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I am curious!


Rising Star
i used to travel before bed when i was a young boy. sleep paralysis and such. i was very afraid and always fought it. The vibrations i once felt as a child would rumble and increase in intensity and pain. "something" was messing with me. the image is still clear in my head almost 17 years later. i am now 22. it was if i was witnessing the big bang. from the inside. an explosion happening from my body and bright white light. I would awake sweating and many times fall directly back into the experience. I soon learned that i could yell WAKE UP!!! or HEEEELLLLPPP and sometimes break from these experiences.

my first experience with psilocybin reminded me of the same feelings i had during these pre sleep experiences.

i then grew mushrooms to experiment further.

i began to notice that there was somehing calling me back to these experiences. there was always more to learn and experience. some experiences seemed connected with the ones after them as a continuation.

i discontinued psychedelics for a while, but have regained interest as i feel they will forever be an integral part of my life whther i share them with others or consume myself.

a recent experience with psychedelic trance mushroom and lsd not only brought my memory of these vibrations back but actually had me in a grid quite like the one i remember as a child.

"astral plane"?

recently i have been becoming more and more in touch with certain voices within (outside? everywhere? GOD? angels?) me. They are helpful and come in times of need.

I have been having alien dreams where from a normal dream i will enter a geometric place of infinite complexity and color. one vision that i remember was a fractal pattern with technicolor skulls pulsating to a fast and complicated rythm. before i was there in the dream i was listening to psy.

i am very interested in traveling with DMT for it will allow me to go the distance without extreme time commitment.

I want to have communication with ............

BTW how do yall feel about psytrance and technoshamanism? i feel as if it has great healing potential.
Hey, fellow Cali :D

It sounds to me like you've experienced DMT at least to some degree, for a while.

I'm not really experienced to answer your questions, but, welcome!
haha well i am not really looking for answers really, just more questions. Anyways CALI w000t!...

The I tried DMT once but i suspect it was either very weak, or it was 5meo. the walls came alive but without color. and i was distracted because someone touched me and it felt like an electrical shock. Time stopped and i was calm. The way back was confusing as there were people talking in the room and i would hear their speech all garbled up like a shpongle voice sample haha!
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