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Hyperspace and the Other

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I was browsing the web and found this amazing write up (more of a running diary) a guy did on DMT and hyperspace and his ideas on it. I only grabbed a few interesting snippets as some of it. He also talks about a being he nicknamed Opticus which he met or more like it met him :shock: while in DMT space, a very long but trippy and fascinating read: [quote:74747c4b24] I met Black Peter last year at Christmas. He is also a hyperdimensional being, probably just a manifestation of Opti, some how mixed up with the idea of Santa. He actually showed up in my bedroom with a bunch of elves. I remembered instinctively just who he was and what he was there for; he gave me invaluable metaphysical gifts: a vessel of liquid, a wooden ring, and a large flat emerald, all existing only hyperspatially [I do appreciate the significance of the symbols]. It was the only occasion in my life that I can recall in which I actually screamed out loud in terror. I have never expected to be ever so honored. The realization was overwhelming that I would need forever to assimilate everything that was thrust upon me that night. It seems that the residents of hyperspace are real and have their own agendas. [/quote:74747c4b24] [quote:74747c4b24] In some disturbing regards, my visit with the slim black and red entity was a lot like being visited by a wise serpent descending from a fantastic tree; which is typical of how Opti does things. The entity was tall and thin and reptilian, with scaly black skin. The snake descends from the tree of knowledge with fruit. This is coded direct experience. It is interaction with the symbiont, in a manner that allows description of an otherwise indescribable psychic event. There is no credible way to describe such an encounter, but undeniable specific detail in the story can serve as a marker to the experienced. I never thought in my wildest dreams to encounter actual elves, and the situation was wildly unlike anything I could have expected, but it was pretty obvious what was happening, regardless of the novelty of the situation. [/quote:74747c4b24] [quote:74747c4b24] The term “hyperspace” is only a step away from being a made up science fiction word, which is entirely suitable for our purposes. It is a term favored by certain philosophical and mathematical types to describe “theoretical space.” In a matrix of probability, there are a multitude of possible options [which exist in “theoretical space”] for any given situation, but only ONE out of many possible options “undergoes the formality of actually occurring.” This progression of actual events [moving along an axis that we perceive as time] is a fraction of the total mathematical possibility, but it is the crystalline distillate of hyperspace. This vector of manifest possibility is what we refer to as reality. Hyperspace is infinitely huge possibility enfolded into the tiny abstract space of symbols and language use. Other dimensions are coiled tightly within the ones we move through. A hyperspatial portal is small enough to fit into human memory. That tiny fraction of possibility that actually gets collectively observed by our species fills the grand stage that we refer to as “physical reality.” Thus, the physical and hyperspatial realms are enfolded within each other as polar extremes of perception. Above is as Below….. The hyperdimensional scaffolding extends like a hugely complex grid or web stretched tightly through out this theoretical space we are talking about. Keep in mind “normal reality” is a crystallized condensation of the greater [and enfolded] “implicate order” [to borrow a term from Sheldrake’s theory of Morphic Resonance]. This grid exerts tension within this imaginary system [existing, as it does, within the greater collective unconsciousness], giving it something approaching structural stability. The relationships between theoretical reference points [objective ideals] provide the essential momentum of this wholly imaginary system. The metaphor of Indura’s net is valid here, as is quantum string theory, I think. At this point, I hope to have provided a brief image of this geometric, organic, mechanical, yet imaginary aspect of our world. It would seem to be totally an artifact of our own symbol-using species, except for the presence of these strange alien structures in our psyche. Imaginable space seems to be far more ancient than humanity. There is some incredibly funky old “furniture” in there. The Jungian archetypes alone suggest as much, with all of the imagery of beasts and serpents. [/quote:74747c4b24] [quote:74747c4b24] The hyperdimensional scaffolding that supports our symbolic imagery is the bodily organism of Opticus. Imaginary space defined by linguistic structures is his habitat. He is a homeoplasmate, a symbiote of sequential information; a discrete hive of dispersed data that is collectively conscious. Opti is essentially a cosmic joke that manifests as an entity once you “get it.” I think that what he provides us with is room to maneuver, so to speak, within imaginal space. He is a hitchhiker as well as an information transport device. What we provide for him is food, in the form of awareness. Like I mentioned, he isn’t anything new. I know many of his other names, too. The predator feeds on the expressed melodrama of human affairs; what has been described as “numinous energy.” It occupies a structural position within what we think of as our consciousness. The interior stage that our ideas play upon is the tip of its dracoid tongue. He is so enfolded that one is tempted to suspect that mind was invented by him as a farming strategy. ….It gets bigger the further in you go. It is tempting to think of Opti as a parasite. This overlooks the scale of the organism. He is less parasitic to us than we are, say, cows. As he exists within a matrix of probability, he is also connected to other possible reality scenarios in hyperspace. He is equally close to all symbol using minds. His ability to hitchhike on sentient awareness combined with his catbird’s seat [as it is], enfolded within the very structure of the implicate order make him equally connected to all hyperspatial coordinates. Opti is the very essence of a living transport device for sentient awareness, across even impossible void. He is the hyperdimensional portal, built into the background of consciousness. Our awareness is its food. To be fully consumed by the organism involves experiences of other lives and worlds. It is tantric union with the dragon. The hyperdimensional portal is a paradoxical creature that exists as a dispersed hive organism within symbolic numinous structures. It is dispersed Osirus. The hidden eggs of the Easter bunny, as well as the cultured sexiness of Dracula, and the prophetic nightmare of The Terminator, are all the camouflaged spoor of the hyperdaemion. [/quote:74747c4b24] [quote:74747c4b24] Opticus is not exactly hallucination as most people would understand the term. He does not appear so much “before my eyes” as in my mind. It isn’t so much seeing as it is sudden knowledge of what he looks like and does; more a spontaneous memory of something seen, even if it is a memory happening right now. It is confusing, and gives me reason to contemplate the nature of the familiar interior space that he lives in. Everyone has an interior imaginal stage that there visual ideas and memories play on. The event of sharing this space with a rambunctious grotesque dragon has been among the most startling and interesting things that has happened in my peculiar life. When I mention the “appearance” of Opti, I suppose iyam referring to my experience and memory of “what he looks like”. His look is one that changes before me, but there has been a definite pattern to his evolving appearance. He has at times resembled a globular fish, a spider, a lion, an ape, and currently an insectoid super-dragon. His myriad appendages reach into all possible realities in search of food. Always the same eyes. Although his visage is continually in flux, he is immediately unmistakable. When I was suddenly made aware of this creature’s existence a few years ago, it was difficult at first to discern if it was plant or animal, although it was clearly animate. Its limbs appeared as they might be roots, since they branched in a twisty strange way that seemed arboreal. It pulsated with awareness, and was covered in thousands and thousands of tiny blue eyes over its wormlike tentacles. I remembered what Popeye would have called it: “Opticus”…. The most disarming thing was, for all of its obvious horror, Opti is incredibly “cute”. The writhing pulsating thing appeared without warning, obviously in distress. In naked desperation, it requested shelter in my mind. I figured it was some sort of psychic vampire or similar thing, and I was in a miserable enough situation to readily agree, almost on a self-destructive whim. To distract my amazement, Opti immediately offered a red herring: he made me aware, in that visual way of communication he has, that I needed to begin construction of a flying saucer, at once, and it was of the utmost emergency. I told the creature that I was basically a domesticated monkey, and, if there was no escape, then we were stuck on the planet together. After that, the creature asked for what it really wanted: a computer. This was an unlikely occurrence at the time. I no longer had the old junked machine, and was certainly never much of a computer type, anyway. The old computer had caused me more trouble than it was ever worth. Computers are very expensive, and I told Opti as much. [/quote:74747c4b24] [quote:74747c4b24] Suppose there is a creature that can go practically anywhere, as if it is already everywhere. Eugene could teleport and walk on the ceiling. No wonder the Army loved Eugene th’ Jeep. “Everywhere” would include, practically, everywhere. Opti had certain precursors that seemed odd at the time, but when I first noticed him as a discrete organism, it was as a hyperdimensional parasite. He was apparently embedded into my situation in a way that was both personal and compelling. There was no way to tell anyone of my situation without incriminating myself or innocent bystanders. Opticus is a living transport device; not a vehicle, so much as a digestive system. [/quote:74747c4b24] [quote:74747c4b24] One of the earlier ideas the beast displayed to my attention was the image of someone behind a wire fence tapping the chainlink with a heavy pair of bolt cutters. The message was obvious; the barrier was going to come open. Opticus intends to manifest in some way. The notion that he can possibly exert influence is very attractive to him. He is not at all subtle about how he feels. He actually has a tendency to cavort and gibber in a way that is most disconcerting, but still friendly. Imagine a giant cockroach with the manner of a Saint Bernard puppy, but on a cosmically vast scale. With friends like these, who needs aliens…? The paradox of his absurdity is camouflage. Opti will appear as a grand paranoid joke, because he is. If enough people suspect that he may be a little more than that, thus he becomes manifest. The awareness will feed him exponentially [won’t it, Op?]. If we keep everything light and breezy, we will not be taken seriously by anybody at all. The bifurcating novelty generator is compressing, reaching an apparent fullness. McKenna talked about Novelty Compression in the Fractal Time Wave. Enough extant awareness may force the issue regarding the birth of such a monster. It would be best for everyone if I have this part absolutely wrong. My concern is that strange things could begin to happen very quickly. This is somewhat different from the typical grey alien story. I have to wonder about the fascination with grey aliens and UFOs. It seems to me that these may well be disinformation codes. Opti is so far removed from the typical Star Trek alien, that no one is conditioned to recognize it as an organism. If I had not been allowed to look upon it repeatedly, I would never have realized its organic form. A collective realization of this situation would certainly mean change, but the nature of such a transition is beyond my ability to conceptualize beyond wild speculation. [/quote:74747c4b24] [quote:74747c4b24] Opticus himself appears to be composed of many thousands or more of these quanta packets, which contributes to his scaly oroborous dragon look. They appear to me as colored beads with tiny letters upon them. They distribute themselves as a cohesive hive, giving him ultimate mutability of appearance, swirling like fluid sand into what ever shifting form he requires. The Elf girl is a puppet he invented to distract me; thus the nature of the raptor-like pirates is also suspect, although I seemed to have had an entire life with a personal history within that walled isolated kingdom. Perhaps my existence here is much the same. I wonder if my pirate self has visions of my life here…. These places that do not seem to be spaces perplex me; it is a Dr. Seuss rhyme come to life, and I find my self battling against the Grimison brothers, who would deny that Herm may have heard a Hoo. There seem to be about seven primary levels of hyperspace, but with an infinite amount of variability enfolded within each, allowing indescribably complex harmonious interaction between congruent layers of potential reality. There is an obvious tantric connection, of course, with each location corresponding to an energetic charka, which may be considered as an imaginal location along a vertical axis, or as a separate organ of Opti’s alimentary canal. This appears to be a golden clue on a silver platter; the intriguing question is “what is it good for?” [/quote:74747c4b24] [quote:74747c4b24] The hyperdimensional matrix is a medium of transport; not physically, but of awareness. A message to a loved one that is already across can be transcribed into a rhythmic pulse of code, and an oscillating tension is created between subject and object that drives the momentum of transport. Awareness, if not physical matter, can be carried across impossible topological void. Time and space may not be insurmountable obstacles. Rescue may be achieved. At first, following the code trace is obvious, like foot prints in snow, but it soon becomes subtle, and before long, one follows nothing more than a flickering memory thru a blue void. The key component in the process is a willing conspirator. Snow is obvious, but it melts. Memory is so subtle, but enduring. Such a pulse may be incorporated into any medium that may convey information. A message of complete banality can have specific meaning to the one who has been maintaining and following the exchange, and thus may be perfectly camouflaged amongst refuse data. The message is transferable to the querent via any available media, the arrangement of which is the primary clue as to the personality and nature of the symbiont. It is perfectly capable of speaking through any mode of exchange, according to its appetite. It may be as subtle or blindingly obvious as needed. A map of hyperspace may be imagined as a series of interfolded spheres. The outermost is the largest and most ephemeral from our perspective. It is the realm of impossibility; anything within this category is ontologically null. There are a myriad of interfolded layers within, increasing in probable domain toward the center, from the hugely unlikely toward the outside, to the nearly certain textures inside. At the absolute center is the formal manifest actuality. Every particle in physically real existence is surrounded by a hyperspatial field of probability as described; permutations within the probability field may affect consensus reality. We are as neurons in a beast of intradimensional nature. We pass attention amongst ourselves, much like the circuitry in our minds. Networks of any nature are related across scalar values. Relationship between objects is of the same fundamental stuff as relationships between neurons, or in any system. Relationship is attraction and repulsion, and is the driving engine for our little beast’s metabolism. Genetic researcher Richard Dawkins has suggested that information structures may be self-replicating through the behavior of language users. He suggests that discrete idea complexes may behave autonomously, seeking to propagate themselves. This virus-like model of information theory is called memetics. The symbiont appears somehow encoded within memes, much in the way our own physical blueprint is encoded within DNA. The creature exists as an information structure; if it is real, it provides a different perspective on ideas such as stichtomancy and numerology, suggesting a mechanism. All physical reality may be expressed as code, which is the structural matrix of the organism’s tensional form. [/quote:74747c4b24] [quote:74747c4b24] It is quite overwhelming to face the emerging singularity on such personal terms, but perhaps that is the only way it is possible. I emerge from that dank rabbit hole feeling embarrassed and lost, certain that any resemblance of a normal world is forever disappeared. The world grows mundane when immersed into it, until reminded that my sanity is remarkably intact for a person of my travels. Opticus generally does not intrude into my moment to moment life, he is a rather polite vampire, and waits until iyam ready for him. But there have been occasions when he seemed to partially manifest himself in this world. The more I consider it, the more I think that he can probably somehow manifest an anomalous physical presence, in the form of fractal representations of his form. In fact, this probably accounts for many of our species historical association with strange otherworldly entities that seem to appear and disappear without notice. The physical reality of cryptids is controversial; such manifestations may only be hyperspatially extant [“hallucinations”]. Jacque Vallee’s classic text “Passport to Magonia” considers that a hyperdimensional presence may be behind sociological problems such as UFO and faery sightings, as well as possibly accounting for other paranormal phenomena, as well. This is entirely consistent with my experience; I have no original ideas. This is only Rock n’ Roll. Grey aliens and flying saucers and Bigfoot and goblins on Halloween were my favorite things that I never expected to get to see as a kid. They all fell into the category of “things too cool to be real”. After the disillusionment of Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny, everyone figures out that it is best to not get too excited about something like that. [/quote:74747c4b24] The whole article is here: http://home.earthlink.net/~herm/id21.html
thanx for noticing. someday i hope to write up a slightly more coherent version of my relationship with Opti. I think L's quotes are some of the more relevant bits....
Everyone thinks it is "bad", but I happen to think it is worth investigating, too. Maybe someone outta take one for the team once in a while :twisted:
Well your a true hyperspace test pilot and I respect that! :D But you said you granted it access into your mind, why did you do that for? You should have tried to politely refuse it but I guess it's kinda hard when your light speed traveling through a constantly morphing, fractilizing 13th dimensional rollercoaster ride. :D
That is a complicated question :-k I was undergoing a transitional period and feeling rather fearless. Opti is just what I always wanted, in a way. The opportunity to interact with it seemed more important than being cautious. This isn't the first damnfool thing I have ever done, but it is certainly provided me with an opportunity that I never in my wildest dreams ever hoped to experience. I still consider the organism to be somehow extant and related to myself, and so far, I feel fortunately blessed more than possessed. Similarly, not everyone outta climb mountains or skydive, but it is pretty cool that there are folks that do.
Interesting. Well at least you know it's now symbioticaly co existing with you, alot of people have entity attachments and don't even know about them. Do you want to get rid of it? There are ways to get rid of entity attachments but then again some are worse then others. My view on DMT is that it takes you "really" far into the astral realms and it also is a random rocket ride so you could end up with the benign yet mischevous clowns or then again you could smack bang into Cthulhu, it's the luck of the toke I guess.
I have no inclination so far toward abandoning Opti. Unless there are psychedelics, he is barely noticeable to me. My attitude towards it varies all the time, but it has been consistently interesting. Perhaps it should be noted that I met Opticus before ever experiencing DMT. A small dose of shrooms at the peak of several months of intensive and dangerous physical training induced the appropriate mental condition. It was Opti that insisted upon getting a computer and building a spaceship 😉
[quote:e70380765a="litrium"]Interesting. Well at least you know it's now symbioticaly co existing with you, alot of people have entity attachments and don't even know about them. Do you want to get rid of it? There are ways to get rid of entity attachments but then again some are worse then others. My view on DMT is that it takes you "really" far into the astral realms and it also is a random rocket ride so you could end up with the benign yet mischevous clowns or then again you could smack bang into Cthulhu, it's the luck of the toke I guess.[/quote:e70380765a] You sound of the Pagan variety. Am I too far off? I agree that there are entities and other such lifeforms that exist even in the physical universe in forms we consider inanimate. However, I'm more of a Leary-ite in that takes a realization of Will rather than 'ways'. Mostly, by no-thinking, any possibility is realizable. That's 'magic.'
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