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I have a personal announcement concerning Changa

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello Nexians
I am finally going to make some Changaaaa

The mullein leaf tea bags just arrived. Talked to someone and heard the following ratio

.3g harmalas : 1g DMT : 1g mullein leaf.

can't wait!! Gonna see what this changa thing is all about soon snuff :)

I love changa! Your ratio seems to be a good one...some like it a bit heavier on the harmalas, but I usually go with 250-300mg harmalas per gram of DMT! Works wonders for me so yours should be wonderful too!

Good luck and let us know how it pans out for you!
Enjoy yourself thoroughly, sounds like a recipe for greatness! In addition, I cannot recommend oral harmalas in tandem with changa enough. If you haven't had the pleasure yet, give it a shot. Harmine extract in particular.
Oh really? Oral harmalas in tandem with smoalked Dmt is actually my bae. :)
HARMALAS HARMALAS HARMALAS (did i mention im in love harmalas?)
Im super excites you guys. I cant extract my harmalas until a few weeks, so if i drank rue tea, waited, and them
Smoked my enhanced leaf that would also be fine?
Changa vibes :)

I dried some mullein leaves once myself, and they were a tad harsh, so I began to think people do not use the leaves but rather the top sections?
Changa can be a powerfully energetic experience, and many people can get carried away... This is usually bad news for the honeymooner who is just using the drug out of boredom, which you've repeatedly confessed to me is the case.

Please take care of yourself, and consider your long-term health and mental well-being when using powerful drugs. This stuff is medicine, not a toy.
Hiyo Quicksilver said:
Changa can be a powerfully energetic experience, and many people can get carried away... This is usually bad news for the honeymooner who is just using the drug out of boredom, which you've repeatedly confessed to me is the case.

Please take care of yourself, and consider your long-term health and mental well-being when using powerful drugs. This stuff is medicine, not a toy.

Hi Hiyo,
Been yourself recently? I hope that if you have been going though tough times (have you, man?) that things will get better: you've been a little depressing recently.

Until we can get up to speed with each other, please don't waste your time sharing your opinions to me, as they are based on false impressions and I will simply ignore them.

To everyone else, thanks for the great vibes and stuff :)
DMT_Tom said:
Hiyo Quicksilver said:
Changa can be a powerfully energetic experience, and many people can get carried away... This is usually bad news for the honeymooner who is just using the drug out of boredom, which you've repeatedly confessed to me is the case.

Please take care of yourself, and consider your long-term health and mental well-being when using powerful drugs. This stuff is medicine, not a toy.

Hi Hiyo,
Been yourself recently? I hope that if you have been going though tough times (have you, man?) that things will get better: you've been a little depressing recently.

Until we can get up to speed with each other, please don't waste your time sharing your opinions to me, as they are based on false impressions and I will simply ignore them.

where does all this come from Tom ?

why such hostility ? and for what ?

hiyo is atleast kind enough to reply to this thread ,

a thread which is pure nonsense about nothing

: please nexians support quality threads not just dribble-drabble shit about nothing , don't reply to such threads and waste time and energy :
anon_003 said:
Enjoy yourself thoroughly, sounds like a recipe for greatness! In addition, I cannot recommend oral harmalas in tandem with changa enough. If you haven't had the pleasure yet, give it a shot. Harmine extract in particular.

Hello Sunshine, Can you elaborate a bit on usage of changa + oral harmalas ?
how much do you take and is it sub lingual ?

Firstly, I feel it is somewhat my duty to remind you to please use the search function to avoid the accumulation of useless threads. There has been much said about this topic already. Sorry if this is harsh, but it is an important tool that was made for this very reason. Please check it out in the future!!

Secondly, it really depends on what harmalas you have available. Almost all of my harmala experience is with Harmine HCl. I do have some experience with syrian rue seeds as well, but purified harmine HCl was just so superior that I don't believe that I will ever go back to the syrian rue.

With the harmine, I liked oral consumption the best. The taste of these alkaloids isn't bad, but it definitely isn't pleasant, so I disliked sublingual administration for mainly this reason. Also, it doesn't last nearly as long in my experience as oral administration and wasn't near as powerful. You may get a little more nausea with oral consumption but it just adds so much depth to the vaped DMT experience I feel that it is totally worth it. IME, with harmala dosages, I like to err on the side of a little more rather than a little less to make sure I get the full package. You can be sure that you are adequately dosed on the harmalas when you start getting weird effects with motion and tracers. It is a pretty unique sort of visual effect.

With that being said, sublingual administration will still potentiate and lengthen the spice journey and will do so with far less. Usually, about 50 mg sublingual worked out to be a consistently effective dosage. I'd wait about 15 minutes to vape the spice after sublingual administration.

Orally, I would usually take 250-300 mg of the Harmine HCl, and mix it into a shot glass filled with orange juice and a generous squirt of lemon or lime juice. Allegedly, from what ive read, the acidity will convert the HCl (maybe freebase too?) alkaloids into their citrate form. I am no chemist so I can't comment, all I know is that this concoction masks the bitterness of the harmalas pretty well and seems to help out with the nausea at least a little bit. Could all very well be psychological. Make sure you mix it up very well for a good 5 minutes or so, so that it is evenly distributed. With oral dosing, I usually wait about an hour to vape the spice. This seems to add a lot of allegory to the DMT, enhance the clarity of the visions, and lengthen the experience by a solid 5-10 minutes. What is really nice with this combination, especially with changa vs. straight spice, is that you can just keep vaping away and keep the experience going. Very similar to a shortened pharma experience, but way more visually active, IME.

Syrian rue, in my experience, was by far the least pleasurable way of taking harmalas. In both experiences, I ground up 4 grams of seeds the best I could, and then mixed them with orange juice and slammed it back as quickly as possible. There was significantly more nausea with the syrian rue; almost to the point of it not being worth the potentiation. I would strongly suggest either obtaining purified harmalas or ordering bulk syrian rue/caapi and performing a Manske.

Best of luck to you!

I would also like to agree with Jin. DMT_Tom, that post was so insanely rude that I don't really know how to react. The way you attacked Hiyo was completely uncalled for; he took the time to respond to your thread and give you valuable advice and how you treated him does not reflect the attitude we pride ourselves on at the Nexus. You are to treat everybody here with respect. Please refer to our Attitude section.
Thank you for the elaborate response. I take your point about searching the knowledge already existing in the community, which i do usually... but in this case it seemed to me relevant to the conversation... so i risked stating an obvious question. There is another level to it however, of communicating with other humans who seem to share this particular interest... and for that a knowledge base will not help. Hopefully i will be able to make some non trivial contribution myself one day :)
As to the subject... my harmala is pure harmine freebase and i assume it can be used in the same fashion as hcl... (if i done my reading correctly )

Thanks again,
Mono, don't be so hard on yourself brotha! With all of the different harmala alkaloids and different ROA, sometimes it can be tricky to find exactly the answer you are looking for. Just thought I'd spread the message of the search function; as a general shout out. There are SOOOO many duplicate threads it is crazy.

You would be correct in assuming the freebase can be used in the same manner as HCl. However, from what I understand, it reacts with the stomach rather violently and will lead to more nausea than if it were in other forms.

Check out this thread for details on how to convert your freebase to HCl, if you should feel so inclined. Rue extract: Freebase vs HCl, convert freebase to HCl? - First steps in Hyperspace - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus

Happy trails!
DMT_Tom said:
Hiyo Quicksilver said:
Changa can be a powerfully energetic experience, and many people can get carried away... This is usually bad news for the honeymooner who is just using the drug out of boredom, which you've repeatedly confessed to me is the case.

Please take care of yourself, and consider your long-term health and mental well-being when using powerful drugs. This stuff is medicine, not a toy.

Hi Hiyo,
Been yourself recently? I hope that if you have been going though tough times (have you, man?) that things will get better: you've been a little depressing recently.

Until we can get up to speed with each other, please don't waste your time sharing your opinions to me, as they are based on false impressions and I will simply ignore them.

To everyone else, thanks for the great vibes and stuff :)

That was completely out of order I have no idea where that spite came from and I cant even begin to discuss the connotations of the words themselves. The post was completely rational and not based on 'false impressions' what so ever if you felt hurt by his comments then you should ask yourself why..
anon_003 said:
details on how to convert your freebase to HCl,
anon_003 said:
orange juice and a generous squirt of lemon or lime juice. Allegedly, from what ive read, the acidity will convert the HCl (maybe freebase too?) alkaloids into their citrate form. I am no chemist so I can't comment, all I know is that this concoction masks the bitterness of the harmalas pretty well
One could just dissolve the harmine freebase along with a pinch of citric acid when dosing orally. Then you've still got freebase for changa. Whatever, the upshot is you have a solution with protonated harmine, citrate and - if using harmine HCl - chloride, ions.

Also I'm thinking bitterness + orange = marmalade! (Rather like back-extracting limonene with citric acid solution to yield a marmalade-style DMT citrate. Bon appetit.) People should just man [sic] up and embrace those bitter flavours. It's good for you.
YEah tom that wasnt called for, and if you did think he was in the wrong basing an opinion off false impressions, there are much kinder ways you could have got that message across. and if he was indeed a friend going through tough times, you just kicked the dagger further in the chest rather than helping a brother.

Meditate on that before you do your changa
I don't think it's worth beating a dead horse, here... The substances in question generally have a way of insisting that certain lessons be learned before delivering the goods; They're certainly much better at teaching those lessons than we are with our little words.

Thanks for the affirmation and all, but let's not steer this thread off course; I've already chosen not to dignify certain comments with a response. No need to argue where it can be avoided. 😉

"You are precisely as big as what you love and precisely as small as what you allow to annoy you." - Robert Anton Wilson
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