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I would like to hear what you think

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
So, ,my experience up untill this point in life (32yrs),i have done more LSD than i can remember,along with mushrooms and many,many other narcotics.

My life took another route and i abstained from psychedelics for about 10yrs untill i found this forum along w/another. I alway's wanted to try DMT (since i read "true hallucinations" in 1992) and i have slowly been incorperating ethneogens back into my life. :d

Swims experience w/ the molecule has been without any maoi's but a friend recently whipped me up a bunch of rue freebase and i also have some Thh and harmine freebase on it's way, which leaves me w/ most of the major alks that exist in aya (the last i wont mention).

My outlook on psychedelics and ethneogens have changed since i was a young lad and i have more respect for them as tool, that should not be taken lightly and dangers do exist.

My main concern is of stories that i've read through credible sources stating that people have damaged themselves spiritually having consumed aya w/out an experienced curandero present to guide the experience, so that the plant can teach.

Most of what i've read of some different experiences of people who had blocked their heart chakra and needed further healing due to "inpropper" ayahuasca use.

I've have been invited to sit w/ a curandero but that wont happen untill later this yr.

I'm planning on trying fumahuasca and am eager to do so.

My plans are to go out on the beach at night w/ a friend (less experienced than i)but part of me is wondering if mabey my first aya experience should be w/ a true ayahuascero.

Dont get me wrong 10 -15 minutes of hyperspace is awe inspiring and i only want to potentiate that but still i'm a little nervous.

I'm sure there are people here who have experience w/ aya that didnt have a curandero at their side and i guess i just want to hear people thoughts on the subject.
Go at your own pace. Do what you feel is right. Sometimes its better to learn how to swim before you just jump into the deep end. (😉 I mean swim as a verb)

Personally, I would think if you were ready to move onto pharamahuasca, you should just be comfortable with the DMT experience, and have a general idea what to expect (which is almost impossible to fathom with DMT).

I think if you're ready for true, deep spritual guidance and use ayahuasca in the right manner, it will treat you well. Treat it with all the respect you can give, be ready for anything, keep your mind open and explore.

Almost always, when things go horribly wrong, you will always learn more from that experience than a glowing one. While a glowing one may seem more healing at the time, a negative one can teach you things you may have never known, or have always known but have been too oblivious to truely consider.
An experienced guide is always a plus. The first time SWIM did 2c-b, he did it with an experienced sober friend to guide him. The experience wold have been difficult and confusing with out that friend. Now since then he use it on his own and has since guided others through it. I personally don't believe you NEED a guide but be prepared. Have somethings that you can feed your soul and spirit with while venturing the other realms. Deeps existential or spiritual questions. Be in the place that relaxes you the most. Know what you expect, it'll make the experience much easier. Although I'm already sure you know all of this. I personally believe the most important thing is not to EXPECT anything and stimulate any psychedelic effects you can. SWIM recently tried LSA. The only guide he had was the research he had done and trip reports he had read. By hour 2 1/2 of no visual effects he almost gave up but then realized the psychedelic effects that were happening and fed those. After the purge the full visual and psychedelic effects set in. Knowing the drug and that it could take up to about 4 hours for full effects to be realized kept SWIM on track. He is sure that if he gave up no effects would have came. Luckily he had experience enough to feed what initially came, the psychedelic effects.
I would say go for it on your own if you are comfortable with taking psychedelics by yourself. I have always only done psychedelics alone as a tool for self exploration. My initiation into the world of DMT was a self administered, large dose of Mimosa-Chali-Viridis-Nightshade-Savlia-Amanita-Rue Ayahuasca and it was the most enlightening experience I have ever had, saved my life truly. I had studied the brew for years before obtaining the materials, and being a poor student with no means of (or intention to) accessing a shaman I decided to act as my own shaman.

The experience was terrifying, beautiful, cathartic, mind shattering, magical and purifying. With previous experience with heavy psychedelic trips I was somewhat prepared to deal with the dimensional shift although nothing can truly prepare you (cliche but it's true). I would recommend this to anyone who has self-confidence issues as I gained a new found respect for myself by enduring this harrowing event.

My advice to you would be to go into the experience with a defined intention of what you like to gain from the experience, I believe that the experience is directable. I went into my experience with the intention of releasing past emotional burdens and this is exactly what occurred, with the help of a few fifth-dimensional Reptilian beings ;), and so so much more. I think that having a conscious idea of what you would like to know, change, create, whatever, will help to let the experience teach you something you want to find out.
My advice to you would be to go into the experience with a defined intention of what you like to gain from the experience

Excellent advise. I do this every time before ingesting Ayahuasca. It certainly sets one up for some major healing. Many people take aya without access to a currandero without damaging themselves.

Always follow your intuition. If you feel you should wait, you should.
Thank you guys for all your input.

I know what my intentions are, which also has to do w/ past emotional burdens (i guess confronting that may be part of the fear).

My first experience w/ spice was truly a humbling experience and now that i've become more comfortable with it, i want to bring more out of the experience, which i think aya or pharma will help with.

So once again thank you for all you feedback.

SWIM feels that having someone present distracts him from truly giving in to the aya experience (would be a great tool if wanting to connect w/ someone though). He would definitely not want some crazy shaman chanting weird shit around him. If you think you need someone there to baby you, it could mean that you are not ready to let go on your own.
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