Rising Star
Hello all. I have recently been introduced into the psychedelic world, and might i just say it has been everything I have ever been looking for. I smoked here and there for a while and i was addicted to DXM for a while (i do realize that its not that addictive but i was trying to cope with alot i had on my plate at the time.) but one day i come home from college and meet a new group of people who i had actually been around my high school career just never took the time to see what those hippies wanted but then a life changing moment happend.... shrooms, and plenty of them. i never felt more down to earth or peaceful as i did then. ive recently been doing alot of research and reading up on alot of other tripements and came across this website and felt that i needed to be apart of this community as i learn and grow as a more enlightened and spiritual person
well thats me in a nutshell. i would love to hear your trip stories and other more 60's oriented stuff like that. sadly i was born in the wrong era... '93 too young to be a 90's kid, too old to be a 2000 kid. what the hell am i? i dont even know.... anyways i appreciate you reading this whoever you may be.
stay gold.

stay gold.