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How to earn money from thrash?

Migrated topic.


Esteemed member
I have a lot of old wood, which I could cut in smaller pieces and sell, but does anybody buy wood waste?

I know gypsies make big money from old metal, which I have too... but who should I look for? I've googled it and got no satisfying results.

I could use some cash, and I don't just wanna throw away that stuff. How could I earn money from old wood, metal, plastic, etc..?
If you have metal it can be taken in to the scrap yard for salvage. Depending on what metal and how much of course. I'm broke too man. I need a job in a bad way. On days when we need more than we have (most days), I take my acoustic guitar to a busy corner downtown, throw down my hat and play until I have what we need for the day. Sometimes I make enough for a few days at a time so I can skip a day and hang with the fam. We don't go hungry and we have our daily comforts (gram of oil a day and tobacco and papers). Still it is impossible to get ahead this way. I need to look for something that is more appropriate for what my life has become. Anyway good luck to you. You can always have a giant bonfire party!!!
Check the scrap metal prices. Copper and lead will usually get you more than steel and iron will. Aluminium is cheap and bulky so either have a lot ready or check to see if it's worthwhile.

You'll get more for your scrap if it's cleaned up a bit - i.e. remove all plastic remnants as best you can, strip insulation from copper cables, chop car chassises into manageable pieces after removing all possible reusable - saleable - spares. Mostly obvious stuff, I guess. You'll need about half a ton at a time for it to be worthwhile, IME.

If you've some way of turning the scrap into artwork - trash sculptures - it's possible you'll get more than their scrap value if you've got the right sales pitch, verbally and location-wise. Depending on what pieces you have, you could make musical instruments from some of it, or even build yourself some kind of machine that burns the scrap wood for power - imagination is key, and maybe knowing what weird shaped bits of metal are used for.

Maybe some of your scrap is worth restoring? There are some great restoration videos on YouTube; I'll post here when I've tracked them down. Post me a PM to hurry me up if necessary!

Failing all that, find a rich lover to take pity on you!

Wishing you the very best of luck :love:
null24 said:
I thought you were wondering how to overcome a saturated death metal market...

😁 😁 😁 😁 :thumb_up:

OP : I buy such "thrash" yeah... but for so little money I can't believe that you would be happy w it....

Btw I wood never give away wood... metal depends what you have and of course even more HOW MUCH you have?
If you have a ton copper
or like 100m mahagony wood
you're a rich guy
If you really just have "thrash" build something out of it to become known about it's value!

If you have a lot of wood and a bit of metal build a lil house somewhere with a small garden... you can live there and grow ya food
These recourses are essential!
You are able to recycle plastics, metal is a really great stuff to work with and wood is pure luxury!

I spend the most of my small budget to things like wood and metal, not so much plastic but there is still a ton of things made up of plastic today you buy because it's cheaper...

dunno how to help you and what you wanna achieve?
for a festival ticket it's going to be enough money, probably
but than again I would take the recourses and check out what I can do with em preferably

I think downwardsfromzero has given some very good and pragmatical advices... be smart!

Addit : Look out for some private classifieds, they should exist everywhere in the world, I think so....
There is a company near me that recover all trashed food from school cafeteria.
They mix it up with trashed paper. Put in a container at 50/60°C for 2 days, they make a really good compost. :thumb_up:
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