SWOM< someone who IS me> and a friend did a experiment with a icaro on you tube from don marcial. And a big difference was noticed in the experience with regular music. My friend told of a universe opening up with floating snakes and a lot of other stuff he forgot about. But he tought it was different experience. Could feel a sort of healing property. Realizing he was part of the"ritme of everything". I think this is worth experimenting with. I participated in 2 ayahuasca ceremonies an was a sceptical beliver of the icaro's. But i also noticed a very physical interaction ... From that moment on i know what is meant by a healing.... different icaro's with different properties.. Soon another experiment... I have to proces the last 2 experiences.... 1 was total blisss and awe..... the other was very difficult < for the first time> It was like a warning trip to respect or something like that... there was a lot love though and afterwards a very positive experience. I was already beginning to wonder if dmt is oonly bliss and awe and no learning from difficult experiences..... but no... there it was ... happily ever after.. rgrds