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[ICEERS] Scientific Study: Iboga Analysis

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Rising Star
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OG Pioneer
Source: ICEERS
Publication date: July 6th, 2013

Updates about the iboga analysis study

Motivation of the study

Due to the increased popularity of ibogaine and iboga extracts, more and more vendors offer root bark, iboga extracts and ibogaine hydrochloride through the Internet. Both the origin of these materials and chemical processing conditions, such as product purity and their possible contaminants are often unknown, which may cause additional risk in the use of these materials.

ICEERS initiated a scientific and risk reduction initiative in collaboration with the biomedical research center IMIM and Energy Control (ABD), both based in Barcelona, for which we collected samples of iboga materials, and are analyzing them using a process called High Performance Liquid Chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS-MS) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) to obtain data on the alkaloid content, purity and potential contaminants.

Objectives of the study

1. Increase objective information on the quality and composition of iboga samples that are currently available on the market.
2. Encourage the participation of the network of people, groups and treatment providers who work with iboga with this project with the objective of risk reduction.
3. Warn the public on Iboga samples that are potentially dangerous, containing contaminants or have abnormal alkaloid contents, to reduce health problems.

Ibogaine treatment providers and people who have purchased a product of iboga send us a small sample (25mg-100mg) for analysis.

Additional data collected:

- Type of material (root bark, iboga extract, HCL)
- Source (e.g. company, vendor, country, etc..)
- The expected product purity (e.g. 85% Ibogaine)
- any information about abnormal effects experienced, potency, etc.
- Any information considered relevant.


The study began in January 2013. We have completed the first phase (sample collection),
and analysis through GC/MS. We are waiting to receive reference standards of ibogaine, voacangine and ibogamine for the analysis with the HPLC-MS-MS to be able to precisely quantify the alkaloids.

Project Update 1 (April 2013)

Project Update 2 (June 2013)

Please refer to the original link for contact and queries.
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