Gramps is fictional
Hey there kids, Gramps here. I didn't know about this website until I ran into another extractionist at a bar. We exchanged some stories and knowledge and he told me that I should come on here and join. I signed up a little while ago but was too busy reading all the wonderful information to even bother posting. You all seem like a great group of devoted, passionate people, and who wouldn't be once they have seen what we have seen? I have been an active member in the counter culture my whole adult life. I first heard about DMT some time around 2003, but hadn't tried it until new years morning of 2008. I was at a hotel in Philly, it was offered to me, and it really brought my acid trip into a beautiful realm. The next time I tried it, I got it from a lovely lady at Langerado Music Festival in '08 who I had never met. My friends and I had another awesome experience, and after that I would grab some at shows here and there whenever I came across it. A year later, 2000 miles away from the everglades where I first met the lovely lady, I randomly ran into her at a party here in the North East, where I am from. I thought, wow, what an amazing co-inkydink. We got to talking over a joint of chemdawg (still remember that batch) and she informed me that she had made the DMT she provided me with, and said it wasn't that hard. Well, that got the wheels turning and I started doing research, and I decided I would try the Noman's tek that I saw on erowid. I decided if I was going to risk it, I might as well go big, so I waited till I had a festival coming up, while ordering lye, 5 kilos of mimosa bark, and bought naptha and glass demijons at a wine making store. I successfully got about 20 grams out of my first pull, packed up my stuff, and took off for my festy while the bark soaked for the final pull when I got back. What a weekend it was! I bartered with my DMT all weekend and met some new friends, saw some old friends, and even had a few people tell me I changed their lives after I gave them a hit. I went home with all kinds of fun stuff too from the bartering! I was starting to think that this could be a fun way to travel next summer. I think DMT is important for the advancement of man kind. After doing my final pull, I got another 15 grams, so that means I got a total of 0.7% alkaloids. the only thing I regret is not getting the bark pre-powdered! What a pain in the ass this was with 5 kilos! I wish I had come across this forum sooner, because I would have used the citrus solvents I read about. I think my product came out pretty clean anyways, but why stink up your house with naptha and support petro-chem any more than we already do? As for my trips: No beings yet, but a lot of data that I can't decipher. Alphabets I'm not familiar with imprinted on geodesic shapes that are pulsating and breathing and spinning. I have flown through tunnels of pure light and love while being one with the light and the love myself. My thoughts on the DMT dimension: We all have a job to do there and a purpose that is different, just like here. The only difference is out there, your job finds you and it is much harder to exactly figure out what that job is. To be honest, I've only really really went into this realm fully a few times. At the right time in my life, I will do it more, but this is a drug that I have a lot of respect for, so I let these things come to me. Usually when I smoke it, I just do enough to get into a zen state without leaving my body, but that alone can be very enlightening and is sometimes all I'm looking for. I could write a few more pages on the stories I've gotten from the people I've given it to but I'll save it for another thread. thanks for having me here. I hope we can learn and grow together.