Rising Star
First I would like to say thank you to the traveler for putting this site together. I'm very happy to be able to have other people to talk to about DMT. It all started for me when a friend of a friend told me about DMT and as soon as I knew the basics about it I knew I had to try it. so i got half a gram of some yellow crystals from my friends friend and sat down for a session with one of my best friends. We knew you were supposed to weigh the dose but our cheap scale wasn't working right so we dicked around with it for hours trying to build up the nerve to smoke this stuff until I finally just put a bunch of DMT in the pipe and smoked it. After one toke I knew right away that this stuff could never hurt me so I proceeded to smoke it all night.First I saw fractals and eyeballs floating all around me and I knew that I had just opened my third eye. at one point my perspective shifted and I could see myself sitting on the couch and saw a ball of light that I knew to be my soul leave my body and float up into this river of vibrational energy and when my soul entered this energy I had a sense of peace.. of understanding where you go when you die , that's the only way I can describe it. when I came around I started writing on a piece of paper ' we are all part of the same one thing ' 'not just life but everything' over and over again in a trance like state and that's when life changed for me. I now had a spiritual belief with a real foundation, a real experience. So since then I continue to explore deeper and understand more about this universe through DMT and I love every minute of it. Love you all ~ Namaste