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I don't know anything for sure.

Migrated topic.
Welcome anapology.

Would you mind telling us a little bit about yourself? Your usage past and present as far as psychedelic/entheogenic substances go? What brings you here? Were you planning on working with DMT? Possible extraction/s in the future and what were you hoping to gain in being a member of this forum?

Hope you stay awhile :thumb_up:

Tattvamasi said:
Welcome anapology.

Would you mind telling us a little bit about yourself? Your usage past and present as far as psychedelic/entheogenic substances go? What brings you here? Were you planning on working with DMT? Possible extraction/s in the future and what were you hoping to gain in being a member of this forum?

Hope you stay awhile :thumb_up:


I believe it's paralell whispers reincarnation.
I think you should use your old user : ), your a worthy member for sure. dont get bullied away by bored folks who dont have compassion for your situation. I dont even get the mistake, they went overboard on you for no reason. its your life not theirs
:lol: what?

Don't be embarrassed! Upon entering I spent two hours finding all kinds of files all over the internet about DMT to educate new comers and Endlessness and this jerk, Uncle Knucles guy sent it to mod. to delete it all because I said DMT is produced by the pineal in REM sleep, and my initial impression of this site was that it was ruled by a bunch of snobs, sorry. You don't need to conceal your identity here any further than it already is, just don't take crap from art van dlay and you'll be fine, parallel whispers
I'll use my old account again once it's done being suspended. It kind of sucks I'm stuck as a new member now, and will be for a while even when I get the old account back.

I see what I did wrong, I endangered other people along with myself, I'm sure if I was the only person implicated in the situation, and there was no threat to the availability of dmt, then they probably wouldn't have cared so much, because it definitely is my life.

I respect their decisions really, and I did learn some things from my bashing and suspension, one of the most important being that I probably don't belong here, the spiritual aspect isn't as revered here as the exact science of the wonderful hormone, and alot of that "exact science" being developed is still very much in it's developmental stages.

Plus, if people are allowed to go around on the site, posting that they smoked two grams with a few friends in a not entirely safe situation, then soon people will be trying it, and eventually there will be people like "dude, today i so injected 760 mg of dmt while tripping on 30 hits of acid and a half ounce of shrooms, at the peak of the dmt trip I jumped off a cliff with a homemade glider consisting of construction paper, rulers and trash bags. I hit the ground and should have died but DMT SAVED ME. anybody can try this!"

I don't know how many people would end up replicating the above scenario, but I'm sure somebody would get around to it eventually.

I do think things got taken a little seriously, but most of the people bashing me hadn't taken the time to actually read my post, so that's a big part of the issue, absorption of misinformation, when the real information is right there in front of you.

I'll probably be back in the near future, hell, I'll probably still browse the forum for the duration of my suspension, I was just feeling rejected when I wrote the goodbye post. There are plenty of good people on the nexus, no need to argue with the elitists.

NOTE***: Please do NOT attempt to administer 30 hits of acid and half an ounce of shrooms to yourself, and then walk to a cliff and inject 760 milligrams of dmt into your bloodstream, and then try to jump off said cliff with a homemade hang glider made of unsturdy materials. This could be very dangerous, and there is a good possibility of personal injury.:***
I think you're taking this the wrong way parallel. Oftentimes caring comes in many different forms. The caring of a parent may be expressed as anger towards their child when they do something that puts them in a compromising situation. They're not angry because they don't love them. They're angry because they do love them, and want them to stay alive!

I for one did read your whole post. The two things that concerned me were that fact that you went out in public and used it and the fact that an unknown plant was smoked. You can say it was okay because it was four in the morning and there was no one around, but I feel like that's a risky situation to put yourself in. Smoking an unknown substance: risky.

We don't promote that sort of behavior around here. Bottom line. Is that elitist? I don't think so. This is a community and we have to think about it as a whole. We don't want negative public opinion. We have a responsibility as a community to promote safe use and mitigate any negative perceptions of DMT. I really don't see the argument here. We don't want to see anyone getting hurt and we don't want any heat brought onto this community.

No one is mad at you parallel. We just want you to come back from your journeys. Stop taking it so personally and move on. These are the rules of this forum. It is a voluntary community. If you don't agree with them then perhaps this isn't the place for you.

I do agree that perhaps some members were a little harsh in the manners they went about dealing with the situation, but like a concerned parent it's coming from a place of love.

I know that I'm new here but this community by and large is full of intelligent and helpful people, and I respect that and want to keep it that way. Respect is a two-way street.
zombicyckel said:
dont get bullied away by bored folks who dont have compassion for your situation. I dont even get the mistake, they went overboard on you for no reason. its your life not theirs

No. Bullying has nothing to do with that thread. Nor lack of compassion, nor judging people's life. Nor elitism.

It's very simple, it's been repeated a lot of times already. This place is meant for people to learn, share and stay safe. Irresponsibility is not endorsed, and no one should expect a pat in the back after reporting reckless behavior. We want this to be a reference spot, and the safety of one and all is the most important thing of the whole picture.

Parallelwhispers / anapology, you are perfectly able to understand this and I think you do. Just act accordingly, and it's alll cool, lesson learned. We all learn here. Avoid butthurt and juvenile reactions, I don't think you want that the conclusion people draws from your posts is "this guy needs to grow up".
thisformihold said:
I think you're taking this the wrong way parallel. Oftentimes caring comes in many different forms. The caring of a parent may be expressed as anger towards their child when they do something that puts them in a compromising situation. They're not angry because they don't love them. They're angry because they do love them, and want them to stay alive!

I for one did read your whole post. The two things that concerned me were that fact that you went out in public and used it and the fact that an unknown plant was smoked. You can say it was okay because it was four in the morning and there was no one around, but I feel like that's a risky situation to put yourself in. Smoking an unknown substance: risky.

We don't promote that sort of behavior around here. Bottom line. Is that elitist? I don't think so. This is a community and we have to think about it as a whole. We don't want negative public opinion. We have a responsibility as a community to promote safe use and mitigate any negative perceptions of DMT. I really don't see the argument here. We don't want to see anyone getting hurt and we don't want any heat brought onto this community.

No one is mad at you parallel. We just want you to come back from your journeys. Stop taking it so personally and move on. These are the rules of this forum. It is a voluntary community. If you don't agree with them then perhaps this isn't the place for you.

I do agree that perhaps some members were a little harsh in the manners they went about dealing with the situation, but like a concerned parent it's coming from a place of love.

I know that I'm new here but this community by and large is full of intelligent and helpful people, and I respect that and want to keep it that way. Respect is a two-way street.

I could tell who had really read the post and who had not, it really just offended me that most people weren't bothering to read more than the first paragraph of my post, and then commenting about all the things I did wrong, as they were trying to tell me I was wrong I was also being insulted while people were trying to tell me that I do not know things, and my conceptions are not valid, while theirs are.

I have written an apology letter to van d art, and I'm working on a better apology for the nexus community entirely, I wasn't trying to claim that going outside without a sitter or smoking an unknown plant without a sitter weren't entirely irresponsible actions, because they definitely were, I was trying to clarify the physical events of the situation to those that didn't understand what had happened because of someone suggesting that I had administered an entire 100 mg dose to someone who had never tried it before, when he really only smoked about 50 mg and had tried it several times before, just hadn't been to hyperspace, things like that.

Up until last night I've been nothing but respectful of the views and experiences of everyone on the nexus, We all perform dangerous actions all the time, simply talking about it here, ordering root bark, reading vague teks and playing with lye and heating up naptha, mixing drugs with yet unknown reactions, etc... but for the most part these things are encouraged to be carried out in the safest manner possible, without going out and buying tons of expensive lab stuffs.

one of the things that annoys me so much about being jumped on this time is it was really the title that I believe created most of the negativity, in a way saying "no you moron, it is not a party drug in any way." but I meant to reference the sort of jovial spiritual party experience I have when I'm not dosing alone.
I say this because I posted a similar thread about a month ago about when I smoked dmt alone and ran off into the woods. I was pretty heavily under the influence of dmt when that occurred, and I dosed again when I laid down near a tree and wanted to melt into the roots and disappear, or die, or whatever. I eventually came to my senses and realized that i probably wouldn't be able to disappear and went home.

I did it alone, therefore it was okay?
But when the jester suggests a journey, it is not okay, because that implicates me with the responsibility since it was my spice?

I'm not suggesting that either of these things were safe, it's just odd how the two were treated so differently. I wasn't taking completely uninformed people and giving them high doses of dmt and saying "fend for yourselves, I'm going to run across the street with the jester and grab some dangerous and poisonous plant material for us to smoke."

I was sharing my dmt with some people I happened to feel very comfortable with, who had all tried dmt in the past and had a fairly decent understanding of what it was and what it was capable of doing. I loaded up so much because we were going to be passing it, not because I ever expected people to ingest 100 mg doses.
What was really missing was a designated trip sitter, I designated myself and then negated the responsibility by taking a hit, which is where the situation could have seriously started going wrong, and I realized that upon taking the first hit, but I didn't stop because I figured "screw it, there's plenty of other sober folks here." and that was ultimately the most potentially fatal error, because with a proper trip sitter we would have never been walking around ouside picking unknown plants.

I'm glad you guys addressed the plant thing actually, because I didn't even stop to think how dangerous it could have been, not really even while I was writing the trip report, and I completely agree with everyone that that was a really really stupid idea, I could have killed myself and my friend when I packed that up, and waiting for cars before you cross the street is definitely a strange experience on dmt. I would definitely say it could be dangerous, I think I might be likely to forget why I'm waiting to cross a long strip of asphalt.

All in all I was stupid and irresponsible, there's no denying that, you were definitely right, I get it.

All my future trips will have a responsible and completely sober trip sitter. That should fix the danger problem.

I'd like to thank you for taking the time to read my post, as well as spending all that time to write down what you thought. Most of the members on the nexus seem to be much more knowledgeable than I am, I usually come here in search of validation or information.
:roll: Parallel whispers

You'll get a hang of it all. You sound young, This jester fellow you'll be surprised but, he's all in your head. Meaning you're subconscious has elaborated some character perhaps to compensate for past discrepensies or something , idk but the DMT wilderness is indeed wild, crawling snakes, mantis's and spiders. Expect to 'see' something different every time. But most importantly understand that this realm is yours.

You'll get into the habit, but I advise you to read people like C.G Jung, Terence mckenna, Carlos castaneda, James Joyce even, but don't take anything in hyperspace for granted. Besides the Jesters lived in castles to entertain kings and kingsman.

And whatever it is about feeling foolish... you'd be surprized that noone cares- you haven't proven yourself to be an idiot, but that you are self conscious. Weclome to the club. and I mean all of this in the best of ways.

We cool8)

Signed The Jarl
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