hey everyone, first a huge thanks to everyone for sharing such valuable info! made my first STB a complete breeze. except for the lye i got stuck to my face next to my eye. :roll: no biggie but obviously could've been. at least i learnt from it. my face will be covered next time.
this site has really impressed me not only with the incredible info but also the attitude toward noobs. alot of individuals and whole forums don't like to share their info with anyone let alone noobskis and you may remain a noob for years in some peoples eyes. my hat is off to all of you. well done on creating a highly successful forum and forum enviroment.
my main interest is cacti, other ethnos and bonsai.
anyways i have my first appointment with dr dimitri. i'm hoping it will help "de-frag" my system. been feeling a bit fragmented lately and the signs pointed towards dimitri.
wish me luck!
this site has really impressed me not only with the incredible info but also the attitude toward noobs. alot of individuals and whole forums don't like to share their info with anyone let alone noobskis and you may remain a noob for years in some peoples eyes. my hat is off to all of you. well done on creating a highly successful forum and forum enviroment.
my main interest is cacti, other ethnos and bonsai.
anyways i have my first appointment with dr dimitri. i'm hoping it will help "de-frag" my system. been feeling a bit fragmented lately and the signs pointed towards dimitri.
wish me luck!