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I'm on a journey

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Esteemed member
Smoking Rue Changa was always a singular event, filled with truly staggering visuals.

Now I only smoke Vine changa and I genuinely believe that I'm on a course or a journey.

From my first experience with Vine Changa when Aya showed herself to me and I then felt her looking into my head, checking me out. I knew this was another level.

Since then I had a period of conversing with her. A period of say 3 months? I wish I would have logged dates.

Then I entered a different period where I had an energy awakening and different vibratory happenings .

I then had a period of deep meditation, thinking on deep levels, as if they are layers within myself and I would go about 3 levels down.

Recently I was at a period where I can feel physical effects. I don't want to say "Body-Load"
Earlier today I lay there Changered up, blind folded.
I could feel a light warm pressure, the same size area of a hand, on my thigh, it moved slowly up to my chest, so slowly that I could not feel its progression.
I have also had these feelings in my back and in my face.

Over the past 4 experiences I've found my 2 middle fingers on each hand coming into my palms, as if I'm Spiderman trying to shoot webs :roll: . It feels so good and I cant stop it.
Add a few other world breakthroughs into the mix, Alien technologies and being taken into the future.
I feel certain that I am on a journey or a course of treatment or learning.
I can only assume this is being guided or produced by Aya?
Where it is going or what is the point I don't know but I am excited and honoured to find out.
Just thought I'd share and give you some thing to read :love:
Nice read DeltaSpice.

It does feel like a journey regardless of ROA. I have felt strange body sensations while under the influence though I hesitate to call them strange, just different maybe. After my very first month of doing dmt I now out of the blue have the sensation of someone or something dragging a spiders web across my face from left to right. This happens while completely sober and had never happened before dmt. It's happened since and frequently. Not saying it's because of dmt, it's just the connection I have made. It doesn't bother me at all just a little out of the ordinary and when it happens I just think to myself they are wanting me to come in and play, lol.

Anyway good luck on your journey of enlightenment :thumb_up:

Thanks Spaced.
Do you mean a single thread of web or an entire web.

I used to get the sensation of some thing touch my face underneath my left eye , that was whilst under the influence of changa.

I figured it was just a nerve type thing either that or an Alien acting the goat :roll:
It would be a whole web across the face but even that is a terrible analogy, very hard to explain. It's very subtle but very noticeable on another note. Like a breeze from an almost inaubible whisper but with the an inner feeling like the beginnings of a cold chill rearing up. 3-5 seconds to traverse my whole face from left to right. It started after my first batch of freebase but now I do more changa, I love me some changa.:twisted:

It took about a month or a little more to work the courage up to a breakthrough dose, after the breakthrough (while totally sobered up) is when I noticed it and has persisted to now, that's been awhile. At first I just thought it might of been some weird after effect now I don't know what it is other than odd, lol. I don't feel concerned about it in the least.
Thanks for the post, DeltaSpice. I feel like my life is more of a journey after smoking changa over the years. My trips definitely encourage a healthy path and the messages are usually loud and clear. Spice definitely works its magic even when its been weeks or months since smoking.

Spaced Out 2, I get that spider web feeling while under the influence of DMT, but never sober. Most of the time its across my face and in my mouth. So much so that I try to take it off my tongue and face because it feels so realistic!
DoingKermit said:
Spaced Out 2, I get that spider web feeling while under the influence of DMT, but never sober. Most of the time its across my face and in my mouth. So much so that I try to take it off my young and face because it feels so realistic!

Well walking through the woods today I got face fulls of webs, man the spiders have been busy. I know what you mean though DK, I would expect that maybe under the influence, but being sober is what is odd, and most the time it's while I'm relaxing so maybe that has something to do with it I don't know :?:

Delta, yeah I'm like that now, I don't try for a breakthrough it just happens when it happens. I was speaking of when I was a newb with spice. I achieved getting to the threshold several times which is reminiscent of my avatar but more vibrant red and oranges and rotating, it was the same thing every time and seemed like I was underground in a city sized room and that thing was huge and rotating. It wasn't until I popped past that thing I started having the weird face sensations.
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