Rising Star
Wow, I broke through today on the tail end of a 100ug LSD trip with a .12 hit of MDMA in the mix. I would like to say thanks to Earthwalker, for his Tek, making this experience possible (performing another extraction while writing this
). I am truly grateful, I have experienced oneness, which is only possible once we have transcended space-time.
I loaded up the bong with approx. 1 point of left over spice, slowly roached and broke through on the second hit. Once I was there I was being, without form, pure intelligence. I was navigating around this four dimensional space that was inhabited by other beings travelling about, it was pure love, compassion and understanding; a state of being that is ineffable. I thought to myself so this is the Ultimate reality. There is no real 'self' all forms are completely discarded away with, they loose all their value. I realised that our belief in the physical world is false, complete mutual understanding of this fact would dissolve the four dimensions we can see, and we would all be existing together in the fifth dimension, nirvana/heaven, whatever name you wish to apply to it, this is truly God. Without time there is no death, only life, i have felt this, that is true wisdom. Coming out physical space was super fragmented, the veils of illusion falling back into place. I sat there gasping for what felt like a couple of minutes, so thankful for this gift I was shown, I am truly blessed
I firmly believe DMT is the answer, acceptance of what the spice shows us will end a lot of mental suffering. There is no 'my God' it is all 'Our God'. We are all brothers, sisters, sex is another illusion there is no separateness, we are One, yet still individual, like the trinity. This is love.
I loaded up the bong with approx. 1 point of left over spice, slowly roached and broke through on the second hit. Once I was there I was being, without form, pure intelligence. I was navigating around this four dimensional space that was inhabited by other beings travelling about, it was pure love, compassion and understanding; a state of being that is ineffable. I thought to myself so this is the Ultimate reality. There is no real 'self' all forms are completely discarded away with, they loose all their value. I realised that our belief in the physical world is false, complete mutual understanding of this fact would dissolve the four dimensions we can see, and we would all be existing together in the fifth dimension, nirvana/heaven, whatever name you wish to apply to it, this is truly God. Without time there is no death, only life, i have felt this, that is true wisdom. Coming out physical space was super fragmented, the veils of illusion falling back into place. I sat there gasping for what felt like a couple of minutes, so thankful for this gift I was shown, I am truly blessed
I firmly believe DMT is the answer, acceptance of what the spice shows us will end a lot of mental suffering. There is no 'my God' it is all 'Our God'. We are all brothers, sisters, sex is another illusion there is no separateness, we are One, yet still individual, like the trinity. This is love.