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i'm just looking.

just mark

Rising Star
Hello: i registered here several days ago and looked around awhile before making a post. i'm not a user of dmt or any psychedelic substances. i used to smoke a fair amount of herb, but that was many years ago. i have no experience with lsd or mushrooms. i did some speed, painkillers and a whole lot of alochol in times past, but am pretty much drug free these days.

i am mostly interested in dmt as a social and spiritual phenomenon. i have observed that there is a steep curve of new posts here at this site over the past 3-4 months, as well as new comments on videos on youtube, so i'm sure there is a new "movement" of some kind going on here and i want to watch it.
hi, Obliguhl. no, i'm not a journalist or any other type of professional. i'm just interested in social movements - how large groups of people change simultaneously at certain points in time. for instance, i'm really interested in the 1960's in the USA. when the beatles played on the ed sullivan show (i was 6 at the time)in february of 1964, it seems like the entire western world went through a seismic shift of some kind or another. (but that's just how i see it: many folks have disagreed witrh me about it). for whatever reasons, it interests me to pay attention to such events. and i feel that it is possible dmt or some substance is in the process of kicking off something... i don't know what.

the videos i'm referring to are primarily those of and about terence mckenna. he was an interesting person, for sure.
Welcome just mark to the DMT NEXUS!

While you observe and find what youve come for, I highly recommend talking to some of the members here. Youl find that most all them are friendly and have a lot interesting to say. :] Have a good one!
So you came to be a witness to the gathering of the tribe, eh? ;)

In this game, there are no outside observers... If you are here on Earth at this time, if you found the Nexus at this time, then you are already deep in it, brother, whatever it may be. :)

(Disclaimer: I have a knack for epic stories of the grandiose kind.)
cellux said:
So you came to be a witness to the gathering of the tribe, eh? ;)

In this game, there are no outside observers... If you are here on Earth at this time, if you found the Nexus at this time, then you are already deep in it, brother, whatever it may be. :)

(Disclaimer: I have a knack for epic stories of the grandiose kind.)

yes, i do kind of feel that way. i don't intend to partake of any substances, but it's definetly influenced my thinking alittle bit - i was watching the recent "alice in wonderland" movie with my kids and kept thinking that it was a pure trip movie.

i'm interested in seeing if awareness of dmt makes a jump into the mainstream.
Hey Mark!
You just hit bingo with what you have said about Lewis Carrol´s based movie. It is the most well known and widelly accepted trip report (it is considered a children´s story) :D Have you read the book? The most flaggering part is that one of the caterpillar, on top of the amanita, smoking a sisha... And better of all it is the most wise character in the all book! Priceless :p

i'm interested in seeing if awareness of dmt makes a jump into the mainstream.
Humm about this i am also interested but i think there is a lot of ppl that are just not that interested in raising their awareness, unfortunatelly. And also unfortunatelly some ppl just like to play around with theese teacher plants, not giving them the respect and devotion they deserve.
Anyway and back to the point:
Nice to meet u and hope u find whatever it is you are looking for =)
"Humm about this i am also interested but i think there is a lot of ppl that are just not that interested in raising their awareness"

i know this is basically true, Rigel. but when i read about the 60's, there was a huge move of psychedelic use then and it did alter conciousness, even among people who never used the drug. music, fashion, sexuality and damn near everything else shifted to some degree in those days. of course, alot of that stuff would have happened (MAYBE) without the drug thing. so beings as there has already been one big popular hallucenogenic drug move in american society, there could be another.

the 60's were such an incredible time. the more i study them, the wilder and weirder it gets!

edited to add: if anybody wants to get a sense of the overall "wildness" of the 60's, i highly recommend the book "Nixonland".
welcome :) yup alice in wonderland heheheh definitely a trip report! as is the wizard of oz ..jack and the beanstalk and many other 'childrens' tales.......even holy books like the bible are laced with trip reports although many don't recognize it as being so..
Hi, Y'all! i'm now making a post or 2 just to get my numbers up, i assume that after a certain amount of posts i can post in other parts of the forum?

it's interesting to note that i haven't posted in this thread since about the middle of july and i found it on the 6th page back - if something like 90% of those newer threads are new users, new members, i think that represents alot of new discoverors of dmt.

as i said earlier, i'm not a user, i'm an observer. i first became aware of dmt from daniel pinchbeck's "breaking open the head" about 2 yrs ago. since then, i've been watching to see if a movement is growing and it definetly is, no doubt about it at all. i wonder if anybody else here has read that book?
just mark said:
Hi, Y'all! i'm now making a post or 2 just to get my numbers up, i assume that after a certain amount of posts i can post in other parts of the forum?

it's interesting to note that i haven't posted in this thread since about the middle of july and i found it on the 6th page back - if something like 90% of those newer threads are new users, new members, i think that represents alot of new discoverors of dmt.

as i said earlier, i'm not a user, i'm an observer. i first became aware of dmt from daniel pinchbeck's "breaking open the head" about 2 yrs ago. since then, i've been watching to see if a movement is growing and it definetly is, no doubt about it at all. i wonder if anybody else here has read that book?

I'm not sure that I understand. Are you saying you want awareness DMT to become mainstream? If so, why?

In regard to the counterculture in the 60's, I think it was just that--a counter-culture. (not that I was alive). I think that LSD use probably catalized but by not means initiated the cultural shift that occured. IMHO the counter culture was already there. (although I wasn't there so what do I know)
just mark said:
Hi, Y'all! i'm now making a post or 2 just to get my numbers up, i assume that after a certain amount of posts i can post in other parts of the forum?
Nope, post count has absolutely nothing to do with member promotion. You will be promoted when the moderators feel that you have shown yourself to be a contributing member who fits in with the Nexus vibe/attitude and are not a troll, immature poster, reckless substance abuser, etc. Some people get promoted after a few well-placed posts, others tend to linger in the nursery for ages. Promotion is decided on a case by case basis pertaining directly to how the potential member fits in with and contributes to the community.

welcome to the Nexus :d

"I'm not sure that I understand. Are you saying you want awareness DMT to become mainstream? If so, why?"

Mogascreeta: i am neither for nor against mainstream awareness. i am watching to see if it happens. my motives are not really much more than curiosity. i myself do not promote spice use or awareness, i'm just watching to see if anyone around me becomes aware of it. one of my interests in life is mass culutral movements, how they start, what changes they bring. i am curious to see if DMT brings another psychedelic move as LSD once did.

Snozzleberry, thank you for the info.
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