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How to get rid of demons !! IMPORTANT! NOT DELETE PLEASE

Migrated topic.

Truth Теlling's

Rising Star
This is a special tek how to get rid of demons. Dedicated to those who are able to see all sorts of creatures in the trip, and not just floating walls and fractals. If you feel bad, no energy, have harmful addictions, then know that you have already been taken over by parasites. They control your emotional state, and maybe your entire life.

Why do they need you? Everything is simple. Feed on your energy. Then they reproduce and lay cocoons.

Get rid of them, the sooner the better.

It is ideal to have an experienced shaman with you, but these are almost rare. If there is no such person - it does not matter, you can work it out yourself, the main thing is not to be afraid.

So, in everyday life, demons are not visible, but whoever has the third eye open, he sees them everywhere, they fly and sit on people. Mushrooms are a great tool to spot them. In the trip, the parasites begin to shine. I have this on dosage of five grams of dry cubes and above.

These critters are restless and aggressive when they are spotted. You need to look at them as much as possible.

Their look can be different, often these are all kinds of cockroaches, centipedes, ticks. Just like in real life.

They know that they will die soon, but they will offer various goodies: money, to see how the universe was created, and so on. Forget it, they want to take away your focus so that you back off from them.

You can invite them to leave you. (to say that they will die from mushrooms and it is better to blame for good). But this is unlikely to happen if a strong demon is sitting in you, their leader.

Focus. And in plain text say - Go to the @#@* of me! Swear at them, send in their own language, shout. Demons understand swear words very well. Repeat this ancient spell until you see them start to disappear! Yes, I understand it’s hard to say anything on mushrooms, and even more so to swear, but you need to do it. Practice breathing. Deep breath in and out. With an exhalation, they come out. By the way, when you yawn, cover your mouth.

They will leave, maybe not all. You will feel this moment of relief and your life will change!

Until you cleanse yourself of the dark forces, the light ones will not come to you and will not interact. For them, it's like walking up to a smelly bum who stinks from a mile away.
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