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identifying DMT N-Oxide

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
OG Pioneer
Hi there, From what somone said to me on another thread;
I think I have about 100 - 200mls of DMT N-oxide sitting
in a glass pyrex dish. I just plain will NOT evaporate.

Also, It won't freeze percipitate particularly well (very
few crystals, very difficult to dry once again)

does anyone think this yellowish coloured liquid is DMT

I have had the mimosa stock sitting in ph13 NaOH solution
for months and months and months, all my extractions now
yeild only this liquid and no freebase.

If so, could u link me a tek for converting it back to
DMT Freebase?
Yes, that sounds like a possiblity. Depending on the your bark source, it's also possible you got stem bark instead of rootbark (I know JLF sells this), which could also cause a yellow oil and little else to extract.

also, I know that this is good bark because i've had DMT Freebase from it before;
but over the months the yeilds got smaller and smaller. I figured it was because
i'd had it all, but I put my largest count at about 4.5g and out of a theoretical,
pessimistic 9g (going for 0.60% DMT by weight) I should still have about the same
again to extract. but nothing.

also, i've heard some sources quote 1 - 2% for good, purple inner root bark. which
is what I ordered. (from a favourite source for us UK heads; i've heard it
cited all over as the best by those in the know.)
DMT N-Oxide is a yellowish oil, sometimes sort of fatty and gooey looking. SWIM has specifically made it by mixing pure white DMT with 30% hydrogen peroxide and alcohol. He then evaporated it and it formed yellow sticky goo that would not crystallize. It smells very similar to DMT but the smell is stronger.

SWIM adds 10 parts calcium carbonate to one part DMT N-Oxide. This keeps it dry and powdery, instead of oily and gooey. This way it can be easily measured and smoked. SWIM found the effects seem to be a little weaker and longer lasting than DMT, but he’s not sure about this. More tests need to be performed. SWIM is out of DMT at the moment.
judging by that, swim feels that its probably somekind of neusance naptha,
it doesnt' seem to want to shift its oiley behind.
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