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Humble Tourist

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hi all, thanks for reading. I'm just another newbie sharing my experiences.

First time, all set. Quiet room, girlfriend at my side, small amount in the bowl, high heat lighter just above the ash covered yellow crystal powder.
Big inhale, WOW, excellent visuals; honeycombe hexagon vision, depth, yellowish orange, very enjoyable, very cool, lasted 5mins or so.

Girlfriend had a go, not so great a start, too dizzy, waves instead of hneycombes, warning bells.
Don't think she was in quite the right mindset, maybe too much anxiety although she's a fairly experienced tripper.

Waited an hour, laid up on the bed, decent dose in the bowl this time, 50mg's maybe.
3 big inhales, girlfriend took the pipe as I closed my eyes & laid back.
Next thing I know.. (4mins later) a rumbling in my tum..
"You ok?" she said quietly "Yeah, fine"
I then lean over the bed & Purge with a capital P. Although I hadn't eaten for 5 hours or so, I was hurling everything in me, but I wasn't concerned.
While I'm getting the last of the food, liquid & what I perceived to be as bad brain toxins out of me, I realise my vision has changed dramatically!

I'm still in the bedroom although the depth I can now see is astounding. I sat back to relax.
Geometric shapes lined my vision past through the wall of the room, slowly turning pyramids & cubes, brilliant colours.
I think but my thoughts are behind time, I ponder this but then can't remember what I was thinking about, on to the next thought.
I told myself I'm being looked after & everything is good. I then realised "I'm not actually telling myself - I'm being told"
I become more aware & sense something to my right, I can't see but I know there is a being there helping to tune my trip.
The tuning improved, like a radio station becoming clearer. Then the visuals became really amazing!
I had a warm feeling of humbled amazement, seeing star shapes, 5 pointed & 6 pointed, all turning in unison, all the same colours changing together.
In my mid-range vision, 2 prominent 5 pointed stars start to turn & flow colours in a vortex style behind them, like the final endings to '80s Hanna Barbera cartoons.
All these shapes are steady & moving at the same speed but some in different directions, clockwise/anticlockwise, from top to bottom & the others bottom to top. All relaxing.
The colours were so good, I actually said "Thank You" to my host a few times.
Then the top of my vision became more blue & I realised I was looking at a sky. I was in a very long & fairly wide space but not like outside.
The space I was in was almost endless in length, gold, orange & some green near me, purples, blues, greens & reds further away.
A smooth floor around me then further away, more outdoors type scenary. Still the shapes were turning.
I love this dimension. I turn to tell my girlfriend who has been clearing up my sick. I could hear her the whole time that I was enjoying this other place but didn't hear her loudly.
As I turned to speak I came out of the other dimension & was back in the bedroom. The picture on the wall was moving, the love heart flickering in & out of it's normal position.
Still with honeycombed hexagon vision but I wasn't 'there' anymore.
"Wow" I tell her.

I've smoked a couple more times since, maybe a month later but on my own & only a smaller hit.
Got the hexagons but I didn't breakthrough. Just a nice meditation with purples & reds.

Last time was again on my own, this time with Deadmau5 playing 'Hi Friend' in my living room.
As soon as I took 1 blast I was immediately in hexagon land again, I had another breakthough but only for a short time. I saw a glimpse of a figure, a being, but I don't think they liked the music & vanished.
I was in another place again but only for a minute or so. The hexagon shapes were really strong. I took another blast & got the shapes moving a little longer but not through 'there'.

Another excellent little trip seeing another place that was not regular 3D Earth.

Welcome to the Nexus!

Thanks for the nice report! You even used different font colors, which was a nice change. :)
Don't forget to check out the S.H.E. for Aug 31, 2012

See you in hyperspace!
Welcome to the nexus. Thank you for the interesting trip report. Every time you blast off you enter into infinite possibilities. Let nothing suprise you.

Take care

Thank you very much for the welcome folks.

I love reading on this site about other people's experiences although I don't come on too often. It's a great site.

DMT was a real perspective changer for me, it opened me up further than I thought possible - to feel & see what is out there is amazing (or in there). I will try it again fairly soon. I think of it as a meditation & a real exploration. I know there's plenty for me to see.

The first time - I got this sense that I was being shown an introduction & saw what I could handle & assimilate.

I also got the impression that I should come back to the 'alien' place and look around. Meet/feel some of the entities & beings. Basically just let them show me their place a little.

I definitely felt a change in my attitude to the world & realms of possibility afterwards.

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