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I Believe...

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I have just taken the most extreme journey of my life. Seriously!

I'm struggling to put this into words but i had a large dose of DMT in my bong and was tripping my balls off on the 2nd toke...i got half a 3rd toke in and i just laid out on my huge bed.

I was listening to some spacey music and got transported to this 4d place that was pure colour and love.
then this female presence met me and started to fill me with pure love. I admit that i was in pure extasy as she controlled every part of my body like a puppet on a string. She wanted me to believe. I believe.

All I kept saying was i love you and i believe. She just carried on using my body as a sex toy really...I was crying with joy the whole way through. She really did have full control of my body and could control my legs and arms at will...i really didn't mind as the love was so true and so right..

I was gonna crash out but had to write this down. The ecstasy was like nothing I’ve done before and that includes a wide range of substances..

It's crazy but I got another 100g's of MHRB through the post yesterday so will be extracting tomorrow...I need to go back home.

Peace and love everyone. I believe where i went was real and out of this world. I saw things that i could never imagine to see.

I believe, TPS :shock:

Also it didn't matter if eyes were opened or not as couldn't tell the difference...the trip lasted 15mins but seemed like an hour or 2...
Nice man, I love that golden pure absolute epitome of ecstasy that DMT can bestow onto every molecule in your body sometimes. I haven't had it for a while though :(, but I heard pharmahuasca can heighten the possibility of this happening?
apparently SWIM is still a hyperspace virgin in this sense. bummer! out of curiosity, has anyone ever actually come out of one of these experiences to find that they had ejaculated? or was it all psychedelic, mental stimulation without the normal, corresponding physical/bodily responses?
acolon_5 said:
Welcome to club hypersex.

I've been there too...it is amazing.

Thanks dude. I'm really happy to be a member of club hypersex 8)

Today has been a great day! i haven't been able to stop thinking about what happened last night. I'm so thankfull to have a place to share my thoughts as my friends think i'm slightly crazy...

In all honesty I've never felt such pure ecstasy before. To cry like I did as I was so happy, and to feel the pure love go through me will last with me forever. I wish to go back of course but i think i'll handle it if not. What was amazing was that she just wanted me to believe that i was somewhere real and when i said i did (and TBH i still do...) she was so happy. I say she as i never saw a body as such but just felt the energy and presence of her.

Am i crazy to belive what i saw? Maybe over time i will 'rationalise' it and will go back to my old self. But i truly believe that i just don’t have the imagination to have seen/felt such things.

Wow, what a journey this has been. Without the Nexus it would never have happened.

Peace and love, TPS :)
SoCal said:
out of curiosity, has anyone ever actually come out of one of these experiences to find that they had ejaculated?
There was one report a while back when a mess was made. SWIM is a hypersex virgin still too. He's been at least 50 times but the beauties have only teased him so far, they never actually get down to it. It might feel like he is being lead somewhere for something like that but then the spice wears off. He has experienced ecstacy, but not from an entity's doing. Can't wait til THH becomes available over here... then he'll surely get his hyperspace rocks off! :lol:
TBH it felt as though I had ejaculated 100 times over...especially through the puppet on a string part..

But nothing actually happened down there... :d
thepureskunk said:
I'm so thankfull to have a place to share my thoughts as my friends think i'm slightly crazy...

Get used to this if you keep using the spice. Trying to get virginal friends to understand the world you have been exposed to is difficult. They just don't get it...all the more spice luv for joo! :)
WOW :shock:

Ok, this is going to be a bit of a ramble...I've only just come back.

I've just met the same entity as posted above. I have had a few spice journeys since but haven't broken through again until now. Its a full moon outside with the sky clear and full of stars. I'm sure this helps...

I really cannot work out how people say this is 'just' your brain at work. I mean we are just a dot, if that, in a universe so big which is on so many different levels...

We didn't know about radio waves until we found them. We didn't know about infared until we found it. We know nothing in the grand scheme of things..Science is a great thing but we must realise our limitations.

DMT unlocks the door for us. It is truly amazing.

BTW i was/am still listening to Entheogenic- Relax through headphones the whole way through...the entity approved :d

Love and respect to all


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BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL!!!! What a wonderful experience - thank you for sharing! I do not know about hypersex but I do know about the ecstacy part of hyperspace and it is incomparable to ANYTHING else.

Funny, before I saw that there were 5 mos. or so between your first and last posts, I was going to suggest that you could not duplicate or induce such a thing. It just happens when it happens, when you are ready, etc. Same thing with egodeath - you cannot induce it but it will happen when it's going to happen. So, congratulations on a second encounter with this female entity!

Just the brain at work? It seems like something more is going on. I am also reeling from a mystical experience that changed everything for me. I'm 3 weeks in and still expecting to "get back to my old rational self . . ." Part of me is thinking this will not happen. DMT has reprogrammed my brain and it didn't take too many exposures. I do tend to say to folks, "If this is going crazy, it's the best kind of crazy ever . . ." as I smile. It feels "more real than real," completely different from any other psychoactive molecule-induced experience.

I LOVED the astronomical progression! Didn't need that to feel small, but it did induce a nice laugh and a lasting smile!

Thanks again!

Peace & Love,
so here i am surfin' the threads.....all nice and deeply in tune with an insight only an extremely potent cannabis cookie can provide.

i'm getting into these threads people!! i LOVE this community...sincerely.

so anywho-TPS, i gotta just say that this has been a very enjoyable read! from your initial experience report to this JAW-DROPPING composition. truly incredible. thank you.

so as not to derail....i shall contribute my bit to the initial discourse....i could not call what i've experienced "hypersex"...it was so much more dimensional than that.
there is no impurity in the affair. no body. no one "spot" that feels any better or is any more erogenous than the next....and the next...and the next....because I don't even have a body or know what a body is.

i suppose i would only quantify it as "sexual" in the sense that i feel that same "heat" or "passion" i feel when i'm sexual....it's just that i'm feeling every other positive feeling in existence and beyond at the same time. it hasn't been able to "stand out" as yet....no pun intended...if that even qualifies as one.... ;)

i was just reading another thread where a brother informs us that the very smell of his spice pipe gives him a woodie... i will now go direct him to this thread...

TPS- That is awesome, the spice showed you the actual fractal nature of the universe. I was graced with this just a while back. There is a PBS show called Hunting the Hidden Dimension
it is awesome! you can watch it on the PBS site or on google video.
SoCal said:
apparently SWIM is still a hyperspace virgin in this sense. bummer! out of curiosity, has anyone ever actually come out of one of these experiences to find that they had ejaculated? or was it all psychedelic, mental stimulation without the normal, corresponding physical/bodily responses?

One of my friends jizzed in his pants after the 3rd toke :lol:
antrocles said:
so here i am surfin' the threads.....all nice and deeply in tune with an insight only an extremely potent cannabis cookie can provide.

i'm getting into these threads people!! i LOVE this community...sincerely.

so anywho-TPS, i gotta just say that this has been a very enjoyable read! from your initial experience report to this JAW-DROPPING composition. truly incredible. thank you.

so as not to derail....i shall contribute my bit to the initial discourse....i could not call what i've experienced "hypersex"...it was so much more dimensional than that.
there is no impurity in the affair. no body. no one "spot" that feels any better or is any more erogenous than the next....and the next...and the next....because I don't even have a body or know what a body is.

i suppose i would only quantify it as "sexual" in the sense that i feel that same "heat" or "passion" i feel when i'm sexual....it's just that i'm feeling every other positive feeling in existence and beyond at the same time. it hasn't been able to "stand out" as yet....no pun intended...if that even qualifies as one.... ;)

i was just reading another thread where a brother informs us that the very smell of his spice pipe gives him a woodie... i will now go direct him to this thread...


No "hypersex" here, but definately a uniquely individual "soul-orgasm;" so much more than a genital orgasm or a body-orgasm (e.g. LSD).

Peace & Love,
Thanks everyone for the wonderful replies :d


Thanks a lot for your post. I also never thanked you for the lovely post on my mushroom/dmt exp thread so thanks for that as well :d
Yep its been a while since i did a pure DMT trip. I am not judging anyone but i'm the sort of person who has to be really up for some space travel. I have so much respect for the spice that somehow i feel i would be disrespecting it somehow. But that’s just me! As i wrote above i hoped that i would go back to the same place but had to be mentally ready if not. It really is that awesome. I never would have imagined that i would get to do it twice.

It seems many people who do DMT have a changed outlook on life. I don't know your friends/social group but i do not talk about my journeys to around 95% of my friends. I would just sound too crazy. Its a bit like aliens...you have to see to believe. And not many people want to take the journey as they are comfortable in the reality they live in. imo. That's why its so great to have the nexus and all you fine people!


Thanks for the post Brother. I just wanna say that i always look out for your posts when i'm in lurk mode. Much repect.

I just wanna add that i also feel that hypersex may be the wrong word. But as you say sex is about as close as i've come to that sort of felling...and TBH it still comes a way short. Its more a connection of souls as i don’t know i have a body until she enters me with her soul and my body starts twitching! Truly amazing! i remember opening my eyes and closing then again straight away and it was like a million fireworks going off or like a collision of stars...just how can you imagine this sort of stuff?

Skunkjar- Another ganja toker/grower i assume with the name? Thanks for the recommendation...will check it out!

embracethevoid- :lol:

I'm not sure how long it will be before my next pure dmt session. But i doubt it will be 5 months again..maybe the next full moon.. Take care all and safe travels, TPS :)
thepureskunk said:
I'm not sure how long it will be before my next pure dmt session. But i doubt it will be 5 months again..maybe the next full moon.. :)

Well its been more like 2 months!!

Tonight i did another dose around the 60-80mg mark. The spice was more white than previous journeys..

But that didn't matter!! I am BLESSED that i visit the same entity time and again. Tonight i could make out that i was in a huge fractual temple, when she came... It is a unison of souls and my body was twitching in pure pleasure as she did her thing...i can feel EVERY nerve ending is alive.. No crying this time as i am starting to handle the pure bliss that she gives. I cant explain why i don't do DMT more often when i have such mind blowing experiences...its just the way it is.

Much love to all and thanks for reading, tps :)
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