Jurence said:
I put my small jar of spice in the freezer and it got all wet and yellow after I let it thaw =_= so airtight container in my closet works for me- the naptha idea sounds best for long term storage (And i might be doing that)
The container you put in the freezer was probably not air tight...
or you opened it too soon.
If you keep your alkaloids in a container in the freezer,
before you open it, you have to let it warm to room temperature!!
If not, oxygen will condense on the inside of the container & you
will get wet, sticky stuff.
Same thing will happen if the container put into the freezer is not air tight.
Because the temp in the freezer fluctuates enough every time the door is opened, for the temp of the glass to change a bit & oxygen to start condensing on the inside over time.
This can happen pretty fast if you take the container out of the freezer & just open the lid right up.
It takes quite a bit more time to really mess things up, if the container you have siting in the freezer is not air tight.
Cold Storage Tip:
If your not totally sure if your storage container is air tight, before screwing on the lid, place a piece of plastic wrap over the mouth of the jar & use a rubber band around the jar to secure it. Make sure that the plastic wrap is sealed over the top & there are not any wrinkles in the plastic.
Then screw the lid of the jar on
tightly over the plastic wrap.
Now trim off the excess plastic wrap from around the edges, but be careful not to cut it too close to where the rubber band meets the plastic wrap!! You could lose your seal if the plastic wrap slips under the rubber band.
should sure up any
small leaks enough to keep oxygen from condensing on the inside anymore!!
I keep my
clear-to-white freebase DMT in the the back of my fridge, in an amber colored,
air tight, glass vile.
That vile is then put into one of those
false soda cans, as a hidey-hole.
I have
never noticed any degradation over time.
However, I used to keep a couple of 50mg doses weighed out & ready for use, in separate airtight glass viles, at room temp, in a small wooden treasure chest in my bedroom. I stopped doing that though because it was clearly losing potency the longer it would sit.
The Naptha storage idea seems completely unnecessary, not only that, but storing it in solvent, might actually aid in degrading the alkaloid even more over a long period of time. especially if that solvent is not extremely pure itself.
I don't know this for a fact or anything...but that just sounds like a bit of overkill there.
An airtight container in a cold environment, is about as stable as it's gonna get.
Is it necessary to store DMT-Fumarate in a cold environment too?
Or does the salt being more stable, make it unnecessary to do this?