month for the best part of three years.

I'm fine :)

On the other hand I find cannabis to be very psychologically damaging. Through cannabis use I have had several seizures and panic attacks, one of which had me walking around for 2 weeks with my hands in the air because I thought they were going to pop. You won't hear me giving cannabis a bad review though, it's just not for me.

With ketamine on the other hand, I have not ever had any adverse effects, it allows me to open up socially and although often very abstract I have achieved great insight from this drug which has been so significant.

Although I re-dose with ketamine more than I do with any other drug, over the period of a couple of days I feel tolerance develop fast and no longer feel the benefit beyond just the spacey anaesthesia and I stop using. I only really get to this point at festivals where as I implied, I use ketamine the way others use cannabis.

I should also attach that I have friends that have been using ketamine a lot onger than me and they still have their families, jobs and bladders.

Your mileage may vary.

everybody's different. I would still be weary, ketamine is a tricky one.
neb said:
everybody's different. I would still be weary, ketamine is a tricky one.

I would also advise:

"everybody's different. I would still be weary, ________ is a tricky one."

Insert any psychedelic in this space.

The main issue people seem to have with ketamine is its addictive properties. Predisposition to addiction varies greatly across the board, but I believe if you have had little to no struggle with addiction to other substances or pattern behaviour, ketamine is no more a bother than anything else.

Furthermore if someone wanted to work with a dissociative compound, I can't really think of one that is safer or more user friendly in my experience.

I understand it's controversial, though it seems what is horse poison to old warn out ravers is a miracle breakthrough to the modern therapist. Lets not forget that a drug is an inanimate object. It's the behaviour of those who interact with them which holds the potential for danger.
soulfood said:
neb said:
everybody's different. I would still be weary, ketamine is a tricky one.

I would also advise:

"everybody's different. I would still be weary, ________ is a tricky one."

Insert any psychedelic in this space.

The main issue people seem to have with ketamine is its addictive properties. Predisposition to addiction varies greatly across the board, but I believe if you have had little to no struggle with addiction to other substances or pattern behaviour, ketamine is no more a bother than anything else.

Furthermore if someone wanted to work with a dissociative compound, I can't really think of one that is safer or more user friendly in my experience.

I understand it's controversial, though it seems what is horse poison to old warn out ravers is a miracle breakthrough to the modern therapist. Lets not forget that a drug is an inanimate object. It's the behaviour of those who interact with them which holds the potential for danger.
I just feel that ketamine is not the same, your snorting a crystal, the effects are pleasant and can give insights, but I dont think weekly use is beneficial, you asked how much K is too much, I think weekly use is too much.

I love ketamine, I think there is a lot of potential with it, I have seen it do really good things to some peoples lives, and to be honest I personally havent experienced much negative repercussions from using it.

All that said, there is something sinister about it, I don't feel dissociatives should be used frequently. I also don't think psychedelics should be used frequently. Would you be happy without your weekly ketamine experience?

overall, I don't immagine using ketamine once a week to be too harmful, but I wouldnt consider it particularly beneficial. I'm not you though, and I cant see into your mind, but since i am trying to learn how I personally relate to these substances, I dont think using ketamine weekly is good for me. I wouldn't suggest you do it, and I don't think you should.

All that being said, I am not you, I don't live the life you live, just be careful that you arent using it as an escape, dont hide away from your issues.

If you feel it is responsible, then by all means go for it. but I would be more weary of ketamine as opposed to other psychedelics because of the deceitfulness of the drug, I feel as if I am getting these wonderful universal downloads, that I am just an open vessel being filled with knowledge, but I often find my thoughts to be somewhat delusional or just.. not where it should be.. I gain far more from traditional psychedelics than I do from ketamine, that isnt to say I havent had incredible times on ketamine, or that I haven't learnt much. I just feel it can be somewhat more decieving than other psychedelics..

I think even outside of addiction, I would be more weary of ketamine than most other psychedelics.

If you where taking it monthly, or every couple months, I would not even warn you, but weekly use just doesnt seem healthy to me. sounds like that in itself is dependance, thats all.
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