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Rising Star
i gotta say, i'm not really sure where to begin here, but i guess i'll start by saying that these forums really are great. SWIM's recently become interested in spice extractions after discovering p. arundinacea as a source, and the nexus has been a veritable gold mine of information concerning the art. the sense of community is fantastic as well, along with a level of cooperation that's seldom seen on a web forum. all that being said, i reckon i oughta say a few words about myself.

i've always been interested in spirituality and the search for something more than the 9-ta-5 world. i was raised roman catholic, and though i've parted ways with that sect, i feel that they've got the right idea in a way, and i retain many of the values which i was taught. i feel we're all beating the same drum, and if we could only find the right rythm, we'd likely be able to move on to whatever new frontiers lie waiting for us, as i feel we must if we are going to survive as a species. religion, the occult, psychology, i can't get enough, and i love to see and participate in discussions about any of it.

as far as drugs go, i've done my fair share; stimulants, opiates, benzos, psilocybes, a. muscaria, whatever salvia is classified as, too much weed... but i still feel like i haven't quite found what i'm looking for. salvia was close, and i think it has powerful lessons to teach, but again, it wasn't quite "it".

and then there's the "spice" - a reference, i've assumed, to Frank Herbert's Dune novels. this is the one that's eluded me so far, even though i've been fascinated by it - and searching for it - for years. it is simply non-existant in my area, nobody's heard of it, noone can get it, and until very recently, i'd believed all the source materials were expensive and exotic. until i learned about dmt being present in "grass", as an aquaintance put it. he was a bit off, but after a few minutes of research i discovered phalaris arundinacea, which is considered an invasive species here and grows in such abundance and with such tenacity that the only way to get rid of it in most cases is, for all intents and purposes, to burn and salt the ground it grows on (an exageration, but you get the idea). these are in all likelyhood low-alkaloid strains escaped from hay fields, but it's free, and so worth a try. chemistry has never been anything more than a casual hobby for me, and so i've been scouring the internet, reading everything i can find about the various extraction techniques available, but still, i have specific questions that a google search simply can't satisfy, and so, i arrived here.

i realize at this point that i've created quite the wall of text here, so i suppose i'll wrap it up. i'm here to learn, and help others with whatever knowledge i have that may be useful. thanks for reading all this (writing isn't really my forte, and i'm sorry if it was painful), and i look forward to much reading and contributing in the future.

Greetings Quetzal! Nice choice of name. Good luck, it took SWIM months of study and sourcing until he performed his first extraction, but it was so worth it. He would recommend you try ayawaska to get a taste of things to come, you can find vendors in the suppliers thread, and a lot of useful info about preparing it and dosages on the ayahuasca forums (see links page).
thanks, ohayoco! heheh, yeah, quetzal has been my internet alter-ego for so long i can't remember exactly why i chose it anymore. guess it's these damn plumes. 8) and yes, SWIM thinks he will try a more sure-fire (than p. arundinacea) source of spice in the very near future, since my god is he all of a sudden riculously excited about it for some reason.

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