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I ask for help from the experts of forum

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Make a tea with just caapi vine . Not pre shredded
Get whole vine pieces and break it up in a towel with a hammer.
Cook it long and slow in water don't add anytime else .
If its big batch put it in mason jars in the fridge until needed.

Check dosage amounts carefully .

Vaping spice after drinking the tea works very well .

As far as a good Maoi source caapi vine itself is as good as it
Bnd said:
...anyway someone could tell me, where is the spirit of ayahuasca? You can get it with the pharmahuasca? why my mind is clouded like drunkenness?
FV’s products, including Caapi Copy, are made from Syrian Rue, so there is likely significant harmaline present. Natural caapi vine contains very little harmaline.

It is often said that harmaline produces the “cloudy” or “drunken” feeling you describe. I’d recommend you either prepare a caapi tea as suggested by Felnik, or extract the alkaloids from caapi vine.
Let's not turn this into a sad story about FV/ron. You can get the caapi spirit by either extracting it yourself, or by buying standardised extracts like from the other vendor you mentioned. Ussually those standarised extracts are a little to weak, so you need to take a little more than you would think. if an extract says 50:1, then it means that so much vine was use to create so much extract, not that the extract has an alkaloid content of that much vine. Expect it to be 10 to 20% weaker depending on the vendor, type of extract etc. Most reliable vendor's wouldn't sell anything way below that level.
Maya always has good quality products. Just remember to take a little bit more than you normally would because those extracts are always around 10% weaker then you expect.
That's an awfull lot. Maybe the problem is that you took too much of it. 1 gram of that stuff is sufficient for full MAO-inhibition to activate orally ingested DMT.

I've never taken such doses like you, but i can totally understand how you could get a drunken feeling from it.
Yeah, in that case it probably shouldn't be called caapi-copy. I personally also find high doses of rue to feel more toxic than higher doses of caapi. Sensitivity varies in each person. Some persons always have to throw-up when they take caapi while others don't. But all of this clearly indicates that the so called caapi-copy has a totally different alkaloid profile than real caapi.
bnd, why don't you try to extract some caapi? it's not a terribly difficult procedure and you can see for yourself then if you get *the spirit*. Personally I don't get a hangover from using my extract, other than maybe feeling a bit exhausted the next day. I'd extract something myself rather than buy an extract any day.

cheers & love
Enoon said:
bnd, why don't you try to extract some caapi? it's not a terribly difficult procedure and you can see for yourself then if you get *the spirit*. Personally I don't get a hangover from using my extract, other than maybe feeling a bit exhausted the next day. I'd extract something myself rather than buy an extract any day.

cheers & love
good advice.
If you want the spirit of ayahuasca my friend,

Then you must prepare ayahuasca!

Are you gunnu let the taste hold you back? If i were you Id just make some traditional ayahuasc, youll get exactly what your looking for or more!

The key is in the vine my friend;)
Harmalosa said:
If you want the spirit of ayahuasca my friend,

Then you must prepare ayahuasca!

Are you gunnu let the taste hold you back? If i were you Id just make some traditional ayahuasc, youll get exactly what your looking for or more!

The key is in the vine my friend;)

Hey there,
don't wanna be a rain on the parade of the experience,
While the full extraction from the vine may be 'the spirit of ayahuasca' it no way means that
a] it is 'better'
b] more 'real'
c] there isn't an equally important or worthwhile spirit in pharmahuasca

the only way to really determine that is through a blind test (unfortunately virtually impossible unless you can get a 'caapi flavour essence' from your local herbalist supermarket 😉 )

yes, of course they have their difference, especially from a pure physical aspect (e.g. purging and it's consequent mind set/lessons). However, there are distinct aspects that shouldn't be overlooked from a pharmahuasca journey. The smoothness can provide arguably important perspectives and let you focus on different aspects that would be potentially impossible in a standard aya journey.

And the benefits of western technology/science can also benefit understanding of the total universe of human experience can't it?

Also, one thing I have been noticing is the inherent similarity between the experiences after you dissociate from the initial flavor of the drinks...

so, maybe if you work to look for the similarity rather than differences you can end up in the same worthwhile place?
it's well documented that 30% of people in medical double blind trials get cured by the placebo, and that % may be more than the phenomenological difference between ayahuasca and pharmahuasca.

regardless, both to me seem extremely valuable :d

just my 10c
200mg of extract might be too little to feel the caapi significantly. While it might be a full MAOI the caapi won't give you the full visionary quality at that dose. You might want to try higher doses before you give up on this mixture. Try calculating the amount by looking at your yield and the standard amount that is used in aya brews. I think this will suggest to you going quite a bit higher with the extract dose, though off the top of my head I couldn't tell you a number.

anyway, hope you find the sweet spot. 250mg caapi + 100mg fumarate dmt was a very nice experience for me, but I'm very small, so YMMV

DMTripper said:
Which is stronger 100mg. of fumarate DMT or 100mg. freebase?

131g of fumarate is as strong as 100g of freebase, so to convert from fumarate salt to equivalent freebase, divide mass by 1.31:


What is the freebase equivalent of 50mg of DMT-fumarate?
50mg/1.31 = 38.2mg

To convert from freebase to fumarate, multiply by 1.31.


How much DMT-fumarate is needed to have effects similar to 150mg freebase?
150mg*1.31 = 196.5mg
Remember that DMT-fumarate gets absorbed faster as DMT-freebase.

For me this results in a faster and higher peak with DMT-fumarate. In my experience, 75mg of DMT-fumarate is stronger than 100mg of DMT-freebase.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
gibran2 said:
DMTripper said:
Which is stronger 100mg. of fumarate DMT or 100mg. freebase?

131g of fumarate is as strong as 100g of freebase, so to convert from fumarate salt to equivalent freebase, divide mass by 1.31:


What is the freebase equivalent of 50mg of DMT-fumarate?
50mg/1.31 = 38.2mg

To convert from freebase to fumarate, multiply by 1.31.


How much DMT-fumarate is needed to have effects similar to 150mg freebase?
150mg*1.31 = 196.5mg

Bioavailability of both forms ? I'm not operating with any concrete info but I believe the comparison is more complex than calculating molecular weight.
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