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How to germinate chacruna?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hey everybody, I bought some fresh chacruna berries and I was wondering what they best way to start them is? If I can get them to germinate I think a can work through the rest. Thanks in advance!
Yikes those are hard seeds to get growing.

SWIM had some once. Put then in a very mildly acidic solution (dont remember the acid and don't remember why but it was recommended). Then put them either on paper towels that were wet first or just planted them in moist soil.

SWIM was only able to get them to make seedlings. The seedlings just sat there for like 2 months and then died.

Its a tough plant to get started from seed.
I started some chacruna growing but it was from a fresh leaf that I simply stuck on the ground and it grew (until a friend's cat ate it.. oh well ). But that was in a tropical place, dont know how the climate is in your parts and how much of a difference that will make
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