omegabrolly said:
Well I am using a glass pipe that i would assume was meant to smoke pot out of. I am puting the lighter about 2 inches away from the bottom to get the dmt to boil a little and then I take the biggest hit I can and keep it in for about 30-40 secondes.
Like previously said you should be getting 2 to 3 nice tokes.
The first time swim smoked it he had enough in his pipe for 2 to 3 hits but the spice vaporized and he watched it melt write through the screen of his pipe and swim was only able to get one hit,which brought on some minor visuals with a body vibration.
Second time swim bought a jet flame lighter (helps a lot) and using is bubbler glass pipe he layed down a fairly thick layer of parsley then put in the spice,then another thick layer of parsley to protect the spice from direct contact with the flame (you can also use ashes instead of parsley,i just think parsley takes away some of the bad taste).
One other thing to consider and you have probably already looked into it. If you are on any type of anti deppresent thats considered an SSRI,it can prevent any type of breakthrough experience.
Swims gfriend is on an ssri and the first time she smoked she did see some visuals but no where near the type of experience swim had and now her doc. has got her on some other type of ssri (evil drug) ans she took 3 huge tokes and no reaction at all.
Just make sure to get a jet flame lighter and pack as much parsley or ashes below and above the spice,swim usually puts more than he thinks he needs and keep the jet flame about a half an iinch away from the top layer of parsley,untill you start to feel the smoke come in and then just keep toking, you shouldnt need to re light it, it should stay lit between tokes. Good Luck