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Im getting ready to make some more DMT after some time, thoughts on this glasbottle to make STB in?

This bottle could definitely work, just keep in mind what kind of cap it has, and if it's of a material that can't withstand the basic solution you'll most likely have sloshing in there. You can check a comparison for corrosion resistance of different plastic types on the internet. One such source - Plastics: Chemical Resistance

And if you haven't, I'd strongly recommend reading through our Wiki, and more specifically the Extraction Safety Guidelines.
hard to say about the structural integrity of that bottle on a pic like that.
Mind that 850 bark at once is a big amount (consequently not promoted on this site) thus so is the mechanical stress on the bottle.
The large amount of volume increases the mishap potential if that should happen, hopefully not.
Perhaps I'm over concerned...
The bottle is thick glas, used when fermenting different alcohol stuff.. But yes, the cap, i did´nt think of that. I´ll have to reasearch so i can close it if i decide to use it.

Such a large scale extraction is slightly terrifying to me. That is a LOT of lye and a (literally) explosive amount of solvent. If you really plan to use that bottle, I hope you have some good stainless steel funnels, a lot of long glass pippettes and a boatload of patience.

For the record, we have a highly respected bench analytical chemist here, @benzyme, who has confirmed more than once that smaller extractions consistently give larger percentage yields. Apparently with smaller extractions the NPS can react with more surface area of the base solution or something like that. It has certainly been borne out in my work. My 100 gram bark extractions give less percentage DMT return than my 30 and 50 gram extractions.

I sincerely hope this extraction will be done outdoors, with 100% sober helpers, wearing protective gear, with fire extinguishers and gallons of vinegar on hand at a minimum.

This whole thread is making me feel like a nervous old woman. If something goes wrong, do I need to say it? Your life as you know it will end. You will wind up loosing everything, in jail, chained to a bed in a burn ward or whatever. In addition it would bring bad press down on our beloved molecule.

Please, I beg you, be very safe, and maybe consider doing a series of smaller extractions . . . .
Especially thinking of how you want to use this bottle as you have to shake or roll it in a figure out from top to bottom. I'd seriously advice to do small extractions (or work with adequate tools for extractions this size). Any commercial extractions are frowned upon here.
I agree with everything that has been said.

1.- The bottle is not really good because of the cap. You should use borosillicate glassware.
2.- An StB needs a fairly large ratio of water to MHRB. 850g of grounded bark will probably need something around 10-12 liters of water. This is not nearly enough. Emulsion will happen.
3.- Dangerous. Lots of lye, lots of solvent.

Find another bottle (borosillicate media bottle, preferably), and work in batches. Like Pandora said, smaller extractions provide higher yields, consistently. My numbers also corroborate this.
I took everything you all said in consideration and decided to break down the 850gr MH powder down to ~212gr in four 3-liter bottles instead. And yes, i have protective gear, a ventilated area and have some experience, done this about 20 times in the last 6 years or so.

The reason i asked to do everything at once in one big bottle was because i hate doing the pull/freeze step from all four containers multiple times to get everything out. I really want a solution for extracting 800gr-1kg mimosa at one time, minimum equipment and supplies. Just using one big bottle with all powder and be done with it. I dont mind doing a few pulls, but 4-5 pulls from 4 bottles with 200gr in each is time consuming if you wanna do it with love.

And i would love not to use NaOh, especially with these volumes.. Right now im working with 12 liter highly toxic water, ofc i would wanna use a different method.. But in some countries not everything is as easy to find as in some places. Please feel welcome to help out with some tips of thoughts

Such a large scale extraction is slightly terrifying to me. That is a LOT of lye and a (literally) explosive amount of solvent. If you really plan to use that bottle, I hope you have some good stainless steel funnels, a lot of long glass pippettes and a boatload of patience.

For the record, we have a highly respected bench analytical chemist here, @benzyme, who has confirmed more than once that smaller extractions consistently give larger percentage yields. Apparently with smaller extractions the NPS can react with more surface area of the base solution or something like that. It has certainly been borne out in my work. My 100 gram bark extractions give less percentage DMT return than my 30 and 50 gram extractions.

I sincerely hope this extraction will be done outdoors, with 100% sober helpers, wearing protective gear, with fire extinguishers and gallons of vinegar on hand at a minimum.

This whole thread is making me feel like a nervous old woman. If something goes wrong, do I need to say it? Your life as you know it will end. You will wind up loosing everything, in jail, chained to a bed in a burn ward or whatever. In addition it would bring bad press down on our beloved molecule.

Please, I beg you, be very safe, and maybe consider doing a series of smaller extractions . . . .

What tek would you recommend when extracting 850gr MH with as few pulls as possible, and pref with inexpensive equipment and non-toxic chemicals? I don´t mind mixing a few 3 Liters jars with a MH brew and leave it there for 1-2 weeks if thats gonna produce more of the good stuff with like 2 pulls or something
We wouldn't recommend any for that much, that's what we would call a commercial amount. As Pandora said that's not something we encourage at nexus. You have potential for 17g to be recovered. Maybe reread the attitude page.
Whatever you do, take harm reduction very seriously.

Good, expensive glassware will last much longer and be much safer for the long run (penny's wise, pound foolishly). Borosilica glass wins the price for buck with the ultimate grade, make sure you get the reliable good ones. @Transform and @benzyme are a few to ask for really good bang for the buck. I myself LOVE the Erlenmeyer versions.

Also wear that protection gear and perform it all in a safe place (like a bath tube with great fresh air ventilation in that place. When something goes wrong add the vinegar and carefully flush the tub.

And remember: only 1 set of eyes, fully enclosing eye-goggle saved me more than once! They are cheap, so no reason to not get them. 🫣

Don't breath the air in when you add the NaOH, it's very toxic to the lungs.

Then to the next part: no commercial amounts of extraction is allowed here. 500g is already over the boundary for example. This is not the place to do an easy, dangerous, extraction for selling. 🤨

Familiarize yourself with the process, understand where it came from, remember the people with flash burns or worse, and never be that fool. Lots of work have been done here to help you do a safe extraction, so please take it to heard.

Also make sure that no pets are nearby, stories of pets being (accidentally) killed during an extraction are heartbreaking.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
If you dont enjoy the pulling side of the process change tek. For exanple the DP-TEK on mintylove;s website only requires 2 pulls performed back to back. Sceptical as I was I tested this and still do occasionally by doing a 3rd pull just to check , and I have yet to pull any significant amount.
That's most teks dmtzepi, most won't require more than 2 pulls technically speaking, and there's been many discussions and threads on optimal pulls on nexus over the years. I can't find DP-TEK but I would wager it's nothing new. And the author seems a bit of a hypocrite from his website in regards to stance on weed vs dmt. Also some of his claims i.e salt forms not being smokeable are likely wrong with latest nexus developments and data.
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